As always, New Moons are wonderful times for planting seeds for new endeavors.  What would you like to see grow over the next few weeks and months?  Now is the time to set those things in motion.

The Leo New Moon, exact at 2:51p PDT today, August 6th, 2013, is an especially special time because the seeds you plant now will help shape who YOU are growing into.  Leo is about shining your unique expression of Light boldly and brightly shone into the world and being acknowledged for the brilliance you display.  Your Light is not meant to be hidden away – it is meant to illuminate the world.  Through the energy of this New Moon, you get to set into motion the means and method by which you make your presence known.

Whatever you start now, be prepared have it come center stage and be associated with you.  You could very well become visible in ways you never imagined, and for that reason, you want to make sure that whatever you put out there is something that you want to be known for and in an area of your life that you want to be known for.  It’s time for you to get out of your seat in the audience or of the bench on the sideline and to start moving toward the stage to be seen.  If you’re not sure where or how you shine, you may look to your natal astrology chart to see which houses the sign of Leo covers, the signs that cover your 5th House, and the house your natal Sun occupies in your chart.  All of these will be strong indicators of how you are meant to shine your Light in the world or what you want to be acknowledged for.

This Leo New Moon will be in trine aspect with Uranus Retrograde in Aries.  Uranus represents how each person’s unique and individual expression of Light makes a contribution to a greater whole, and Aries represents putting oneself first and taking actions to do so.  When Uranus in Aries is retrograde, it represents each individual checking in with their inner truth to find the community or collective in which their individuality can truly be seen, received, and appreciated.

Through this trine with Uranus, this Leo New Moon may have you not only getting in touch with who you really want to be and be known for in this world, it may also have you reassessing your social and professional participations.  Be prepared for your communities and circles to undergo some changes…mostly by your choosing.  Yet also remember that others are going through this process, too, and others may be leaving and entering your circles as much as you are leaving and entering theirs.

Where do you want to be “center stage” in your life?  Today’s the day to begin taking the first steps out of shadows and into your Light.

Shine on.  Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,





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