The 2020 Aries Full Moon reaches its maximum phase at 2:05p PDT on Thursday, 1st October 2020 in the Western world, and on Friday 2nd October for the Middle East through Far East/Australasian regions, making it quite a way to start a new calendar month.

This marks the beginning of a numerological 5 month, which means it will be a month of changes and unexpected events where a great deal of adaptability and activity may be required on your part. You may notice that you’ve encountered a good number of grumpy people these last few months, or maybe that you’ve been the grumpy one, simply because despite the 4 Universal Year energy, there hasn’t been anything that feels really stable. In fact, there really hasn’t been anything stable about this year of 2020 as a whole. But as the 5 month energy comes in, you and others may now be realizing that these changes are not ending – they’re actually accelerating and intensifying. That, and it’s becoming more clear that these changes are occurring at such a rapid rate, we simply cannot predict what happens in the future…

…but we do have the ability to choose and create what happens in the future.

The theme of this 2020 Aries Full Moon is individual action rooted in one’s clarity of individual intention. It asks each of us to clarify and act upon what we intend to bring into and/or restore in the world. Our intentions will inform our choices and influence our actions at this time, which is why it’s so important for them to be clear.

Aries energy is initiative action energy (cardinal fire). As the first sign of the Zodiac, it gets things started. It doesn’t like to wait around for things to happen. It doesn’t like to follow anyone else. Aries makes the first move, and often becomes a leader by default. The thing is, Aries usually doesn’t care if anyone else is following them. Once inspired, it immediately goes into action mode…

…which is what makes this 2020 Aries Full Moon so dynamic! The Aries Moon is opposite the Libra 5 Sun, reflecting the Sun’s light. Therefore, as Libra tries to figure out how to restore balance and peace in the midst of so much change, Aries acts upon Libra’s ideas to see which ideas – once put into action – actually advance Libra’s intentions. This exchange results in a sort of “let’s see what happens” dynamic, in which both energies are willing to take action than wait things out, which can lead to both productive or challenging changes and next steps, depending on how well those actions seem to be aligned with your intentions.

That last detail may be the most significant thing to focus on at this time – your own individual choices and actions, and their alignment with your intentions. What are you doing? Who are you choosing to be? In the face of abundant, constant, and significant changes in the world, in your societies, in your communities, and in your inner circles, what are your actions revealing about your own True intentions now? Are your actions in alignment with who you want to be?

If your actions aren’t aligned with your intentions, it may be time for you to rethink your ideas and beliefs, and possibly, to make or allow changes – on your terms – for yourself and your life.

This 2020 Aries Full Moon is a call to independent and individual thought, choice, and action.

Now some of you may say, “But this is Libra Sun period! Shouldn’t we be focused on our relationships and partnerships and togetherness and peace right now?” My answer is “no”.

Here’s the thing. If you’re always focused on what others are doing and choosing so you can align with them, you’re willfully surrendering your individuality and autonomy. You’re losing yourself trying so hard to connect with and sustain connections with others. You’re losing yourself trying to seek the favor of others.

If there’s any focus on your 1-on-1 connections with others of all kinds that can serve you well at this time, it may be in assessing whether or not your relationships and partnerships allow and support you in living into your True individual self. Do other individuals in your life accept and support you in being who you uniquely are? Do they encourage you to take action to become all of who you are and can be?

You may also notice at this time how your current conditions and circumstances may be trying to bring your life into balance. If you’ve been resisting change, you feel like circumstances seem to be forcing change upon you. This Aries Full Moon phase probably won’t be an easy or fun one for you, but at some point soon, you may realize there’s no point in resisting the inevitable. Change is the only constant in the Universe, so eventually, we, too, must change.

