Venus entering Capricorn late last week seems to have brought a “nesting” energy to the collective masses, proving Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz correct in her sentiment that “there’s no place like home”.

It seems there are quite a few people looking for and/or securing places to live right now.

This came to my attention the other day as I was speaking with 5 of my co-workers, all of whom have just purchased a home, are looking at homes, or are looking for places to live – including myself!  It’s been quite the synchronicity, and I’ve noticed that we all began discussing our domestic and residential circumstances shortly after Venus moved into Capricorn last Friday.

Capricorn is an earth sign focused on accomplishment and results.  It’s goal-oriented nature encourages us to focus on exactly what we are wanting to accomplish through our actions and the tangible results we want to produce as result of those actions.  It’s not just about the work- it’s about what we have to show for it. It’s our measure of “success”, whatever that is for us.

Venus is also loosely associated with wealth and abundance, so when Venus is in the sign of Capricorn, it’s likely our goals and accomplishments are not small or insignificant.  In fact, it’s more likely that we are looking to accomplish major results for ourselves and our lives.

Purchasing a home or moving into a new home would be considered a major step or major result in one’s life, yes?

Combine Venus in Capricorn with Jupiter moving retrograde in Taurus (these two were in harmonious trine aspect on Sunday 11/27), and there are some BIG moments in the works regarding our collective and individual material and financial resources.  For those of us who embrace this energy, this could be a very positive time in financial and material matters.  For those who resist this energy, it can be a very devastating time in these matters.

Keep your ears and eyes open for opportunities to increase your financial and material resources.  Give yourself permission to ask for your “big dream” and to do whatever it takes to make it the reality of your life.  Say ‘yes’ to the chance to achieve your goals and to find and put securely into place what has you feel “at home”.

Enjoy the week. Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blesssings,






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