At 6:07a PDT on Wednesday, June 26th , Mercury entered its dreaded retrograde motion in the sign of Cancer.  I will now tell you why this is NOT a bad thing this time around.

Poor Mercury Retrograde gets blamed for all kinds of drama every time it goes into retrograde motion.  It takes the rap for all kinds of communication and technological breakdowns, for all kinds of human brain farts and calamities, and well, pretty much anything that goes wrong or not according to plan.

Yet this time,  Mercury Retrograde is in the water sign of Cancer, the Zodiac “mommy”.  And though there are quite a few of us who love to blame our mothers for everything, in this case, it’s not our external mothers who get the finger point.

This time, you get to point your finger at the “mother” in the mirror.

Yes, that means yourself.

I don’t necessarily mean those of you who are actual mothers – this is NOT meant to be a literal translation.  However, I DO mean the part of you that gives yourself nurturing, loving, care and protection – your internal mother.  All of us – women and men alike – have our own mother within us.

Our internal mother is also known as self-love and self-respect.

This is challenging for some of you to wrap our heads around because some of you don’t know how to love or respect yourselves.  There are some of you who believe that love and respect means having others cater to your every need, or that others are responsible for making you feel good about yourself or your life.  You look to people and things outside of yourself to feel cared for, loved, nurtured, and secure in your being.

Others of you believe that “loving” others by catering to their every need and desire will bring that same loving care and attention back to you.  You mother the people in your life endlessly, either expecting or hoping that your efforts will be reciprocated.  Many times they are not, but you may keep trying anyway.

Mercury Retrograde in Cancer is an opportunity for you to acknowledge and, if you choose to, change those beliefs and behaviors.

By learning how to love and respect yourself, you curb your dependency on others to validate your lovability or determine your worthiness of receiving love and respect.  By admitting to yourself exactly what you need to feel cared for, nurtured, and loved and then providing that for yourself, you begin to heal and/or open your heart in ways you may never have known possible.  Through your experience of self-love and self-respect, you begin to interact with others in all stations in life as your equals, as true peers.

Compassion and tolerance for others awakens, yet so does your consciousness and truth.  You also learn what you are willing to deal with and not willing to deal with in your interactions with others – you learn how to love and respect yourself enough to not endure treatment from others that is not genuinely loving or honest.

That said, some of the most loving communications you may try to receive from yourself or others may seem challenging.

  • You may take words intended by others to awaken you to your lack of self-love or self-respect as hurtful or ill-intended because they challenge the reality you have chosen to live or believe about yourself.
  • You may even notice how you may speak to yourself in an abusive or derogatory way or how difficult it is for you to have others to speak well or highly of you.  This may be because you see yourself in such a negative way that you cannot allow yourself to see or believe the Divine Light others see you in.
  • You may even project your lack of self-love and self-detriment onto others, accusing them of having feelings about themselves that are actually the feelings you have about yourself because you cannot take responsibility for how you feel about yourself.  It’s easier for you to accuse them than to acknowledge yourself as the source of the negativity.

Recognize that Cancer energy is often rooted in the past as it is often sourced from your early childhood as your ideas and images of what nurturing care and love were likely demonstrated to you in those earliest months and years.  There’s a good chance that you decided to live your life a certain way based on certain past experiences that had a significant emotional impact on you.  At some point, you chose to define yourself by those experiences, and over time, you allowed these choices to become the truth of your life experience moving forward.

This 2013 Mercury Retrograde in Cancer gives you a wonderful opportunity to let go of your past once and for all – to not only claim responsibility for the choices you’ve made to get you where you are, but also to seize responsibility for the present moment and the future you want to create from this moment on.

So while Mercury Retrograde in Cancer focuses you on how you think, feel, and speak about yourself through July 20th, notice who and what is around you that is helping you become aware of how you do or don’t nurture, protect, or love yourself.

Then look to yourself to answer how you can begin to implement your lessons learned so you may begin to provide that maternal nurturing and protection for yourself first and foremost, then for others from a healthy, happy, self-loving, and self-respecting you.

Thanks for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers.  Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,





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