I don’t usually blog about Sun-Moon transits.  It’s not that they can’t be significant; it’s just that they happen so frequently that it’s not really a big deal to keep up.

However, I was once introduced to the idea that there is a difference between a choice and a decision.  In choice, you are simply choosing an option whereas in a decision, you are selecting an option and cutting (or killing) off the other option(s) completely.  Today is a day in which that distinction holds a good deal of significance.

The Moon in Scorpio squared the Leo Sun at 3:56a PDT this morning of August 14th, 2013, and the potential for emotionally-generated drama is exceptionally high today.  I’m typing this rare blog post about a Sun-Moon transit because this square could produce some dynamic human theater at its best or worst today.

Scorpio tends to make decisions rather than choices, which is why this Moon in Scorpio may make it easy for you to have an emotional response that may lead you to act in extremes.  An added dose of intensity is due to the fact that Scorpio Moon will also trine Mars in Cancer today, bringing great emotional volatility to your actions and reactions.  This explosive nature may be triggered if people or things you are emotionally invested in (including yourself!) seem threatened or vulnerable in some way.  You may be quick to defend or protect your interests, and this could very well lead to a full display of hot-headed action or reaction that you may regret later.

Leo is the sign of radiant Light and bold self-expression, and the Leo Sun can reveal and bring attention to multitude of truths simply with its presence.  When you feel like you need or want to be acknowledged or given attention, it is well within your reach to draw a spotlight to yourself under the Leo Sun’s influence.  You can stir up quite a bit of drama if you want to draw more attention to yourself and/or your personal interests, and with this 2013 Leo Sun in square aspect to this Scorpio Moon, the means by which you do that could make for some very entertaining or exasperating self-expression.

The challenge here is that you may not want everyone to see you get emotionally reactive, angry, or upset as Scorpio is often rather secretive until it’s ready to make its move or take its revenge.  Yet thanks to the Leo Sun, the Scorpio Moon’s stealthy cover is likely to get blown.  Any show of emotional intensity on your part could become the headline act of the day, so you want to make sure that if you act out emotionally, it’s for good reason.

Your emotion-based actions and/or reactions could leave quite an impression on others today, so there won’t be any take backs under the influence of this 2013 Leo Sun-Scorpio Moon square.  Once you’ve done it, it’s probably done for good.  So, be aware of your emotional responses to the happenings around you so you can prevent yourself from falling prey to a theatrical tragedy of your own creation.  Who knows.  With a little self-awareness today, you may find yourself laughing about the events of the day rather than crying over them when it’s all said and done.

Here’s to hoping for a day of comedic human theater.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers.  Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,





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