It’s this interesting social phenomenon – a few people have a knack for awareness of systematic change.  They see and/or understand what is shifting before others and try to tell those others, “Hey, there’s a big change coming!”, only to have most of the people say “Yeah, yeah, yeah.  Whatever”, or “So?  That has nothing to do with me”…

…until it does.

When it starts to affect their lives directly, then most people find themselves having to deal with the change they heard was coming.  What was happening to others finally hits home, and they can’t run away or hide from it any longer.

This Venus-Pluto opposition is one of those times when it all hits home.

Last week, there was the Mercury-Pluto opposition, in which I mentioned that you have the power to create your life in alignment with what you need.

Now, as Venus in Cancer moves in opposition to this powerfully transformative Pluto in Capricorn (exact at 3:05p PDT on Tuesday, June 11th), we find that our one-on-one relationships of all kinds are now being subjected to the cleansing power of Pluto.

Let’s keep in mind – Pluto in Capricorn is clearing out our old collective standards of status and success.  The societal and cultural benchmarks many of us have been striving for and determined to uphold – they are collapsing and are no longer credible.  The goalposts are moving.

The challenge with this change in standards is that many of us are scared because we no longer know what we are working so hard for or what we are striving for.  We are looking to others to figure out who we are and where we stand in the big picture of this world, and we’re realizing that the people we are looking to don’t have the answers, either.

This is because we aren’t meant to be looking to others to have them define us for us – this is no longer the way we get to do things!  We now get to look to others to help us recognize who we are for ourselves.  That old saying “the five people you spend the most time with reveal who you are”?  Yeah.  That.  We are all living that right now, and some of us are realizing that we aren’t sure we like what we see.

I often note that it is relationships of all kinds being affected because there is an unfortunate tendency for people to hear the word “relationship” or “partnership” and think that it’s exclusive to romantic partnerships.  It’s important to understand that the entirety of your life is built upon your one-on-one connections – the relationships you have with your father, mother, brother, sister – they are as much affected as the connections you have with your boss, your admin assistant, your dry cleaner, or the server at the deli counter.  Anyone you see on a regular basis is a relationship in your life, and how you choose to interact with each of them reflects who you are.

That said, under the influence of this 2013 Venus-Pluto opposition transit, your relationships are being tested.  Which of your relationships and partnerships are strong enough to withstand these large-scale changes that are happening under Pluto in Capricorn?  Which ones reflect and/or support your new or clarified standards of success and achievement?

As you have begun testing out the idea that “you’ve had the power all along”, what do you notice about your relationships and partnerships during this Venus-Pluto opposition?

  • Do they empower you or dis-empower you?
  • Is your self-confidence and self-responsibility being strengthened or weakened?
  • Is your inner Truth being supported and nurtured, or compromised or abandoned?
  • Do you like yourself when you are with this person/these people?  Do you like who you are when you are around them?

The changes happening in our relationships during this Venus in Cancer – Pluto in Capricorn opposition are major.  They need to be major because major changes are happening around us.  The only constant in life is change, so let your relationships change so that you can change and step into your power to become all you are meant to be in this lifetime.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers.  Until next post…

~ Light , Love, and Blessings,






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