Mercury entered the sign of Leo at 5:13a PDT this morning, and in doing so, it draws attention to our thoughts, our words, and our actions.

Leo is the sign of brilliance, creativity, and shining your unique expression of Light in to the world.  It is often described as being an attention-seeking energy, but I have found that it is actually a need for acknowledgment that drives Leo.  When it knows it is appreciated, Leo can be warm and generous, and its affinity for life can be radiant, bringing a warm glow to any environment it is in.

Mercury is about intellect and the communication and exchange of ideas and thoughts.  It is also about quickness and acceleration, so those ideas and thoughts can come and be communicated at high-speed.  News and information may travel and spread more quickly now with Mercury under the influence of Leo, and with Leo being about the radiance of Light, you can be sure that whatever information is shared has great potential to reveal things long hidden in darkness.

With Mercury in Leo, the ideas, thoughts, and communications that you put out there into the world may attract more attention than usual right now.  Whether you are standing on top of a table screaming at the top of your lungs, or whether you whisper something into someone else’s ear that is so profound they feel they need to share it – one way or another, your voice can be heard and acknowledged now.

Also, any information or communication that is truly needed for things to progress in the world and the Universe will not be contained.  The truths of matters in your life can come out whether you’re ready for it or not during Mercury in Leo.  You might as well be the one to say them.

That said, Leo, unlike its opposing sign Aquarius, is more about the individual than the group or community.  Even though you may want or need to be acknowledged by others, the ideas and information that come to Light during Mercury in Leo will likely bring more personal revelations than general ones.  Even if they are general or public, there will be a personalization of them on your part – a perspective of “what’s in it for you”.  Anything you communicate will have a flavor of self-awareness or self-absorption.  You’ll also be highly attuned to how any information you receive from others applies specifically to you and your life.

The key here is to recognize how your voice – your ideas and thoughts, and your communication of them – may be received now.

Ideally, Leo’s influence has you speaking boldly, authentically, and honestly without a care about what anyone else has to say about it.  However, we live in a world where ego feathers often get ruffled quickly and easily, so we usually need to exercise some level of awareness of the possible impact our words may have on others.  Your communications may be received well and celebrated, or received poorly and scorned.  This is always possible, but more so under Mercury in Leo’s spotlight.

The question is: Are you saying something brings acknowledgment to something or someone that needs to be brought to Light through you, or are you simply saying something to draw attention to yourself for your ego’s gratification?

Be aware of what you say and how you are saying it now, as the communications you send out to others and the communications you receive from them may do much more to reveal the truth of who you are than anything else you’ve done or said recently.

Mercury is in Leo through August 23rd.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers.  Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,





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