A new numerological energy begins today.  After the numerological 4 energy of July 2013 helped us recognize where we want to bring stability and security, and structure to the matters of our lives, August 2013 now brings numerological 5 energy into play – an energy of change, variety, and adaptability.  Changes may be necessary if the foundations we are trying to build on are not stable or solid or are otherwise lacking integrity.

In order to create space for new and true ways of being to emerge, things must change.  Change will always happen, but it’s much harder to deal with if you’re resisting its arrival every step of the way.  You can exhaust yourself mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually/energetically if you insist on fighting the changes that inevitably come into your life.  Yet by allowing and embracing change to come into and through your life, you may find you are empowered, inspired, and energized by all that opens up as result.

5 energy as a companion to the Leo Sun through August 21st produces a potent combination that can show itself in one or both of two ways:

  1. It can reveal the truth of who you are as an individual in your life and for the world simply by who you are choosing to be in the world.
  2. It can give you an opportunity to discover and/or reveal the truth of something or someone in your life, and through doing so, you also reveal the truth of who you are in your life and for the world.

Either way, Leo Sun energy is about shining your unique expression of Light into the world to receive attention and to be acknowledged for who you truly are as an individual.  This Leo 5 combination allows you to either make changes in your life or to become aware of the changes that need to be made within yourself and/or in your life so you can shine your Light with boldness and brilliance.

Many of the changes that happen during Leo 5 will challenge you to accept, acknowledge, and/or allow yourself to shine your Light and be revealed as you truly are.  For introverts, a big part of this may be allowing yourself to been seen in the first place so you may receive credit for just how much of a contribution you are, even if you don’t want much if any attention on yourself.  For extroverts, a big part of this may be realizing just how brightly you do shine, and the effect of your Light on those around you.  This being seen thing may sound exactly like what you’ve been looking for.

That said, you may or may not like what others may see.  Then again, others may or may not like what they see in you.

Many times when you don’t like what others see about you or if you fear others seeing it in you, it’s because you don’t like or resist those parts of yourself for some reason.  This Leo 5 energy may be confronting for you because it will challenge you to face and deal with the parts of yourself that you don’t like, or more specifically, the reasons you don’t like those parts.  Part of the change that you undergo during Leo 5 may be that you are no longer able to resist the truth of who you are, and in surrender to that truth, you begin to accept yourself, forgive yourself, and love yourself.  As you learn to love yourself, you also open the doors for others to love you because you can now receive what they want to give you to acknowledge who you are for them and for the world.

Yet some of you will find that others don’t like what they see when you shine your Light.  This happens for one of two reasons:  either they are confronted by what you awaken in them (a.k.a. – you remind them that they aren’t living into their own Light or potential), or you may be demanding too much attention and acknowledgment from them because you seek constant affirmation from others of how your Light shines (a.k.a. – you actually lack confidence in who you are and what you have to offer).  Part of the change that you undergo during Leo 5 may be that through your awareness of how your Light is received by others, you gain valuable insights to the human ego – theirs and your own – and how to manage it to have your Light seen and received to the benefit of all involved.  Others may now open themselves to what you have to offer because they don’t feel it is being forced upon them.

Another important thing to note about Leo 5 energy – maybe the most important –  is that the Light you shine doesn’t have to be exclusively about you.  Leo energy is also known for being warm and generous and 5 energy is also being known for being quite intelligent and well-informed.  It is very possible for you to receive acknowledgment and attention for who you are, and then turn the spotlight placed on you onto something or someone else that you believe needs to be seen, heard, or otherwise known by others.  This may be an opportunity for you to set change in motion by bringing attention to something that desperately needs to be seen or approached in a new or different way.

In other words, Leo 5 energy could be a game-changer.

Whether the game is your life or the lives of others through what you bring through your Light, Leo 5 energy gives you an opportunity to embrace the unique expression of Light within you to make changes outside of you that really matter.  Whether you change your view of yourself, change others’ view of you, change your view of the world, or change others’ view of the world, you get to know during Leo 5 that you have a Light to shine, a voice to be heard, a presence to be seen.  You have a right to be acknowledged.

You have a right to change the way you play the game of life so you can shine your Light boldly and brightly.

So get out there.  Change on.  Shine on.


Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers.  Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,





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