Our next Full Moon occurs Friday, 19th April 2019 at 4:12a PDT (29.11°), and it is our second Libra Full Moon of 2019, making it the second Full Moon of the 2019 Aries Sun period. Normally, a “blue moon” is when we have two full moons in a calendar month. Yet in this case, we have two Libra Full Moons in an astrological month (under the same Aries Sun Sign energy), creating an astrological “blue moon”.

This also means these Full Moon phases create a sense of symmetry for this 2019 Aries Sun period as the first Libra Full Moon occurred less than 1° into the Aries Sun period, and this second Libra Full Moon occurs less than 1° away from the arrival of the Taurus Sun period. They’re a near-perfect pair of energetic bookends to a month of a powerful awakening to self-identity.

Like the first 2019 Libra Full Moon back on 20th March, this second 2019 Libra Full Moon’s emotional energy is about striking balances and feeling harmony in our interactions with others which had us seeking peace more than anything in our interactions with others. Yet throughout this month, what we’ve learned is that our relationships serve to reflect ourselves back to ourselves, giving us an opportunity to see who we are being not only in our relationships, but who we are being for ourselves in our individual lives. These dynamics have challenged us to consider both who we want to be as individuals and who we really want to be with in our relationships of all kinds. We’ve had to ask ourselves if our partners truly allow, encourage, and support our individuality; or are we giving up our individuality and independence in order to be in relationship with another or others?

Yet even with the basic messages and questions being quite similar in some ways, the dynamics under “round two” of the Libra Full Moon are quite different in others. During the first Full Moon, the Libra dynamic may have had us hesitant in facing conflict or imbalance head-on. By being indecisive or wishy-washy, we may have avoided “rocking the boat” or “disrupting the peace”.

But now, after 4.5 weeks under the 2019 Aries Sun, we’ve learned just how much the boats are already rocked and our peace is already disrupted. We may now find we have no problem whatsoever stepping in and demanding balance, equity, fairness, or justice in order for peace to be initiated if not restored. The priorities, for many of us, have flipped. Where in the beginning it may have been more important to pursue our quest for inner peace through making nice in our relationships with others, now we are recognizing the power of pursuing our inner peace by diving within and making nice with our individual selves… even and especially if that means letting go of relationships with others which do not allow us to find and make that peace with ourselves.

The lesson that has been available to us between these bookends: “Your relationship with yourself sets the tone for every other relationship you have.”

Part of what swayed our intellectual and emotional energies to others during the March Libra Full Moon was that Mercury being retrograde in Pisces when the first Libra Full Moon occurred, encouraging us to think about Oneness and how everyone and everything else would be affected by our individual ideas and communications. This time around, Mercury is in direct motions and has just entered Aries, meaning our individual and collective mindsets will be focused on our individual selves and how we create our self-identities through our thoughts, beliefs, and words. We are far more self-aware than we were only 4.5 weeks ago, and catching ourselves engaging in acts of intellectual and emotional self-sabotage and/or self-sacrifice comes much more easily. We’re more likely to think before we act now, or more specifically, think about how our communications and actions now may affect the trajectory of our lives now and later.

However, this sudden turn toward thoughtfulness is challenged by the fact that this second Libra Full Moon is occurring on a numerological 8 universal day for most of the world. With a 7 universal month energy in play – an energy which already has encouraged many of us to take action before thinking – this 8 UD energy would amplify that tendency to act first and think later in the name (or pretense) of wielding power and influence. The 7 energy tries to act as a reminder that “with great power comes great responsibility”, but people’s actions at this time (including our own) are likely to provide plenty of retrospective lessons as many of us will be tempted to act impulsively now – actions which may prove damaging if not catastrophic for our intentions, however noble they may be.

Just as there were during the March 2019 Libra Full Moon, there are a number of important transits in action during this April 2019 Libra Full Moon.

