My friend’s 8-year old daughter was in her school musical about a week ago – they performed “The Wizard of Oz”.  It was a fun little production, and a wonderful reminder that all along the way, we’ve each and all had the power within us to bring about what we want most for ourselves and our lives.

I mention this because since the musical, I’ve had quite a few clients in the last few days asking me to tell them what they need to do in order to have things turn out a certain way in their lives.  It’s funny because as I listen to them and read for them, I’m finding myself having  “Wizard of Oz moments”.  I recognize that as I am advising them through their tarot readings and their Life By Soul System™ charts, much of what I am revealing to them and most of my advice to them could be summed up through two simple lines from the play – “You have the power. You’ve had the power all along”.

To that point, exact at 3:03p PDT on Friday, June 7th, 2013, Mercury in Cancer opposed Pluto in Capricorn.  As some on you may have read previously in my blog posts, Pluto in Capricorn is bringing chaos to the world as we know it by pretty much destroying our old definitions of status and success and how those elements are defined in our cultures, our societies, and in the world as a whole.  In turn, Mercury in Cancer enables us to think and speak about what is needed for us to be cared for, nurtured, and protected.  Through an opposition transit, these elements get to balance each other out.

As Pluto in Capricorn clears out the old, Mercury in Cancer encourages you to speak up for what you need to care for yourself.  That’s right – you get to ask for what you need.  Of course, this could be challenging for those of you who have resisted the release or destruction of those old paradigms of what you “should” have to be “successful”.  In fact, the absence of those standards may have you scared out of your wits, which is why this transit has so much power – it brings us into full awareness of a profound truth:

You now get to create what success means for you, and yes –  you have the power to do that.

Thanks to Pluto in Capricorn, success is no longer defined by the standards determined by outside world.  It is now defined by what you need in order to feel supported, taken care of, nurtured, and protected while you are becoming and/or being who you truly are.

The key here is to figure out what supports you in living your truth.  Start by looking at who you choose to be in the world, and how you want to make a difference with others and for others by being who you are in the world.  By getting clear about who you truly are, what you truly have to offer, and what you get to share of yourself with others to make that difference,  you can also become clear about the kind of support you need in order to be and do all of that in and for the world.

Recognize that receiving the care and support you need to be who you are here to be in the world is your new success.  And because you are being yourself, only you can determine what that success is for you.  Only you can declare and ask for what you need to answer your unique call to accomplish your goals and fulfill your purpose.  The Universe will provide for you, but only if you ask.

I get that some of you may still be thinking, “But I can’t just ask for what I want”.  Yet recognize that in making that statement, that is exactly why you don’t have what you want – because you don’t believe you can ask for it.   You believe that it can’t be that easy.

Let go of those restrictive beliefs!!!  Trust that you know you can ask for what you need.  Trust that you’ve known all along that you can ask.  Just like Dorothy, the Tin Man, the Lion, and the Scarecrow – you’ve had the power, the heart, the courage, and the brains all along.  You don’t need a wizard.  No one else can define your success for you – only you know what you need to accomplish what you need to accomplish so you can experience the joy that comes with being all of who you are.

Mercury in Cancer opposite Pluto in Capricorn allows you to see how the shackles of the old, outdated definitions of success and status have been broken.  Through Saturday, June 8th, use the power available during this transit to embrace your freedom and create your own definition of success that is as unique and wonderful as you are.  Make sure you ask for what you need to feel cared for, nurtured, and protected as you travel your personal yellow brick road.  Just click your heels together three times and ask for the support you need.

Remember – “You’ve had the power all along.”

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers.  Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,


The Rainbow in the Cloud - GDC




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