After spending quite a while in retrograde motion, Neptune in Pisces finally goes back into direct motion today, November 13th, 2013 at 10:43a PST.

Neptune is the planet of dreams, illusions, visions, and fantasies.  It tends to idealize and romanticize pretty much anything it can, especially in its home sign of Pisces.  That said, while in retrograde motion, it gave you an opportunity to examine the ideals, dreams, and visions that you hold for yourself and your life.  You were able to look at not only how you create those within yourself, but why you create them or where they are coming from.  After this Neptune Retrograde period, you may now have a better sense of where your dreams and visions are really coming from, and a better idea of how to make your dreams the reality of your life as Neptune shifts gears back into direct motion.

With Neptune direct, you will now be able to take steps to move your newly-clarified visions toward actual/experiential reality.  This may be confronting for you as in order to do this, you can no longer keep these visions to yourself.  In order to make them real, you’ll need to share them or at least take action in the real world to move them forward – the fact that Neptune will be in sextile aspect to Mercury in Scorpio today and for another day or two may help you confide in a trusted few to start this forward motion.

However, Pisces is a very emotionally and energetically sensitive energy, and you may be easily discouraged or affected by others who tell you that your dream is impossible or that your vision has no credibility.  You may be tempted to take on their feelings or energies as your own through empathy, and this could sabotage your ability to go after what you want.  It may feel like your safe dreaming place is gone and that your dreams were really only dreams, never meant to see the light of day.

Yet the key for you as Neptune turns is to remember what you’ve learned about your dreams and visions over these last few months.  Trust that you know where they come from and that you know what you are ready to bring into reality.  Don’t lose sight of your vision, and don’t let anyone talk you out of it.  Be conscious of who you are sharing them with so you can make sure they are encouraged and strengthened, and remember that being served and supported is as important as being of service and supporting others.

This is your time to make your dreams and visions real.  Even if there’s no tangible progress just yet, it’s important to get your own feelings, intuitions, and intentions out there into the world – give them a chance by giving them your voice.  It’s the first step to giving them actual form.  Remember, as Neptune goes Direct in Pisces, this is only just the beginning of your dreams come true.

Thanks for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers.  Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,





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