Venus entered Capricorn earlier this evening, January 8th, 2013 at 8:11p PST, joining the Sun, Mercury, and Pluto in the sign.

In Sagittarius, Venus was rather happy-go-lucky, looking for the positive, focused on the sunny side of experiences.  Expansive and growth-oriented, partnerships and relationships were given a bit of free rein to explore and experience new ground.

But in Capricorn, Venus is in a whole new world of responsibility, discipline, focus, and achievement.  Capricorn is all about ambitions, goals, and results.  Capricorn likes to get things done, and it isn’t happy when its objectives are not met or exceeded.  It prides itself on being an authority in responsibility and accomplishment, and is constantly seeking ways to prove and display its public and/or professional achievements, value, and status.

This is a very interesting position for Venus as it is in its native cardinal modality (which likes to get things moving), but it is in an earth sign (which likes things tangible) rather than its native air (which likes things theoretical).  This takes Venus out of its usual “isn’t this a great idea?”  or “looks good on paper” mode into a hard reality of “what does this really look like?” and “what do we really have going on?” as a partnership or a couple.

Venus in Capricorn brings full attention to what and who actually supports and encourages your progress toward the fulfillment of your goals and ambitions.  During this 2013 Venus in Capricorn phase, you’ll have opportunities to recognize those who help you in achieving your successes and achievements – which relationships in your life actually help you become professionally or publicly accomplished and/or recognized, and who helps you define yourself as an authority or a leader who gets things done.  You’ll also be in a position to make some major changes in alignment with the truth revealed in your findings.

Venus in Capricorn shifts the focus of one-on-one relationships of all kinds to tangible or experiential measures of success and status.  Some questions that may come up are:

  • What do we accomplish together as a couple/partnership?  Or what have we accomplished or achieved as individuals while we’ve been together?
  • What do we have to show for our partnership tangibly? What  financial, material, and/or physical results do we have out of our being together?
  • Am I proud to be seen publicly or professionally (or both) with this person?  Do I show them off?  Are they proud of me and do they show me off?
  • Are they a trophy of status for me, am I a trophy of status for them?  Do I really care about them or do they really care about me beyond how I make them look or appear?
  • If I didn’t have money/success/my job/my social status or if they didn’t have money/success/their job/their social status, would we be together?

Those may seem to be somewhat shallow questions, but examining those questions actually brings us to the truly defining questions to be answered during a Venus in Capricorn phase, which are…

  • Do my partner and I share the same goals and ambitions?
  • If we don’t share the same goals and ambitions, do we (or can we) support each other’s individual goals and ambitions?  Do we encourage and support each other so that we both experience happiness and fulfillment in our lives and therefore in the partnership?
  • Do our goals and ambitions blend well together?  Can we keep our partnership together and still go after what we each want, or do our individual callings pull us apart?

These questions are NOT just for romantic partners – these are also professional or business partners as well!  The answers to these questions will help you recognize the real status of your relationships of all kinds.

These may seem like easy questions to some, but to others these questions (or rather, the answers to them) may be very confronting or challenging.  When it really comes down to it, Venus is not used to dealing with the tangible reality of relationships.  It often tries to justify its circumstances intellectually and logically – thinking or talking itself into reasons why a relationship should or shouldn’t be.

But with Venus in Capricorn, the financial, material, and/or physical attributes and intentions or the public, professional, and/or social status of yourself and your partners – current and prospective – can be revealed for better or worse.  These tangible reality factors may bring a glorious revelation of the value and status of the relationships in your life, and for some of you, it may bring a harsh dose of truth to partnerships in which avoidance or conscious ignorance are the daily norm.

Maybe you find that you aren’t getting the results you hoped for – whether that be combined success or maybe an individual boost in credibility or stature.

Then again, you may find that what “shouldn’t be” is actually proving to be a really good thing.  Maybe your partnership is exceeding expectations for each of you and both of you within the partnership.

Whatever the case, you’ll get a good look at the reality of your various partnership and relationship situations.  And with the Sun in Capricorn helping expose the Truth, Mercury in Capricorn providing information and communication of that truth, and Pluto in Capricorn ready to assist or take control in making some major changes (like bringing certain relationship to an end so you can begin anew), this Venus in Capricorn phase is not one to be taken lightly.  In fact, you’re likely to quickly learn what you’re really moving toward in your various relationships and you’ll be able to makes choices for your present and future accordingly.

Thanks for reading and sharing.  Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,






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