Venus is the planet of aesthetic beauty, balance, peace, fairness, and justice.  For each of those qualities to be assessed, they require objectivity and contrasts – there needs to be two things/parties to balance in order to know if balance has been achieved.

Pluto is the body that represents power and influence.  Also known as “the great destroyer”, Pluto clears out what no longer serves you well.  However, when in conjunction with Venus, it can help clear away the negatives so you can see the positives that exist in matters at hand.

This conjunction (exact at at 1:21p PST) occurs in the sign of Capricorn, which represents goals, achievements, accomplishments, and status (professional, public, career, and/or social).  This means that the conjunction will bring attention to the focus, discipline, responsibility, and ultimately, the success of the parties involved.   With Venus bringing partnership energy into the mix, this Venus-Pluto conjunction in Capricorn helps clear away the clutter and gives you an opportunity to look at your partnerships and connections to notice which ones really produce positive results and success for you.  Consider the following questions:

  • Which people do you get things done with?
  • Which people help you stay focused and disciplined when it comes to achieving your goals or your desired results?
  • Which people help propel you forward and upward on your life’s journey?

Yet this conjunction is not the only transit that Venus and Pluto in Capricorn are involved with on this Friday, November 15th, 2013.  The second is a bit more challenging as the conjunction also squares Uranus Retrograde in Aries about 3.5 hours later at 4:55p PST, creating a configuration called a conjuncted square .  Not only will you get to look at your partnerships for what you accomplish together, you also get to look at them for what they empower you to do on your own.  This can be confronting for your partners (or for you if you prefer to be in partnership) because you may be challenged to look at how your one-on-one relationships may help or hinder your individual self-expression.

Because Uranus represents individuality within a collective whole, in Aries, its energy is directed to your individual self-expression.  You may be inclined to take actions that encourage you to declare your independence…but this won’t be because of anything anyone around you does or says.  Due to the retrograde motion of Uranus at this time, your call to action comes from within.

These two transits combine to have this effect:

If a partnership is productive, successful, and serves each/all involved well and allows you to have your own individual or independent identity within that partnership, this is a great combination for you and the partnership is likely to strengthen and empower.

If a partnership is not productive or struggles for success, and one or both or all parties involved do not feel like they are honored or respected as individuals within the collaboration, this combination of transits may be quite a test.  You may be inclined to end a partnership because it doesn’t (or no longer) allows you to have an identity outside the collaborative effort.

With Venus bringing fairness, balance, and justice to the mix, there is likely to be an assessment of whether or not it is best to continue in the partnership or to end it.  It is important to consider just how much you and your partner accomplish together, and to consider if either of you could do what you do together, alone.  It is also important to recognize if you feel like you can take action in this area of your life (or in your life, period) without your partner.  If you feel dependent on your partner or invisible unless your partner is with you, you might consider going rogue or even ending the partnership altogether if you feel like it’s really keeping you from being who you truly are.

This Venus conjunct Pluto in Capricorn square Uranus Retrograde in Aries presents you with a crossroads moment.  It is a time to ask yourself – do you maintain the structure of your partnership(s), or do you clear it away to make room for new collaborations that give you more room to be who you truly are?

The choices are up to you.

Thanks you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers.  Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,





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