The 2019 Virgo New Moon reaches its maximum phase at 3:37a PDT on Friday, 30th August 2019 (6.79°). Virgo is a mutable earth sign, making its earthiness is kind of like a soft mud or pliable clay – it gives us more “structure” than we might have otherwise, yet it still has enough flexibility for us to make adjustments and/or bold moves to our journeys if they’re needed.

That said, Virgo represents the plans we make which may need some adjusting once we take them out of hypothethical actually begin to implement them in the everyday reality of our lives. It acts as a reminder than nothing is set in stone – that change is the only constant, and even our best-laid plans may be subject to its will.

Virgo energy is also very pragmatic. Focused on practical functionality, healing, health, and wellness, there’s not much tolerance for playing around. This is a time to do the work to make things work – to implement the plans. It is also a very discerning energy. My little joke about Virgo is that “if something is broken, Virgo asks how it can fix, repair, or heal it; and if nothing isn’t broken, Virgo asks how it can make things work better.”

With Virgo on a never-ending quest of improvement (which is really a quest of self-improvement which gets projected onto almost everything and everyone around it…) we begin to learn and understand that these “improvements” are only sought after because there’s a genuine desire for everyone and everything involved to function at its best. So, even if it doesn’t feel good or seems harsh or super judgmental in the moment, if you can remember that Virgo is coming from a really good place with their discernment and “constructive” criticism, it’s easier to accept their perspectives and opinions.

This 2019 Virgo New Moon isn’t only about the Sun + Moon conjunction which forms the New Moon.  Don’t get me wrong – the conjunction is still the star of the show, and during this specific New Moon phase, it really takes center stage. This earth sign’s “mud” is bringing us more structure and stability to our lives than we’ve had in a very long time, and those structures are slowing us down – enough for us to start becoming aware of just how much major change has been and is continuing to occur around us… and more importantly, how much change is happening within us as result of the external environmental and circumstantial changes.

Yet this Virgo 2 New Moon conjunction does not stand alone. It is also conjunct Mars at the time of maximum phase, and there are FOUR other bodies and points in Virgo as well – Mercury, Venus, Juno, and White Moon Selene – whichare also part of this 2019 Virgo planning committee… for a total of SEVEN bodies and points in the sign of Virgo alone!

So, what exactly are they planning?

They’re planning ways to get us to acknowledge that the paths we are traveling now are no longer serving us well, and that we must choose to change course, plan that change, choose to commit to the necessary changes, and begin implementing the work we each and all get to do in the next phase of our life journeys.

Combine the afore-mentioned “seven planning” influences in Virgo with Uranus Retrograde and Vesta both in Taurus and Saturn Retrograde and Pluto Retrograde both in Capricorn for a total of TEN bodies and points in earth signs for about 36-48 hours, and you can count on this 2019 Virgo New Moon as a time in which we begin to be fully aware of and acutely perceptive of the impact of the changes which have been occurring in our communities, societies, and the world as a whole… which of course, will bring inevitably bring changes to our personal lives as well.

The 2 numerological month energy along with the 5 universal day energy means that many if not all of us will awaken to the extent of these personal and collective changes through 1) our 1-on-1 relationships with others bringing certain points to our attention, and 2) by finally slowing us down enough to help us realize the extent of change that has occurred. This day could potentially bring forward– or at least plant the seeds for – some massive structural changes to the status quo, shifting the nature and purpose of our relationships to ourselves, each other, and society.

This particular 2019 Virgo New Moon helps each and all of us to become aware of the degree to which we’ve been experiencing shifts to the structures of our lives, and how these shifts are leading us to the other notable feature of the New Moon phase – opportunities for new beginnings and uncharted territory we get to explore as result of the shifts and changes around and within us. Whether these structures are our actual homes, our workplaces, or the active structures of our daily routines, many of us are either outgrowing our status quos or on the receiving end of the effects of someone else outgrowing their status quo which, of course, forces us to make adjustments to or major changes in our lives.

Let’s break all of these dynamics down, transit by transit.

The Virgo 2 Sun + Moon conjunction is busy this month – a very active series of transits for this one.

  • (Virgo 2 Sun conjunct Moon) conjunct Mars (6-7°) – Actions are taken to challenge individuals or to intentionally create conflict by holding others accountable for their current conditions. This energy demands solutions and resolution for any situations which are unhealthy or non-functioning.
  • (Virgo 2 Sun conjunct Moon) trine Taurus Uranus Retrograde (6°) – Unexpected shifts in social values may be destabilizing the status quo, but only because the elements which are shifting are not working for the current conditions in some way. There is a lack of alignment between the values of society and the way those values are being practiced. Therefore, the changes are occurring to either change the values to align with the practices… or to change the practices/plans to align with the shifting values. The latter will be harder because the values are actively changing, so a plan is much more difficult to formulate with ‘fluid’ resources.
  • (Virgo 2 Sun conjunct Moon) square Sagittarius Ceres (5-6°) – The daily routine or system you operate in may find you feeling irritated, frustrated, and possibly stagnant or stuck. These challenging feelings may be an indicator that you have outgrown (or are outgrowing) your current lifestyle and it’s time to make some upgrades.
  • (Virgo 2 Sun conjunct Moon) quincunx Aries Chiron Retrograde (4-6°) – In a similar vein to the square transit with Ceres, this quincunx with Chiron Retrograde reveals how current or “normal” daily routines may now be strongly incompatible with your expanding personal values. You will feel this disconnect acutely, and may find yourself unable to continue in your present conditions.

