Venus entered the sign of Leo on early on Tuesday, 12th August 2014 at 12:23a PDT.  With Venus being the planet representing partnerships and one-on-one relationships of all kinds, there’s no denying that our attention now shifts to our partners and the unique expressions of Light they bring into our lives and into the world as this planet enters Leo.

During Venus in Leo, you may feel inclined to encourage your partners and those you have one-on-one interactions with to be their most brilliant selves in the world.  You may urge them to share their talents and abilities with others in ways they may be hesitant or scared to.  You may tell them about the inspiration you see and appreciate in them.

However, partnerships work two ways.  This is the detail to keep in mind, especially during this 2014 Venus in Leo – our partners are paying attention to us in the same way we are paying attention to them.  They are seeing our expression of Light as much as we are seeing theirs.  Your partners may also tell you about your own radiant glow.  They may encourage you to shine your brightest Light into the world.  They may tell you how bright and brilliant you are.  They really do see what you’ve got in you, even if you don’t think they do see it and especially when you don’t see it in yourself.

Venus’ being the ruler of Libra also reminds us that Libra is an air sign.  That means that despite its popular association with romantic relationships, Venus itself can be very emotionally objective and/or detached.  Libra, represented by scales of balance or justice, also reminds us that everything has an equal to keep it in balance.  Therefore, Venus in Leo approaches this subject of Light with logical assessment, neutrality, and awareness that Light is balanced by darkness.  The good news is that if  Venus in Leo applies that logic wisely, it recognizes that if one’s Light isn’t shining, their darkness is the logical go-to for an understanding of why.

The challenge for Venus in the sign of Leo it is that it may be so focused on the shining of the Light that it often overlooks the importance of the darkness.  The Light you see or shine has a dark side that must be acknowledged as well, and often those who shine the brightest have an equally deep darkness of some sort which must be faced and dealt with.  No one can have their Light ‘on’ all of the time.

Yet it is often that Libran-Venusian desire to keep the peace that gets us into trouble here, as sometimes there are not-so-peaceful or traditionally pretty expressions of ourselves that need to come out.  There may be great concern about how our darkness may be received by those who expect or demand our Light to shine, requiring those of us who need to take a break from shining our Light in order to rest and recharge to instead always be ‘on’ to please or appease others.

These conflicts of self vs. others’ interests are the times when our partners can help us recognize and acknowledge both our darkness and our Light, and our partners can help us manage both…if we let them.  By having a select and trusted few to rest and recharge our Light with, we may find that we are able to maintain a healthy balance of darkness and Light.

The only other astrological body that Venus is within orb of at the time it enters Leo is Ceres in Scorpio (1.57°), creating a square aspect.  This is an indicator that personal values and morals are assessed through and dealt with in emotional and/or spiritual extremes – all-or-nothing, in-or-out, life-or-death.  We are either attending to our creature comforts and our (desired) lifestyle needs and values in ways that provide support to our deepest emotional-spiritual depth, or we aren’t.  This intense approach to our personal values challenges our ability for us to see and gauge the expression of our Light and darkness in emotionally objective and balanced ways through Venus in Leo.

That said, Venus in Leo is a glowing reminder that we each have unique expressions of Light and dark – both a brilliance within us that is meant to radiate outward and self-express, and a darkness meant to bring us inward to rest and self-assess.  The Light cannot exist without the darkness, and the darkness cannot exist without the Light.  And our expressions of both Light and darkness are not meant to be contained or suppressed – they are both meant to be known, acknowledged, and shared; inspiring and empowering both ourselves and others to let all of our authentic and unique selves be known…and loved.

Honor the Light and the darkness in others and in yourself always, but especially during this 2014 Venus in Leo.  This influence will be present through 5th September 2014.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers.  Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,





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