There have been quite a few changes in the last few weeks, and especially in these first few days of 2013.  I don’t know about you, but many of the changes I’ve experienced and others close to me have experienced have been the result of confrontations or completions.  Quite a few of these have been major shifts within long-standing structures or systems or relationships, if not the end of them altogether.  Saturn in Scorpio and Pluto in Capricorn have definitely been doing what they do in bringing powerful transformative energy to the structures of our lives.

As various matters in our lives change and end, space is cleared for new things to come into our lives.  This is why this 2013 New Moon phase in Capricorn (exact at 11:44a this morning, January 11th, 2013) is such a profound opportunity – it gives each and all of us a chance to establish new goals and objectives for ourselves and our lives.

Many times when things are completed in our lives, we focus on the ending.  We give our attention to what or who is leaving, or what or who we are losing.  We rarely focus on why it ended and what we learned from the person or the situation – we rarely give attention to what is good about things coming to an end.

That is the wonderful opportunity available to us in this New Moon in Capricorn phase.  As we acknowledge the endings we have gone through (or are currently undergoing), what you realize or recognize through that process could just as well motivate you to move in new directions with your career, your relationships, your home/domestic environment, or your health and wellness.

As you consider new directions for these areas of your life, look to which kinds of results could bring you a sense of accomplishment or fulfillment now – in the wake of the changes and endings you’ve experienced.  Also consider which kinds of results could really and truly give you a chance at a fresh start in that/those areas of your life.

New Moon in Capricorn provides an opening to establish new goals and intentions in alignment with your now-awakened desire for new experience of accomplishment or fulfillment.  This could result in your creating an entirely new and different way of viewing success and status in yourself and others.  On a larger scale, this could be the beginning of new and different systems and structures for a new view of success and accomplishment on a social and societal level.

I’m laughing as I notice how I typed “chance” and “fresh start” in that last paragraph because I’m recalling that the Major Arcana Tarot Card I drew for the 2012-2013 Capricorn Sun Cycle e-zine was Fortune.

I literally just went into that document to copy and paste what I wrote for that card in that article:

Fortune brings clarity and purpose to this 2012-2013 Capricorn Sun cycle, which is ironic because the Wheel of Fortune usually brings anything but clarity and certainty to matters.  In fact, the Fortune card is the epitome of change and chance. Of course, with changes come opportunities for you to take a chance on new beginnings and fresh starts.  How perfect that the calendar new year occurs during this Sun cycle!”

With the influences of all of the planetary positions at this current time, we are very much experiencing a turn of Fortune.

And the results will be a matter of perception.

Some of us resist and avoid change desperately.  Others of us embrace it and encourage it, sometimes to a fault by changing things that don’t need to be changed.  During this New Moon in Capricorn a balance needs to be found.  You can do this by:

  • Discerning what needs to stay and what needs to go in certain areas of your life in order for you to achieve your goals
  • Allowing what wants to leave to go and make way for something new to take its place that is in alignment with your goals.
  • Giving yourself permission to leave if you want to leave in order to give yourself a chance at something new that is in alignment with your goals.

Of course, you need to be clear about what your goals and ambitions are, and those may have changed recently.  So remember to focus on the positives of what has changed.

  • What can you do now that these changes have occurred that you couldn’t do before?
  • What have you learned about yourself that you didn’t know before these changes happened?
  • What have you learned about others and the world around you that you didn’t know or see before these changed occurred?

Look for the positives in your new circumstances and surroundings during this New Moon in Capricorn phase, and even if it may not seem that way now, your turn of Fortune could result in a very good year.

Thanks for reading and sharing.  Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,





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