We experienced our first New Moon phase of the Zodiac New Year as the 2020 Aries New Moon reached its maximum phase at 2:28a PDT on Tuesday, 24th March 2020 (4.20°). Aries is initiative, active energy that is eager to make its way forward, and New Moons are often THE perfect time to set intentions for new beginnings and to take steps toward a fresh start. It’s the perfect time for you to make your way to something new and different.

Yet sometimes, Aries’ cardinal fire energy may be a bit too eager to make itself first or foremost, and combined with the New Moon energy, this over-eagerness to begin anew (or begin again) is where we find ourselves with this 2020 Aries New Moon.

The numerology is important for this one. That’s because this New Moon occurs on a 4 universal day in a 4 universal year – a day and year focused on safety, security, stability, and structure… or heightened awareness of the lack thereof. For those who have some physical, material, and/or financial stability and security, there may be a tendency to fight for the past, born a fear of the changes that are trying to take hold. Yet for those who do not have resource stability or security, there may be a belief that they have everything to lose to the point they have nothing to lose.

When people get to a point of moving beyond fear and feel they have nothing left to lose, they get bold.

And that’s where this 2020 Aries New Moon energy awakens some interesting things.

First of all, everything that’s happening right now has people thinking. This is a 7 universal month, and thinking is to be expected. Yet we’re under the influence of a powerful Aries Sun and Moon energy, and the degree of “thinking” that usually comes with 7 energy is not so expected. Usually Aries is impulsive if not reckless, a bit too eager to do something – anything – to be in action, to get things started, and to keep them moving.

Yet so many people seem either fearful about taking action (afraid to act) or fearful or fear-based in taking action (fear of missing out). Maybe it’s because some can feel their actions will have negative consequences yet could make a positive impact in the long run. Maybe it’s because some are worried that they don’t have enough or aren’t doing enough to make they want to have happen actually happen … or maybe they fear others want what they have access to or opportunity for, and they believe they need to get as much as they can before someone takes it or gets more of it.

The New Moon is a conjunction between the Sun and the Moon, and this 2020 Aries Sun and Moon conjunction has two other influences joining it in conjunction aspect to form a Stellium – Chiron and Black Moon Lilith (4-6°). Together in Aries, these four influences create an emotion-driven revelation of our individual and collective self-identity wounds and the ego-based reasons those wounds exist. In other words, we each and all are becoming painfully aware of the darkness within our societies and within ourselves. In the face of the challenges of what is happening right now, there’s a heightened awareness of our personal values and priorities, our social and societal values and priorities, and the lengths we are willing to go to in order to preserve those values and priorities.

Some of us are finding ourselves motivated by selfishness as we’re “looking out for number one”, making sure we have (in some cases, more than) what we need in as everything seems to be crashing down; yet others are becoming angry as they see how the selfishness is bringing out the worst in people, in humanity, and in some cases, in themselves.

The Aries Moon + Sun + Chiron + Lilith stellium is more impactful than it already appears because it’s in square aspect to the Nodal Axis of Cancer North Node and Capricorn South Node (3°) at the time of the New Moon’s max phase, forming a Nodal T-Square configuration with the Aries stellium as the pivot! This marks a pivotal moment of choice – who are we as individuals, as communities, as nations, as a world, as the whole of humanity? This T-Square configuration marks a major turning point for humanity as the current circumstances have brought us to a pivotal moment of choice. I’ve asked these questions before because the call to ask them has come up before, and most people didn’t take them seriously. But I ask them again knowing that now – right now, right this very moment – THIS is the threshold. THIS is the moment. THIS is THE choice to be made.

  • Do we choose to repeat our past and stagnate or regress ourselves… or do we choose to divert from our usual course, moving courageously in a new direction toward an uncharted future that we get to create as we progress forward?
  • Do we choose to nurture people and treat them as human, or do we choose to objectify people and treat them as stepping stones to our social or societal goals?
  • Do we choose to devolve as a human race, or do we choose to evolve ourselves individually and collectively?

Though it seems those longing for the past may have the upper hand at this time, this New Moon stellium also makes semi-sextile aspects with both Pisces Mercury (6°) and Taurus Uranus (4°), creating a Sequence of energies. The collective voice or Oneness consciousness leads to greater awareness of self and one’s potential role of service and contribution to the world, which inspires individuals to take initiative actions which lead to significant if not surprising shifts in our personal and social/societal lifestyle values. Some of us will discover and experience the power of community in ways we never imagined, yet that are more profound than we could ever have dreamed.

In other words, we may find that what we thought we valued most may not be what we really value after all.

And what we valued least may actually prove to be far more important to us than we believed it to be.

And that our values may not be shared by others, and if we really believe in our values and really want to uphold them, now is the time to make that stand, loudly and proudly.

The Stellium involving the New Moon conjunction as the pivot of a T-Square and the midpoint of a Sequence is, of course, the most prominent feature of this 2020 New Moon phase.

However, there’s remarkably a second Stellium occurring as this New Moon reaches its max phase – a Stellium of Pallas Athena, Jupiter, Pluto, and Mars in Capricorn (22-25°)! This Stellium itself represents a growing call to notice the patterns in both how our societal structures operate and how we choose to behave in them;  and a call to recognize the need for their transformation.  This is literally a foreshadowing of a major shift in what has been seen as or believed to be unwaveringly stable and secure. The increasingly-outdated institutions of our society are now revealing their wear and tear, and its leaders are desperate to hold onto their power as their façades fall away and expose them for what they truly represent to us, for better and worse.

