Usually, there are three full moons in a season – in astrological terms, there is one each cardinal sun sign, fixed sun sign, and mutable sun sign phase.  For example, for the summer there would be only one full moon during the Cancer Sun Cycle (cardinal sign), the Leo Sun Cycle (fixed sign), and the Virgo Sun Cycle (mutable sign).

However, there are occasions when there is a fourth moon in the mix.  One such occasion is today’s Full Moon in Aquarius, at its fullest at 6:45p PDT.  Since it is the third of four full moons within a single season, it is considered the “Blue Moon”

This “Blue Moon” in Aquarius opposite the Leo Sun again represents a time at which your unique expression of Light may stand out more than usual.  It is a time at which others may recognize just how brightly you shine, and you may receive acknowledgment simply for being who you are.

That said, you may find that the acknowledgement you receive is very positive and complementary.  You may also find that the acknowledgment is…well, not so positive or complementary.  Whichever proves the case for you, be aware that a Full Moon in Aquarius phase is a time for you to see how you are seen by others – a phase that you get to experience for a second time thanks to this “Blue Moon”.

The first Full Moon in Aquarius was on July 22nd, and gave you the same experience of learning how others see and experience your expression of Light.  The great thing about having this influence again is that you get to see if anything is different four weeks later.

Have you made any adjustments in your expression of Light since the July Aquarius Full Moon, and what is different now for you and around you during this August version?

Keep in mind that the planets have kept on moving all this time, and energies have shifted a bit since July.  One astrological change of note during this second Aquarius Full Moon is that Mercury in Leo is nearby this time around.  And even though it’s not quite within the 3° orb I usually prefer for transits, it is close enough where its presence can make an impact.  This impact could show up in one or both of the following ways:

–          You may find that others are very vocal in giving you feedback about how your Light is shining.  They may have words of praise or words of criticism.  Take notice of their feedback to help you understand how others see you and why they see you in that way.  Also remember that the feedback that others give you tells you as much about them as it does about you – notice where you sense their feedback is coming from.  Is it coming from their own ego/darkness/fear, or is it coming from their truth/Light/courage?  Remember – you are not responsible for other people’s egos.  It is not your job to please them or make them feel good.  Yet if their feedback is coming from an honest and loving place, you may need to take a good look at yourself as Full Moon energy always provides a opportunity to see and learn about ourselves through others.

–          You may also be given an abundance of acknowledgment and/or attention by others during this time.  Attention you receive from others at this time could prove to be a bit overwhelming for you, especially if you’re not seeking it out.  In contrast, you may feel there is an absence of acknowledgment of your Light which could be very frustrating for you if you are longing for attention during this Full Moon cycle.  You may you make your feelings about your emotional overwhelm or disappointment a bit more known than you usually might.  In either case, before or as you do make your feelings known, take note of whether or not you are projecting your own ego/darkness/fears onto others in order to avoid dealing with your own insecurities and fears for yourself.

Also recognize that the ruler of Aquarius, Uranus, is retrograde in Aries right now.  Though it is not within aspect orb, this is important because under its influence, we are each and all internally assessing the communities, groups, social circles, and associations we have in our lives, trying to figure out who really supports, encourages, welcomes, and respects who we are as individuals.  When you consider this Full Moon in Aquarius in this astrological climate, you may find that your interactions with others and their responses to you during this Full Moon phase help you make some important and decisive choices about the company you keep.

–          Are you receiving too much or not enough attention from your friends and colleagues?

–          Are you seeking too much or not enough acknowledgment from your peers?

–          Are you being too much or not enough for others in shining your unique expression of Light?

–          How much does it matter to you whether you are meeting others’ expectations or not?

However, it is important that you don’t make these community choices in haste.  That could be rather hard not to do with the Sun and Mercury in Leo as the fiery passion of Leo burns brightest in the Sun and with Mercury in the mix, it also moves more quickly.  Be aware that your thoughts, ideas, and communications may be out and about before you can temper them or give them proper context.  The good news is that whatever does come out will be authentic and will reveal who you truly are.  The bad news may be that whatever comes out will be authentic and could be more revealing of your true nature than you may prefer.

On a collective level, this Full “Blue” Moon in Aquarius may be a case of too much attention on what doesn’t matter and too little attention on what needs to matter in our communities and our world today.  It would be wise to pay attention to the smaller news stories right now – notice what the big headlines might be covering up.  Also notice who is seeking attention, yet also notice who isn’t.  Are those seeking attention ones who were quiet before, and are those who are quiet those who were loud and seeking attention before?  These changes in expression may be valuable indicators of what is going on in the communities we are part of and in the world around us.

This Full “Blue” Moon in Aquarius is a great opportunity to look at yourselves and the world around you to become aware of what is too much, not enough, and just enough in self-expression and in one’s (or your own) need to be acknowledged.   Make the most of this energy today as we aren’t always given second chances to become self-aware in the way this second Full Moon in Aquarius allows us to, especially with the astrological dynamics present during this 2013 Leo Sun Cycle.  We are in life-changing and world-changing times.  It’s good to know who you truly are as you navigate these changes.

Thank you so much for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers.  Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,






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