Venus entered the sign of Taurus at 12:26a PDT on Tuesday, 6th June 2017, and one-on-one interactions and partnerships of all kinds shifted their focus to how the material, financial, &/or physical resources are balanced in lifestyle matters.

Venus isn’t just about relationships or partnerships. It’s also about fairness, justice, and equality. In Taurus, Venus raises questions about how fair, just, and equal the physical, material, and financial dealings between partners actually are.

  • Are your individual needs being met within your partnerships?
  • Are your basic lifestyle needs being met, such as food, shelter, and clothing?
  • Are you getting the physical affection and interaction you need?
  • Are you able to manage your own personal resources – do you have personal freedom in financial, material, or physical matters?
  • Are both partners involved in the relationship being treated fairly and/or justly in these regards, or does one have more to offer or need than the other?
  • Is the partnership equitable?

These questions and many others like them may come to the surface during this 2017 Venus in Taurus period.

The objective here is that physical, material, and financial resources (and in some cases, affections) are being applied and managed in a peaceful, balanced, fair, just, and/or equitable way within your relationships and partnerships. Where they are not being applied or managed in such ways will stand out in order to be acknowledged and possibly addressed.

I say possibly because it is likely choices will need to be made about whether or not to address any imbalances or inequities. Some may attempt to go unaddressed in order to keep the peace, However, under the influence of this 2017 Venus in Taurus, most imbalances will (inevitably) be confronted.

The wonderful thing about Venus in Taurus is it provides an opportunity to balance out any physical, material, or financial inequities. If a relationship is one-sided, it will be clear during this time that it is out of balance, and it will be up to the people in the relationship whether or not they want to continue on their current course, change course together, or end their relationship and go separate ways.

There is also a strong element of peace and beauty present with Venus in Taurus. Creating and maintaining this balance of resource in relationships isn’t just about the money and the stuff or the physical interactions – it’s also about how it’s done. Is it being done with gentleness or by force? Is it being done with beauty and elegance or an ugly roughness? This Venus in Taurus will reveal the process by which your relationships are being held together.

More insights about this 2017 Venus in Taurus can be gleaned from its upcoming transits with other celestial bodies. Let’s see what is coming up in the next 2-3 weeks:

  • Taurus Venus semi-sextile Gemini Mercury, most exact on 7th June (1.27°) – A balancing of lifestyle resources (or at least an addressing of the imbalance) may be needed to open lines of communication between partners. 
  • Taurus Venus sextile Cancer Mars, most exact on 9th June (3.30°) – What can you do to let your partner know how much you care on a physical/material AND emotional level?
  • Taurus Venus quincunx Libra Jupiter, most exact on 19th June (13.26°) – Are you and your partner are on the same page? Are you growing together? Are your resources supporting both your individual and partnership growth?
  • Taurus Venus sextile Pisces Neptune Retrograde, most exact on 20th June (14.27°) – Do you and your partner share a dream, and are you both applying your resources to its manifestation?

There will be many more Venus transits to examine after the 2017 Cancer Sun period begins late on the 20th June here in the Pacific time zone.

Venus will be in Taurus now until 4th July 2017, giving us a full four weeks to assess the resource and lifestyle balances in our relationship and partnership interactions of all kinds.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers. Until next post…

~ Light, Love, & Blessings,





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