Ceres in Leo began a retrograde motion at 2:30p PST on 16th December 2017 (18.19°). What makes this retrograde interesting is that Leo is usually pretty assertive in placing itself at center stage. It wants to be acknowledged, and sometimes, that becomes attention-seeking, and when in direct motion, we’re usually more focused on getting others to acknowledge us – we aren’t usually witness to others seeking acknowledgment from us.

However, due to retrogrades being representative of feedback, do-over, second-chance, introspective energy, we may find ourselves to be more observant and attentive to others’ behaviors. By watching and listening, we may realize that people put their personal values on display when they take action or when they react to matters in their lives. These people are likely to be the people we are closest to and/or spend the most time with, and in some cases, we may be surprised by what they reveal about themselves when they are seeking acknowledgment and by which personal values they want to be acknowledged for having.

Where Leo resides in your personal natal and/or progressed chart(s) will help determine where and how these energies show up in your life at this time, and whose values you are likely to become most familiar with in the weeks ahead.

Witnessing the displays of the personal values of others may find you reconsidering your own personal values and assessing whether or not you truly want to be aligned with the people you are observing.

  • Do you really believe and value what they believe and value, or are you just doing what you believe you need to in order to get their positive attention and acknowledgment?
  • Do you really want to have them acknowledge you, or are you realizing that they may not be the tribe you’re looking to be part of after all? Will they really value what you bring to their lives?
  • And most important, do you value these people’s opinions and judgments of you more than you value your ability to boldly and uniquely express your individual self for yourself?

These will be important questions to ask yourself as you’ll want to make sure you are in alignment with your values for yourself and your life. The happiness and approval you seek is only present when there is happiness with and approval of yourself.

Ceres Retrograde in Leo won’t be too busy in transit-land for the remainder of 2017. It makes a square transit with Vesta in Scorpio, most exact on 21st December, and indicating that our newfound perspective of personal values may challenge us to make decisions OR to face decisions made by others, either or both of which could undeniably and irrevocably change how we choose to trust and invest emotionally in our lives. Then Ceres Retrograde makes a trine aspect with Mercury in Sagittarius, most exact on 31st December, encouraging each and all of us to open lines of communication to discuss what we are witnessing.

This retrograde of Ceres in Leo will end on 18th/19th March 2018, then Ceres will continue forward in direct motion in Leo until late June 2018.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers. Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,





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