2016-libra-new-moon-black-moonThe 2016 Libra New Moon reaches maximum phase at 5:11p PDT on Friday, 30th September (8.25°). This particular New Moon is what is known as a “black moon” – the second New Moon phase within a Gregorian calendar month. It will not be visible – in fact, as most all New Moons, it will be near invisible because the Moon is in no way reflecting the Sun’s light. It also has no astrological significance as a “black moon” as it’s not a second New Moon occurring within an astrological sign.

But we’ll still feel it. Powerfully.

New Moons generally represent new beginnings and fresh starts. In Libra, this means the beginnings of partnerships, peace treaties, artistry and beautification projects, and the balancing of energies. It also means the Autumn/Fall season is fully in gear, and we get to celebrate the harvest of our intentions from the Spring. Now that we have some resources, what can we do with them? How can we use them in peaceful and positive ways?

Yet we are also experiencing this Libra New Moon under a 9 universal year, which brings the energy of completions, endings, and clearings. This means that we’re creating new beginnings under the umbrella of endings.

What does that mean?

It means we now start to understand that the emotional losses and endings many of us have been experiencing over the last 9 months have not been for nothing. They’ve been necessary in order to allow new opportunities, new relationships, new resources, and new perspectives to enter our life experiences. We were holding onto too much – we were clinging too hard to our pasts.

Some things can only begin once others come to their end. Now with our emotional loads lightened or lifted, we can create new things.

For some of us, this is the last day of Libra 9 universal month energy, which makes it the last day we may find ourselves collectively focused on the endings of things as endings. In fact, in the Americas, this 2016 Libra New Moon encourages us to seek and find new ways to bring old things to completion – preparing new approaches to (inevitable) endings.

However, for most of us in the world, this 2016 Libra New Moon occurs as we move forward into Libra 1 universal month energy to recognize the new beginnings that are possible when we allow certain aspects of our lives to be completed. You may see these cleared spaces as blank canvases, and may find yourself creating new, beautiful, and peaceful new pictures and mindsets through which you and others can move forward on your life journeys with new, expanded perspectives of life and living.

Of course, the New Moon isn’t the only thing happening on this day. Let’s look at the other transits and configurations producing energy at the time the Sun-Moon conjunction is exact so we can learn what other energies are being natalized through this 2016 Libra New Moon.

  • The Libra Sun-Moon conjunction is semi-sextile Venus in Scorpio (9.00°) at the time of maximum phase. Venus – the ruler of Libra – is now facing the intense polarity that is present in many of our societal and personal matters. The initiative balance and justice energy the Libra New Moon brings awakens Venus to the difficult truth that some tough decisions must be made if trust is to be developed and progress is to be made. These decisions will bring a massive power shift to the matters at hand…if they are made.
  • Virgo Mercury is within 3° orb of an applying opposition to Pisces Chiron Retrograde. Attention to detail in our thoughts and words will both reveal the depth of our emotional-spiritual wounds and reveal the opportunities for healing them. Plans for collective healing could be communicated, put in place, and initiated at this time. These steps could usher in some long-awaited fairness, equality, justice, and peace.
  • A 3-4-5 triangle configuration involving Libra Jupiter square Capricorn Mars trine Taurus Ceres Retrograde is in effect. A call for the growth and expansion of peace through balance, equality, fairness, and justice is challenged by those of us who are taking aggressive actions to ensure our old-paradigm objectives are met. Experiencing the giving and/or receiving end of those aggressive actions encourages us to reconsider our personal lifestyle values with more discernment than we have in the past. What is most important to us? What are our lifestyle values and priorities? Are our values and priorities in our individual best interests or in the best interests of everyone involved? Are they promoting peace, equality, justice, and balance…or are they promoting division, separation, injustice, and conflict? You may find some changes to your values are in order as result of this dynamic.
  • And of course, there’s the T-Square with Sagittarius Saturn holding court at the center of the Virgo-Pisces Nodal Axis. The Virgo North Node is urging us to seek and find practical solutions to our collective challenges so we can improve the functionality of our everyday lives. The Pisces South Node (still in separating conjunction with Neptune Retrograde) is attempting to reveal the idealism of our past beliefs and practices which has created our collective challenges. Saturn holds us accountable and responsible for our delusions and our avoidances of our pragmatic reality, reminding us that focus, discipline, and doing the internal and external work to be done is necessary if we are to find and face the real truth in the challenges we’re experiencing.

We’ll be feeling the effects of this 2016 Libra New Moon for about a week or so. Embrace this opportunity to see the endings in your life as new beginnings, full of possibilities for peace and beauty in all their forms to be manifest in your life.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers. Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,






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