Adding to the mix of yesterday’s Mars-Neptune conjunction in Pisces, Mercury joins them as it begins its journey through the sign at 6:55p PST.  This briefly creates a “stellium” – a powerful conjunction transit involving 3 or more planets.  This will be a pretty potent force from about now through Friday or so this week.

Mercury in Pisces is an interesting combination.  That is because it shifts  intellectual and informational exchanges from a focus on our individual expressions within the whole of humanity to a focus on our individual service to All-That-Is.  We may each and collectively begin to awaken more fully to our connections to each other, to the earth, and to the cosmos.

Mercury is known as “the great messenger”.  Communications and information is its game, though it is also associated with speed and acceleration.  It is very quick-minded and witty, and also known to be rather youthful and curious.  The “Mercurial” Peter Pan is a character example of how this planet’s energy can show up in the world.

Pisces is about unconditional love and compassion.  It is a sign associated with philanthropy and selfless contribution to others, and it tends to be deeply emotional and/or spiritual in its inspiration and expression.  It is extraordinarily loving, caring, and nurturing – a very healing energy.  However, it can also be selfless to a fault, overextending itself to the point of self-sabotage, self-victimization, or self-sacrifice – martyrdom is not an uncommon expression of Pisces energy.

Together, Mercury in Pisces can be a great communicator of messages of unconditional love.  Its role is to inspire others through words (written and spoken) in order to help them step into their Higher callings and their spiritual purposes in this world in the name of selfless service to others.

This is a time when each of us may experience repetitive messages – synchronicities in which we’ll be thinking or speaking of people or things and they call or show up, or information that helps us move forward toward long-held visions or dreams.  We may find we are having more of these experiences than usual.  The heightened frequency of occurrences will be happening to remind us of how we are all connected and interconnected – how our own thoughts and words – both internally and externally communicated – really do go forth into the Universe and are heard by the Universe.

In other words, during this Mercury in Pisces period, we each may discover (or be reminded) that there really is no such thing as coincidence.  Everyone and everything is connected.   Everything and everyone is intended.

So…referring back to the stellium transit of Mercury, Mars, and Neptune in Pisces – now would be a good time to pay attention to those ideas and thought that keep coming around into your conscious awareness.  Don’t ignore the repetition!  If you keep hearing and/or seeing things that remind you of someone or something, be prepared to take action upon those matters or expect to hear from those people or from someone associated with whatever keeps showing up that is calling you to take action in alignment with your dreams and goals.  It is time to step forward into your vision.  It is time to begin living into your dream.

What makes this 2013 Mercury in Pisces extra special is that it also brings our first Mercury Retrograde of the year on February 23rd, and the retrograde period will last until March 17th.  It will be a much more powerful Mercury Retrograde than usual, as all of the inner planetary bodies and influences (Mars, Sun, Venus, and the Moon) will be transited by conjunction with Mercury in Pisces Retrograde.  Each of us will feel the effects in our actions and reactions, our relationships and partnerships, our emotional states, and our sense of ourselves both individually and collectively.  It will be a very profound and moving time for all, which I’ll discuss in more detail in a later post.  Just remember – retrogrades are “do-over” influences, so there will be plenty of opportunities for reflection, clarity, reconciliation, and maybe even release.

That said, be aware of the messages and take notice of what can awaken and may be possible for you during this 2013 Mercury in Pisces cycle.  I am excited to hear about your experiences.  Please comment on this post on the blog, or post on the Facebook or Google + pages to share your experiences with us if you’d like.  You can also private message me through the pages, if you’d prefer.


Thank you for reading and sharing!  Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,





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