When Venus in Scorpio trines Jupiter in Cancer (exact at 2:01p PDT tomorrow, September 26th), things can feel pretty good.  At a time when Uranus Retrograde in Aries is giving many of us formidable independence streaks, this transit gives us a good reason why companionship isn’t a bad idea right now.

After all, Venus and Jupiter are both planets of abundance, and they are both moving through water signs bringing forth a lot of emotional energy.  Any partnerships that are acknowledged, chosen, and nurtured right now could experience emotional growth and a powerful deepening of intimacy.  This type of emotional development in a relationship could prove very beneficial to both parties involved on a number of different levels – spiritual, physical, material, and/or financial as well as emotional.  This could be an all-around good thing.

Yes, Venus in Scorpio and Jupiter in Cancer complement each other very well right now…maybe even too well.

That is because in Scorpio, Venus can be very deep, intense, and decisive; and in Cancer, Jupiter may be feeling even more warm and fuzzy about taking chances than usual.  In this water trine aspect, they can make a pretty intoxicating pair that could lead to some very sudden relationship choices based upon feel-good emotions.  Without proper consideration of facts and circumstances at hand, the good vibes of this Venus-Jupiter trine could become a case of too much of a good thing.

Though you may feel really good in the moment, it is important for you to be sure that you are making choices in the moment that are truly good for both of you.  It’s about what’s best for your partner and also what is best for you, individually and together on all levels.

Once you’ve allowed yourselves to be real with each other about what you’re feeling and wanting to do, then enjoy!  Venus in Scorpio trine Jupiter in Cancer can bring some moments of genuine and heartfelt joy coupled with flashes of passion and opportunities for two people to show each other how much they truly care about each other.

There is one thing to make note of – Scorpio Venus’ trine with Cancer Jupiter is moving toward exact twith its effects being felt Monday September 24th through early Sunday, September 29th.  It’s a good thing that the good vibes will carry through until then because Venus is also in a much more challenging transit with Mars in Leo that will be exact on Saturday, September 28th.  I’ll tell you more about  that in the next post.

In the meantime, thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers.  Keep on enjoying the warm and fuzzy feelings while I get to that post about Venus’ next rendezvous…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,





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