The Pisces New Moon – a conjunction of the Sun and Moon – reaches its maximum phase at 6:11a PDT on Saturday, 17th March 2018 (26.89°). This is a 22 universal day numerologically, encouraging us to emotionally nurture the one-on-one connections within our social circles so that we develop actual caring and love for the people in our communities, making them more solid and strong as result. We’ll need these connections to not only bring us to, but to bring us through emotional pain which leads us to individual and collective emotional and spiritual healing.

The Sun and the Moon are not the only two Pisces elements in conjunction aspect at the time of max phase – Chiron joins them (28°), forming a Stellium and supporting the numerology of the day by bringing forth an intention of empathy and compassion which awakens a desire to serve the Highest good of All. These qualities are important because as people focus on their one-on-one connections with others, they also find themselves more willing to truly hear and feel what the other person is saying. This willingness to listen and understand creates conditions which may heal the pain of long-held emotional upsets and grief.

Yet this Pisces New Moon Stellium is in square aspect to Vesta (25°) and Mars (29°), both in Sagittarius though far enough apart not to be in direct conjunction with each other (4° apart), but their squares with the stellium indirectly joins their energies together. Vesta is strongly dedicated to finding and aligning with factual truth; while Mars not only acts in alignment with what it knows or finds to be true, it can also reveal the true nature of the truth-seeker in the process through their actions. Together, these placements also bring people’s real intentions to light as their emotional truths are revealed… and these bluntly honest Sagittarius elements are what bring the (temporary) pain.

But allowing ourselves to each and all face the hard facts and feel the cold pain of truth could very well end up being for the best as we are likely to find wisdom, growth, and expansion on the other side of the experience. In turn, this growth and expansion can enable and progress our emotional and spiritual healing process.

Also at the time of max phase, Aries Uranus makes a trine aspect to Sagittarius Vesta (25-26°), through which Vesta’s dedication to truth leads to bold and unexpected individual acts of leadership which could inspire the community in positive ways to move toward healing. And Scorpio Jupiter Retrograde is opposite Taurus Pallas Athena (23°), which finds us witnessing the growth or stagnation of others around us, almost forcing each of us to recognize the degrees or levels of growth or stagnation in our own lives. We can identify why what is happening for ourselves is happening by paying attention our personal lifestyle choices and behavior patterns, especially how we acquire our resources, how we choose to use them, and why we choose to experience them the way we do. It also makes us aware of where we do (or don’t) fit in our communities, and where we may need to go in order to find or restore our sense of purpose and belonging.

But there is one other formation of major significance during this 2018 Pisces New Moon – a Nodal Yod/”Boomerang”. This has Capricorn Black Moon Lilith sextile Pisces Neptune, with both quincunx the Leo North Node and semi-sextile the Aquarius South Node – all at 14°! Lilith brings ambition – a desire to achieve by any means necessary, while Neptune brings romantic or fantastic idealism. Together, Lilith and Neptune produce “delusions of grandeur” which when combined with the Nodal energies can make people feel more important than they actually are… which also leads those same people to realize just how much their communities do (or don’t) really appreciate their unique contributions to the greater whole, or how the other members of their communities may take them for granted. This geometric pattern is a big caution flag for more emotional pain to be felt as you may discover that you’re not as important as you think you are … AND that you may be far more important than you ever imagined you could be.

The paradox is this – the people you’ve been around for a long time may not see your unique brilliance. They may no longer see what you have to offer, or maybe they’ve never seen what you have to offer; or maybe they know exactly what you’re capable of and they’re tired of watching you waste your potential or spin your wheels, not progressing forward and upward. This 2018 Pisces New Moon may be exactly the kick of tough love you need in order to move into the spotlight in service to your community, to the Oneness of All-That-is, or to yourself in your own life; OR to move on with your life (or move on to a community that can see and appreciate what you have to offer).

Nevertheless, the 2018 Pisces New Moon is an opportunity for you to start moving in a new direction – a direction determined by your emotional truth. This is an opening for you to choose to move away from what causes you emotional and spiritual pain.

Make choices for yourself which allow you to move out of your pain and stagnation into a life of genuine peace and love, knowing that the only way you can get there is to face and move through the facts you don’t want to face to avoid the emotional pain you may be afraid to feel.

Now’s the time to feel the emotional pain… to get to your spiritual peace and to restore your sense of belonging in the Oneness of community and humanity.

Thanks for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers. Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,





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