power-vector_g1plm0ho_lThere was a palpable shift in the flow of power and influence when Pluto in Capricorn returned to direct motion at 8:02a PDT on Monday, 26th September 2016. You may now feel as if you’ve reclaimed your personal power again after feeling it’s been in question or outright missing for the last few months. And for some of you, you may be feel like you’re claiming your personal power in certain or all areas of your life for the first time.

Simultaneously, Pluto Direct in Capricorn may also have you feeling an intense awareness of the power structures in place around you and the influence those structures have on your ability to assert your newly-reclaimed or newly-discovered personal power. You may now be more aware of the reach the powers-that-be have in and over your life than ever before.

Now when I say “powers-that-be”, these powers obviously exist on a societal level. Yet they also exist on a personal level, and which level you will feel it more intensely will depend on where Pluto falls in your individual chart.

That said, on the personal or (personally) professional level, you may become aware of the people and situations which hold power and influence over the choices you make. These will more likely be one-on-one interactions or situations you can deal with through your individual personal initiative. You will have an opportunity to distinguish which of these empower you and which ones disempower you. Under the numerological 9 universal year energy, it’s likely you will feel a need to cease your interactions or end your relationships with whomever and whatever disempowers you. However, be aware that you may also find others ceasing their interactions or ending their relationships with you as well.

The key for getting through these personal and professional challenges is remembering that whatever ends is making room for something new to come in – something new that could be more empowering and productive for you in the long run. Keep in mind that whomever and whatever comes in is likely to assist you in fulfilling your intentions and achieving your goals.

On the societal level, there may be a little more trust and faith required.

That’s because the influence of the powers-that-be will be institutional, and therefore may be more difficult to deal with individually. This isn’t to say that you can’t affect change individually. However, it does indicate it would probably be more of a “David vs. Goliath” type of experience. You’ll likely become aware of the influence societal powers have upon your life and/or you’ll become aware of how those powers have structured societal institutions to ensure and/or increase their power and influence as well as their very survival.

The thing is…Pluto is known as the planet of transformation. Much like its sign of rulership, Scorpio, Pluto deals in extremes. It is capable of transformation in constructive ways…and it’s capable in transformation in destructive ways. Whether it is constructive or destructive, Pluto in Capricorn is doing whatever it takes to move things forward to fulfillment and completion of the intended goals and objectives. This is where you’ll need to trust that whatever is emerging or ending is supporting the intentions you set.

Here are some of the upcoming transits for this September 2016 Pluto Direct in Capricorn:

Capricorn Pluto sextile Scorpio Black Moon Lilith, most exact on 2nd October (14.94°) – A desire for certain outcomes intensifies, and those deep desires move closer to the outcome which best supports your desired intention.

Capricorn Pluto sextile Scorpio Venus, most exact on 5th October (14.95°) This is a transit that brings any power struggle(s) in your partnerships to a head. With Venus in Pluto’s sign of rulership, get ready for some sparks to fly as the parties involved may hold opposing views about the goals to be achieved with no desire to compromise in place. The good news is…the sextile indicates that a common goal can be found. That, or someone will win. And in the case of the latter, the sextile supports the relationship surviving the aftermath.

Capricorn Pluto square Libra Mercury, most exact on 15th October (15.02°) – Thoughts and words have more power than usual, and may challenge the existing structure of power OR challenge you to assert your personal power against the existing structure in your present circumstances.

Capricorn Pluto conjunct Mars, most exact on 19th October (15.05°) – Initiative actions are taken to assert power and influence. These actions are more likely to be taken as preemptive measures or as aggressive measures to establish oneself as having the upper hand in the matters at hand.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers. Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,






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