Sadly, so much that is happening right now is born of haste, greed, resentment, anger, and most of all, fear, especially in those of positions of power who fear losing their power. When the objective is to obtain and hold power, influence, and control over others, those we’ve allowed to be in the positions to wield their power and influence over us will do just that – wield it. But this Capricorn Stellium makes square aspect to Libra White Moon Selene (22°) at the time of the New Moon’s max phase, revealing a call to serve a Higher purpose when it comes to one’s pursuit of power. This call is likely to show up as a test of conscience – how are you (and others) willing to treat others in pursuit of your goals? Are you fair and just, conscious of both and/or all parties being treated equally and respectfully… or are you only focused on getting yours no matter what? This Capricorn Stellium square with Selene will bring noteworthy revelations of who people really are at their core as we witness how they interact with and/or relate to others.

There’s a lot of darkness and challenge in all that’s happening right now, but all of this challenging reality is also bringing forward wonderful opportunities for Light to shine in! Not just the Light that’s been exposing what’s been hidden in the shadows, but Light brings profound inspiration for creative and innovative growth and expansion are emerging now. New forms of interaction and relationship with others are forming as most of us are being strongly encouraged if not forced to live in physical distance from each other right now, many people – especially the extroverts of the world – are figuring out how to channel their abundant social energy into developing creative and innovative ways to maintain connections with others. Some are even finding ways to create new connections and relationships, despite the initial perceptions of “limitation”.

But many creative types are actually introverts, and this time of extended isolation is also giving many of them a renaissance of inspiration and vision they haven’t had in a long time. There is so much beauty being created right now in the world despite the circumstances, and it’s amazing what people can become and do when they’re forced into changes, especially lifestyle and resource changes.

That all said, despite the brilliance coming forward, this will likely be a difficult time for quite a few people – both extroverts and introverts – who identify with who they are in and for the outside world and people outside of themselves. Those who need to physically interact with others or those who have come to define themselves by their jobs or worldly roles may find themselves in a state of identity crisis because they’ve come to identify with their worldly roles so strongly.

  • Who are they when they are alone with themselves? Who are YOU when you’re alone with yourself?
  • What talents and skills have they allowed to become dormant or ignored? What talents and skills have YOU allowed to become dormant or go ignored in you?
  • Or maybe which qualities of themselves have they effectively hidden or denied, and now in the isolation, they must face and come to terms with now? Which qualities about yourself have you hidden or denied and now must come to terms with?

This topic of self-identity may be the most wonderful part of this whole current situation we’re all in. The fact that many of us have to be alone with ourselves right now finally gives most of us an opportunity to the internal healing work (emotional, spiritual, and mental/intellectual) we haven’t had time to do, or that we’ve kept ourselves too busy so we wouldn’t have time to do. So many people try to avoid self-reflection, yet in this time under the Aries Sun, there’s no better time to focus on oneself, who you are being, who you want to be, what you are doing, and what you want to do in and for the world. Now is the time to make some choices and/or changes in regard to who you actually are.

And answering these self-identity questions for yourself also makes it important for you to take action in alignment with your answers. You can’t just talk about this – you have to walk your talk. This will be a transformative time for you and many others as we each and all have opportunities to take actions to step into our True selves and stand up for what we individually and collectively value most.

The energy of this 2020 Aries New Moon will be felt from Saturday 21st March through Friday 27th March. Remember to remind yourself of what you are beginning now, and what actions you’re willing to take in order to keep it – and yourself – going in the face of challenge.

When in darkness, choose to be the Light.

When faced with limitation, find a way.

To those points, this photo has a story. I’m sharing it with you because it embodies the saying “Nature always finds a way” or “Life always finds a way.”

A client gave me a sprig of her flowering shrub as a gift a couple months ago. I placed it in a small cup, and left it in my car because the weather was still on the cool side. Well, over the next couple weeks, it got warmer and warmer, and I left it in the car one day it was really warm, and… well, I thought I had killed it. But it had begin sprouting roots before it might have died of heatstroke, so I put some cooler water in the cup, and when I got home, I finally took it out of my car and put it on the counter in the kitchen… and kind of forgot about it.

Well, the other day, I looked at it. Two of the leaves had begin to yellow and darken. But on the end of the little stalk – new leaves! Bright green, beautiful little leaves! Nature found a way to be resilient. Life was resilient.

In the face of everything we’re all dealing with right now, I ask you to allow this little tiny plant that almost died of overheat in my car to inspire you. It’s going to grow into a beautiful flowering shrub with flowers that are super fragrant and wonderful, and I look so forward to it living into its fullest potential.

And I look forward to you living into your fullest potential, too. Don’t look at this time as horrible. Look at it for what is being revealed to us now so we can make different choices for a bold and bright future. We aren’t there yet, but we can get there… if we allow ourselves to stand up and take action for ourselves.

Now is the time to be courageous. Now is the time to be bold. Now is the time to move through your fear.

Be the sprig. Be Life. Be safe. Be well…

…and Happy Spring.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers. Until next time…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,




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