Back to the numerology, this 2020 Aries Full Moon occurs on a 6 Universal Day for the West, and on a 7 Universal Day for the East. A 6 Universal Day in the Western regions urges us to look at the functionality and practicality of our daily lives. Do they really work for us, or are we so used to the day-to-day routine and taking care of business that we forget to make sure we’re taking care of ourselves? The health and wellness of both our bodies and our everyday business will be crucially important considerations during this current Full Moon phase, as they both contribute greatly to the functionality of our everyday lives and lifestyles. While in the 7 Universal Day regions, this is a day to think about all the changes that are happening, and to get clear about where to and how we both individually and collectively want to move forward. This is so we can better navigate the changes coming at us, flexibly adapt to those changes as necessary, and still find a way to get to our desired destination. The path may not be what we expect it to be, but it’ll help us develop our ability to adapt to whatever circumstances or environments we may find ourselves facing along the way.

The transits at 3 orb during this 2020 Aries Full Moon will also provide valuable insights into the energies occurring now. Read the following to learn more about what is available for you now.

Libra 5 Sun opposite Aries Chiron Retrograde conjunct Moon (7-9°) – Emotionally-healing energy to heal old self-identity wounds helps you navigate and maintain your balance through the changes occurring in your partnerships due to the changes occurring in the world.

Libra 5 Sun quincunx Taurus Uranus Retrograde (9°) – Those who have vehemently resisted change are now met with changes they can no longer deny or avoid. These changes are either too big or too much of a social or societal shift to deny, and cannot continue to be passively ignored.

Capricorn Pluto Retrograde conjunct Saturn (22-25°) – The societal structure so many of us are trying to re-establish is actually in the process of being entirely transformed, like it or not… and many people don’t like it. Their anger is actually the first step in their awakening – they’re starting to see that things really aren’t going back to what they once were.

Aquarius Ceres Retrograde opposite Leo Venus (28-29°) – Social/humanitarian values are now being incorporated in unique creative self-expression. For some of you, it can’t just be about expressing yourself – it gets to be about how expressing yourself contributes to the lives of others. In other cases, you may not realize how you being you impacts the lives of others. This may be a time for you to find out by letting others see you for all you have to offer. The feedback you receive will reveal the value you contribute to others’ lives.

(Aries Mars Retrograde conjunct Black Moon Lilith) square Capricorn Saturn (24-27°) – Are actions being motivated by ego or by inspiration? Be aware of this as your efforts may challenge those who are trying to re-establish societal structure and order and who may be operating from ego-driven motives. Those motivated by ego will be fearful and angry. Those motivated by inspiration will be frustrated but determined. Notice these distinctions in others as well as yourself.

Scorpio Juno conjunct Mercury (3-4°) – There’s a strong commitment to get to the bottom of the matters-at-hand – to uncover and understand all of the long-hidden secrets, no matter how dark they may be.

BLESSING TRIANGLE: Scorpio White Moon Selene sextile Capricorn Jupiter sextile Pisces Neptune Retrograde (17-19°) – There’s a Higher, more transformative purpose to all that’s happening right now. As awareness of our societal workings grows, our social ideals are changing and becoming more conscious of their impact on all of us, not just a few of us.

Leo Vesta square Scorpio White Moon Selene (19-21°) – Dedication to individual self-expression challenges our notions of what the Higher good really is. Instead of presenting ourselves as what we think may be inspiring to others, we may discover that what others really want is for us to be more vulnerable in showing our authentic selves.

Leo Vesta trine Aries Mars Retrograde (21-24°) – That same dedication to individual self-expression may also inspire you to be pro-active or simply just active in putting yourself out there into the world. Even if the effort backfires, you’ll gain valuable feedback that may assist you in bringing your outward self-expression back into alignment with your True individual self.

Aries Black Moon Lilith trine Leo Venus (27-28°) – Are your ego-driven actions to express yourself in your relationships of all kinds really in your best self-interest? Possibly. This is one time where asserting your self-identity may actually help you become align your actions with your inner Truth.

The biggest takeaway from this 2020 Aries Full Moon period may be that this is a time for you to prioritize your individuality and independence. Think for yourself, take actions in your own individual best interests, and restore your integrity. Your integrity is your power, and you’ll need that power to continue moving forward into and through whatever lies ahead.

The energy of this 2020 Aries Full Moon will be powerfully felt from 28th September through 4th October 2020. If you do any Full Moon phase practices or rituals (drum circles, crystal clearing, space cleansing/clearing, etc.) be sure to complete them during this one-week window.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers. Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,





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