It happens this evening, 10th January 2018 at 9:09p PST – Mercury enters the sign of Capricorn. This is a pretty significant ingress considering the Sun, Venus, Saturn, Black Moon Lilith, and Pluto are all also in the sign of Capricorn at this point in time. Though Mercury will not engage directly with the current Sun + Venus + Pluto stellium (featured in a previous post to this blog), there is a profound clarity that is available to us when the way we think and speak is called to align with so many other aspects of our lives all focused on our intentions, ambitions, and goals.

The 2018 Mercury in Capricorn will challenge us to take a look into how our thoughts and words reflect our determination to achieve our goals and ambitions. It will challenge us to think about how much we are willing to do in order to get our desired results, and it will encourage us to shift our ways of thinking and speaking to better align with our intentions, ambitions, and goals.

Capricorn is also an expression of authoritative and disciplinary energy, and we shouldn’t be surprised if those who are big on rules and regulations and holding people accountable and responsible to the rules and laws of society and government are in overdrive over the next 4.5 weeks, enforcing their policies. Yet also don’t be surprised if those same people are held to their own strict standards themselves. This may prove to be quite a game, with those trying to punish or “discipline” finding themselves being punished and disciplined themselves. In other words, the efforts made to bring down others may end up bringing their “enforcers” down, too.

With both of those Capricorn expressions being noted, this 2018 Mercury in Capricorn will push us to think about the intentions behind our ambitions and goals. What are we really striving for? What are we really seeking to accomplish or achieve through our desired results?

  • Are our ambitions and goals really our own, or are we setting them based upon what society expects of us?
  • Are we trying to achieve our ambitions in order to advance in society’s institutions and structures?
  • Are we achieving for ourselves, or are we achieving to impress or to control others?
  • Why are we so determined to hold others accountable and responsible?
  • Are we willing to be held accountable for our own motives and actions applied in pursuing and achieving our goals?

These and many similar questions are sure to come up while Mercury is in the sign of Capricorn, which will be tonight through 10th February 2018 – exactly one month’s time. Our answers to these questions will bring our true motives and ambitions to light, and will assist us in clarifying our mental and communicative focus.

Mercury isn’t wasting any time getting into the Capricorn spirit. It makes an exact conjunction with Capricorn’s ruling planet, Saturn, only about 50 hours after entering the sign (2.82°), which means it’s already within 3° conjunction orb with Saturn before it enters the sign! This almost immediately focuses Mercury’s energy upon our societal systems and structures, and the standards, rules, regulations, and expectations those systems and structures expect or demand of us. We will find ourselves encouraged to align our thinking with our intentions, ambitions, and goals. But the big question of this month ahead will be… are those intentions, ambitions, and goals our own, or are they the ones society expects of us?

For some of us, this mental-intellectual-communicative alignment with our goals won’t be too hard to do – some of us may already have such alignment, and this placement will only intensify the ambition. Yet for some of us, this alignment will be a major challenge because this energy will bring us into full awareness of where we are and where we aren’t already in alignment with our goals and/or with societal expectations.

There may also be an acceleration in the time between our intentions being set and the results of those intentions being manifest in tangible or experiential reality. This acceleration will occur for individuals as well as in groups and communities, and society as a whole. Mercury tends to speed things up a bit, so be ready for your thought and words to actually and quickly produce outcomes when you are clear and confident in the intentions you think and communicate.

Other than starting with its conjunction with Saturn, this 2018 Mercury in Capricorn won’t be very active in the remainder of the 2017-2018 Capricorn Sun period. It makes one sextile aspect with Neptune in Pisces on 19th January (12.40°), which will help us recognize how to align our goals with our dreams or ideals. Yet most of the 2018 Mercury in Cap’s activity is going to occur during the 2018 Aquarius Sun period which begins only a couple of hours after the Mercury-Neptune sextile in the evening on 19th January 2018 (PST).

In the meantime, you have one month of your true intentions, ambitions, and goals coming into focus. Are you ready?

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers. Until next post…

~ Light, Love, & Blessings,





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