  • The Aries Sun – Libra Moon opposition is part of a KITE configuration with the Libra Moon trine both Gemini Juno and Aquarius Black Moon Lilith (28-29°). This affirms both a commitment to bring both intellectual and emotional balance, fairness, and justice to our individual ego-driven ideas and intentions. What you may notice during this Full Moon is that you are either becoming more flexible or more rigid in your beliefs as you are presented with new or additional information. Pay attention to your own as well as others’ thoughts during this time – are you trying to hold onto ideas and beliefs which no longer serve you well and may even be holding you back from advancement in your life? And are you thinking it because it’s what you really want to think or believe, or are you thinking it because you feel pressured to think and believe it by the people around you? This may be the time for you to pause and examine this once and for all. If you earnestly take on the challenge of facing your attachment(s) to the past and/or to others and how they may be affecting your choices in the present circumstances of your life, you may begin to realize that now may finally be the time to let those beliefs, ideas, and intentions fall away to (re)discover the experience of thinking and speaking for your individual and independent self.
  • A STELLIUM configuration of the Saturn + South Node + Pluto in Capricorn opposite the Cancer North Node (20-23°). The process of transformation is an interesting one as the death of what no longer serves makes way for the birth of what could serve better – it’s clearing the outdated for the innovative; the old ways for the new. What’s interesting is Capricorn represents our societal structures and institutions, so the long-established methods for obtaining, maintaining, and wielding power are no longer as effective as they once were. Those intentions and energies of times past no longer align with the present we are living and the future we are creating. It’s time for a shift, yet this opposition reflects how the weight is with the past – how even though we feel (emotionally and intuitively) a call to experience something new, for the most part, we’re (collectively) almost desperately hanging onto a past which is no longer serving us well. In fact, so many of us are holding on to the past so tightly, the only way we may let go is if we are forced to. This is clearly demonstrated in how many of us are experiencing an understanding of how our societal institutions – once looked upon as our patriarchal defenders and protectors – are now beginning to turn on us. They lack emotional connection, empathy, and compassion in any form. We can clearly see now how those in power are only focused on results and bottom lines, and those goals no longer serve us well (as if it ever truly did). The transformation occurring is one in which we are beginning to see how our societal institutions don’t actually care about or care for the people – they only care about their societal and hierarchal ambitions and goals. People are now simply a means to an end, not the end itself.
  • Another interesting transit of note: Sagittarius Jupiter Retrograde is semi-sextile the afore-mentioned Capricorn Stellium (21-24°). In this case, you may be feeling pressure to open your mind and/or expand your horizons, yet if you’re still holding onto to a staunch belief in an outdated societal paradigm, you may find this call to growth and expansion very intimidating if not straight-up confronting to your world view. This is a potentially dangerous transit in you may refuse to see or acknowledge the changes transpiring, choosing to favor a belief that things haven’t changed or aren’t really changing that much… even though they have and are. Denial and dismissal of the changes may be what leads to your downfall by the exact changes you refuses to acknowledge, but acknowledgment and acceptance of those changes could be what leads to your rise into the upper echelons of an emerging new societal structure.
  • A SEQUENCE of Aquarius Black Moon Lilith semi-sextile Pisces Venus semi-sextile Aries 7 Sun (28-29°) has our ego-driven expectations of community and team leading to crushed dreams, fantasies, and ideals of how those team relationships – both collaborative and 1-on-1 – should be expressed. This could result in a disappointment which creates a hinderance in taking action to establish or further one’s self-identity… but it could also provide a shift in perspective which has you realize that the only person you can truly rely on to make things happen in your life is yourself. This may prove to be one of those moments when you turn immense pain into extraordinary progress, so act accordingly.
  • (Aries Mercury conjunct Chiron) semi-sextile Taurus Uranus (2-3°) reveals how thinking and speaking in our own best interests actually helps us heal our sense of self. This often leads us to new perspectives of society’s morals and values and a realization that you as an individual may not share the same values and moral compass as others around you. Can you give yourself permission to go your own way in order to heal your true inner self?
  • And finally, Gemini Mars opposite Sagittarius Ceres Retrograde (12-13°) finds us in another values quandary. This time, there is a call to find balance between taking actions in order to learn with drawing from the wisdom of those with first-hand experience. It would be wise to ask those who have “been there and done” that in order to gain guidance for your own experience. But remember your journey is ultimately your own. As much as you may respect the wisdom of their experience, you still have to choose your steps for yourself… yet the Gemini Mars energy may find you disregarding the wisdom of those who came before you, and as result, learning the hard way how history can repeat itself if we don’t earnestly value the lessons of our past.

The energy of this April 2019 Libra Full Moon will be felt from 15th through 22nd April 2019, and most strongly, of course, throughout the day on the 19th. Use this time to think about how the last 4.5 weeks have taught you about who you are, wo you want to be, and who you want to have in your life to support this emerging independent, unique, and confident individual you are becoming, one action step at a time.

Remember – when you choose to see and create yourself and your life experience from a strong sense of peace from within you, you will always see and experience peace around you.

“Your relationship with yourself sets the tone for every other relationship you have.”

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers. Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,





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