Black Moon Lilith entered the sign of Capricorn at 7:58p PDT on 8th November 2017, awakening desires to accomplish goals and fulfill ambitions on the personal, professional, and societal levels.

Capricorn is the part of this combination usually associated with goals and ambitions, which also associates this sign with producing results. Caps handle both ends of the deal – setting the goals to be achieved, and then providing the authoritative presence required to keep everyone focused and disciplined in order to get things done.

Black Moon Lilith is not an actual celestial body, but an apogee of the Earth’s Moon, representing our soul’s deepest desire for expression even if that expression is perceived to be socially unacceptable in some way. It represents the effort to bring what may be seen as an unhealthy or abnormal desire by others (resulting in our repression or suppression of the desire) into a health and acceptable expression for ourselves (learning how to embrace, express, and fulfill that desire in our lives).

These energies blend to make the 2017-2018 Black Moon Lilith in Capricorn one that is here to awaken and inspire us to either set new goals for ourselves or to clarify the goals we have in place. What are we here to be? What are we here to do? What is our purpose? Why are we here? You’ll hear these and many more questions about purpose and goals over the next ten months.

And if you’ve been on a particular path for a while, you may also find yourself asking if the goals you have been pursuing are still the ones you want to pursue. It may be time to adjust or change your course…

…which brings me back to the goal-setting focus of this Capricorn Black Moon Lilith, because this journey is actually going to go much deeper than those questions.

Many of us find ourselves pursuing certain goals or having certain ambitions because of personal or professional influence. Our parents or families; our social circles or communities; our colleagues, peers, or contemporaries; our societal or cultural expectations – these people and institutions can have great influence on who we think we should be in our lives or the goals we believe we should pursue. If we’ve been walking a path because of others, the influence of this 2017-2018 Capricorn Black Moon Lilith is going to throw you for a loop.

That’s because this incarnation of Lilith’s going to awaken a desire within you – a desire to get in touch with the goals and ambitions YOU really want to pursue; the goals and ambitions born of your soul’s deepest desire for expression. These are the things that give your life a sense of purpose and fulfillment. These are the things that make you feel that you’re living your life for yourself first and foremost.

This combination of the Lilith and Capricorn energies produces a determination to achieve goals that are truly your own. Until now, you may have felt pressured to move in a societally-acceptable direction – to move toward goals or in alignment with standards involving or possibly even set by the societal institutions of your life (such as school, profession, and/or government). You will likely find yourself more restless than ever if that’s the case.

Some of you may feel like you’re on track with your life purpose – that you’re doing what you love and feel called to pursue… but you may also feel like something’s off or missing. This may be due to the intention behind your goals or ambitions not being aligned with your soul’s deepest desires for expression. Maybe you’re afraid you won’t achieve a societally-acceptable goal, or that you won’t live up to someone else’s expectation of who you should be or what you should be doing. Maybe it’s not the work, but the results you’re expecting yourself (or others are expecting you) to produce. You might also consider that there may be an emotional or spiritual component of your goal that is not being addressed or fulfilled, and this may be a call to seek a deeper, more personal meaning for the ambitions you are pursuing.

That’s where this 2017-2018 Capricorn Black Moon Lilith may shake things up, reminding you to live your life for what is important to you – not to your parents, not to your friends, not to your community, not to your employer… not to anyone or anything but your soul’s deepest truth and desire.

This Lilith ingress initiates under a Scorpio 3 Sun, so even though there aren’t any exact transits for Lilith upcoming, Lilith will still be within 3° orb of a sextile transit with Venus in Scorpio at the time it enters Capricorn, indicating that the first part of this journey may find you learning how to reclaim your soul ambition(s) from others. This process will be supported by your reassessment of and the decisions you make in regard to the relationships and partnerships in your life.

There won’t be any more major non-lunar transits for Lilith in the next three weeks, but there will be plenty more transits to come as Black Moon Lilith will be in the sign of Capricorn until early August 2018.

Use the energy of this 2017-2018 Capricorn Black Moon Lilith over these next ten months to assist you in clearing away the ambitions and expectations others have of you so you may feel free to set and pursue goals and ambitions which are aligned with who you truly feel called to be in your life.

It’s time to set goals of your own.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers. Until next post…

~ Light, Love, & Blessings,





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