full moon - sky-texture-13_G1CTZUF_ GraphicstockThis month’s FIRST Sagittarius Full Moon (Moon opposite the Gemini 5 Sun) reaches its maximum phase at 2:14p PDT today, Saturday, 21st May (1.23°).

Yes, you read that correctly. I did type “first”.

This is one of TWO Sagittarius Full Moons that will happen during this 2016 Gemini Sun period. The second one will occur less than 12 hours before the Sun moves into Cancer on 21st June. And thanks to that second Sagittarius Full Moon, this first Sagittarius Full Moon happens to be a seasonal “Blue Moon” – the third of four Full Moons within a season (in this case, Spring 2016).

I call the Gemini-Sagittarius opposition the “axis of information”. This is because Gemini is the student energy of the Zodiac, while Sagittarius is the teacher energy of the Zodiac. There is a constant exchange of information. Therefore, this first 2016 Sagittarius Full Moon – reflecting the Gemini Sun’s light – is both an opportunity for you to recognize how much you already know and an opportunity to discover how much you may still need to learn.

But that’s not the only big thing happening today.

  • For starters, I would prefer to call this a ‘Purple Moon’ because the Sagittarius Blue Moon will be within 1° of making an approaching conjunction with “the red planet”, Mars Retrograde in Sagittarius. Thanks to Mars Retrograde, we may be finding ourselves having to go back and actually do a few things again.

Yet the beauty of having a ‘do-over’ and having this Full Moon-Mars conjunction energy during the process is that we’re being given an opportunity to apply what we’ve learned since the first time we did it! We get to change the way we handle this situation the second time around…and applying that knowledge can change everything!

With that perspective, we may be surprised by how ready and willing we are to not only whatever we need to do again, but also how ready and willing we are to learn and know even more truth about what is happening both within us and around us – collectively and (especially) individually. We may take greater interest in exchanging and gathering information through conversations, debates, books, and media publications.

  • Another fascinating detail is that today’s Full Moon occurs on an 8 universal day, numerologically speaking. Therefore, this day is sure to remind us that “knowledge is power” and those who are in the know will have a distinct advantage over those who don’t. But those of you who are in the know would be wise not to rest on your laurels. Remember, the Full Moon is conjunct Mars Retrograde in Sagittarius as the Full Moon reaches maximum phase. This conjunction gives this Full Moon some serious bite as Mars represents initiative leadership, action, assertion, and aggression/anger.

For those of you seeking power and influence, you may finally recognize exactly what you’re missing and what you need to learn in order to turn the tables and level the playing field. Sagittarius brings out an emotion and intellect-driven desire for authenticity and truth, so if and when you sense or learn that the truth is being hidden from you, it awakens a heartfelt determination to fight for your right to learn and know that truth and possibly even more truth about what is happening within you, around you, and to you. You won’t sit back and allow yourself to be in the dark about what is really going on.

For those in positions of power and influence, you may find yourselves needing to be smarter in how you wield your advantages. Since the Moon is reflecting the light of the Sun during a Full Moon, it’s going to be very difficult to keep your knowledge under wraps. Because Sagittarius tends to have a big mouth and has a virtually impossible time of holding back truth or knowledge as ‘the teacher of the Zodiac’, you’re better off sharing or teaching what you know instead of trying to hide it from others. Any of you who feel fearful or insecure about the power shifts occurring may feel an uncontrollable urge to declare that you know things as a way of proving you should be in your position of power. But bragging about how you know things without sharing that knowledge may end up backfiring, creating an aura of arrogance around you which could ultimately lead to your downfall.

Also, all of this is happening under the influence of a Gemini 5 Sun. This is a warning! – the more secretive you are, the more attention you’re drawing to your secret as the Truth wants to come to light under the power of this Full Moon. This is not a good time to play chicken with your adversaries as your hand is more likely to be tipped by your attempted mind games than not. Game play will only make your adversaries more angry and aggressive, and you may not be able to spin your way out of trouble.

It’s a very exciting day, supercharged with very intense intellectual and communicative energies. It’ll be interesting to see what happens in your own life, the lives of others, and in the world around you. Be observant, take notes, and notice if, how, and why you’re feeling called to take action.

Most of all, notice what you know, what you’ve learned, and what you still need to learn. It may prove valuable over the next 4.5 weeks, and you’ll have another chance to apply what you learn on 20th June.

Thanks for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers. Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,




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