* Per popular demand, I am posting the lead article from the Cancer 2013 Monthly E-Zine as a blog post.  Please note that the monthly e-zine can be accessed ONLY in the e-zine archive here on the website, through links to the e-zine itself, or sent directly to your e-mail inbox each month as a Life By Soul Mailing List subscriber.  To receive the monthly e-zine directly, please sign up for the Life By Soul Mailing List here.  Thank you!

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Now for the article…


This 2013 Cancer Sun cycle marks the authentication portion of the manifestation process begun during the previous Gemini Sun Cycle.

During the 2013 Gemini Sun cycle, you were given opportunities to ask for what you really want for yourself and your life.  You were able to create and declare your intentions with your thoughts and words, and your communication of them.

Now, if you give credence to many of the manifestation teachings that have become popular in recent years (which teach what has always been True, by the way), the Cancer Sun Cycle gives you opportunities to emotionally feel the truth of what you intend to manifest in the experiential reality of your life.  Without that truthful feeling experience, your intentions will remain in hope an theory rather than in tangible reality.

What you really feel is what you end up manifesting.  That said, it’s time to acknowledge a truth that applies to you, each, and all of us:

You really only take actions to nurture and protect
what you are emotionally invested in.
You ultimately only make the effort to nurture
what you really feel and believe you deserve.

In tuning into your feelings, you may begin to recognize how your actions and/or words may betray you at this time.  Because you actually nurture and protect what you are truly emotionally invested in, your efforts are likely to expose your deepest emotional truth.

After all, you can use all the words you want to convince others (or even yourself) that you deserve something.  Yet deep down, if you feel or believe that you don’t deserve it or that someone or something else has power over you in the matter, it won’t come to pass.

In order for manifestation to truly work, you must feel it and believe it is possible for you.  Your emotions and feelings in this Cancer Sun Cycle must be in alignment with the thoughts and words you created in the previous Gemini Sun Cycle.  I think of this alignment as an “authentication” because if and when your feelings align with your desires, you open your access to receiving them in the actual experience of your life.

I’ll ask you the same questions I asked during the Gemini cycle, only with a twist.

  • If your biggest dream(s) came true, what would change in your life?  How do you really feel right now about the possibility of those changes occurring in the tangible experience of your life?
  • In your biggest dreams coming true, which circumstances would change?  Which beliefs would you have to give up?  Which relationships would change?  What would change in your physical environment?  And how do you really feel about what may change?

There could be many changes that would have to occur for you get what you want, some of which are not even able to be known or imagined at this time.  It may require some blind faith…and that step into the relative unknown is why there may be fear in asking for it.

Fear is the feeling that kills manifestation.  Why?

Because fear often leads you to succumb to the desire to settle for your status quo.  I have to laugh at the fact that the Major Arcana Tarot card drawn for this month’s e-zine is The Devil because this idea is summed up perfectly with that old saying, “Better the devil you know that the devil you don’t”.

Yet the devil you know is NOT better!  That’s why you’re dreaming or envisioning a new, different, or better lifestyle for yourself and your loved ones!  You get to recognize that what you may be saying you are comfortable with or settling for now is NOT in alignment with who you truly are!

Therefore, if you can move through any fear you may be feeling, or if you can move forward despite it, you may actually begin manifesting what you say you want.  But again – you’ve got to truly feel your feelings to be in alignment with your spoken desire – you must genuinely feel and know in your heart of hearts that you are being drawn or called to it, that it really may be intended for you, and that you are worthy and deserving of having it in your life.  This 2013 Cancer Sun Cycle, more than any other Cancer Sun Cycle in recent years, is an opportunity to give birth to a new way of living for yourself and your loved ones by aligning your feelings with your thoughts and words.

That is where the work comes in.  The Full “Super Moon” on June 23rd is a big deal because in its close proximity to the Earth gives the Moon a more grounded and tangible energy than usual.  The Full Moon also represents the goals and ambitions you are setting (Moon in Capricorn) that reflect the emotions that you are feeling (Sun in Cancer).  What you really feel is brought to Light by the Moon’s reflection of the Sun’s energy.  Over the next 6 months, you’ll get to see how you really feel about yourself and your life by the results you manifest throughout the remainder of 2013.

Mercury also supports this energy by extending its stay in the sign of Cancer by going retrograde on June 26th and turning direct again very near the end of the Cancer Sun Cycle on July 20th.  It helps you look inward to notice how your thoughts and feelings interact with each other as you embark on this phase of your journey.

Now’s the time to get to be clear about how you feel 1) about yourself, then 2) about what you want, and finally 3) about what you life may become as result of getting what you want.  You now get to create, declare, and authenticate your declaration of what you want with your emotional truth.

If you don’t feel like you are worthy or deserving of having yourself or your desires nurtured or cared for, you get to do the work to figure out why and to clear out those false beliefs and past-rooted emotions so you can bring forth your desires in ways that align with your True self.

If you do think yourself to be worthy and deserving, then you get to do the work to clear away the thoughts, words, and behaviors that keep you from actually believing it to be true in order to bring your manifestations to fruition.

And if all is clear and in alignment, you get to experience the seeds you’ve planted and nurtured growing into a bountiful harvest!

If you have any questions about how this 2013 Cancer Sun Cycle affects you specifically or where Cancer resides in your personal astrology chart, click here to schedule a Life By Soul System™ astrology session with me so we can review the details and bring valuable insights to your self-awareness and your life.




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