Yet there are other important transits occurring at the time of maximum phase which don’t include the Sun and Moon:

  • Virgo Venus opposite Pisces Black Moon Lilith (11-13°) – Practical partnerships help balance what may be idealistic (or delusional) ego-driven beliefs about your Divine life purpose. In other words, other individuals help remind you that you are human, and that there are things which need to be taken care of in your own everyday life before you go off saving the rest of the world. The people in your life who keep you grounded and focused are your best allies right now. Seek them out. Spend time with them. Allow them to contribute to your journey.
  • Virgo Venus trine Capricorn Saturn Retrograde (11-14°)– These practical partnerships may help bring stability, structure, and healthy functionality to your daily life, but they are also intended to remind you to remain focused on your own goals and ambitions. It is extremely important that whomever you are choosing to have in your everyday company has goals and ambitions that are compatible with yours and that they are also able to pursue their own goals and ambitions while in partnership with you. If your life paths are such where you are working together and that partnership benefits both of you, wonderful! But if you realize your success or achievement is compromised by one or more of your partnerships – especially if they are placing unreasonable demands or holding unreasonable expectations of you, you may need to figure out how to bring it into balance or how to bring it to completion.
  • Sagittarius Jupiter square Pisces Black Moon Lilith (13-15°) – Your personal growth and expansion are challenged by your belief(s) that you should be doing something bigger and/or more far-reaching with your life. The key to maximizing the potential you feel you have within you is to live in the present moment – live in this moment right now! By being present to and making choices about what is right in front of you, you’re better able to take the steps needed to grow you to where you believe you are meant to be.
  • Sagittarius Jupiter square Pisces Neptune Retrograde (15-17°) – Your growth and expansion may also be challenged by the ideals and unrealistic expectations of others. You may experience this as witnessing others having this struggle, giving you an opportunity to see if their experience is reflecting a similar struggle happening within you. Are you growing into your inner Truth or into unrealistic expectations of who you or others think you should be (or expectations of yourself which were developed by others’ expectations of you)? Now’s the time to get your expectation game straightened out.
  • Capricorn Saturn Retrograde sextile Pisces Black Moon Lilith (14-15°) – The discipline and focus which comes through Saturn’s retrograde provide structural support to your ego-driven beliefs and ideals about who you should be in your life… in a Divine purpose sort of way. Make sure that you aren’t holding yourself accountable to standards no mortal human can live up to. Otherwise, this otherwise positive transit will feel as if you are imprisoned by discipline rather than focused by it. Yes, you want to be the best version of your True self you can be in this incarnation. Yet instead of striving for some unrealistic ideal of what that “best” should be, trust that you are already perfect as you are. Fulfilling your Divine life purpose is more about being all of who you are rather than trying to aspire to some Godly standard no one can ever actually live up to. You cannot fail if you’re living your inner Truth with integrity.
  • (Virgo Mercury conjunct Juno) sextile Scorpio Pallas Athena (1-2°) – Your thoughts and words will reveal what you are really committed to, and this commitment will reveal itself in how you go about your day-to-day life as you begin getting below the surface of the matters of your life and begin seeing the emotional and energetic patterns you’ve been operating underneath the surface your everyday routine. As you become more aware of your motives, you become more aware of what you may need to adjust, change, or eliminate altogether in order to improve or restore functionality, health, and wellness to the whole of your life through your mind and heart.
  • Taurus Uranus Retrograde quincunx Sagittarius Ceres (5-6°) – As society’s values undergo a -massive shift, it may seem as if your personal values and your desire for growth and expansion may seem incompatible. Yet the real issue here is that as society’s values change, it forces you to choose how you want to grow. The thing is… there isn’t really a clear direction coming from external sources because everything around you is changing! For that reason, you may need to forge your own path which means consulting yourself and your own personal values for the guidance you seek.

This 2019 Virgo New Moon is all about learning to trust your own judgment and intuition, and developing the comfort and confidence in doing that only comes through doing the mundane, everyday work to implement a conscious and intuitive practice into your everyday routine. Once it becomes part of how you operate on a daily basis, you won’t have any trouble trusting it again. You’ll be able to use it to navigate your life in ways which actually serve you and assist you in moving toward the fulfillment of your intentions and goals.

The energy of this 2019 Virgo New Moon phase will be felt from Tuesday 27th August into Monday 2nd September 2019. Take this time to attend to the details of your life – the effort will pay off later.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers. Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,





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