Black Hole in Space Violet Background

Mercury entered the sign of Pisces on Saturday, 5th March at 2:39a PST. When it did, it began a period of awakening to All-That-Is. The consciousness of the interconnection of everyone and everything is growing, and each and all of us are becoming aware of how everything comes together – how it all intersects and affects all else.

As we awaken, we also become more sensitive to energies and emotions happening around us – we become more empathic. This emotional-spiritual sensitivity can make us quick to play victim to the energies and emotions of others, or to feel defeated by others’ responses to or ignorance of our efforts. However, it can also make us quick to feel compassion and unconditional caring for others.

This empathy also encourages a service mindset. If you are coming from a place of compassion and caring, you may notice how you feel you might be serving a Higher calling – something far bigger and far beyond yourself and what you know as the world around you. This isn’t just service on a practical level – it is emotional and spiritual healing service. This is the type of compassion and kindness which can bring healing to long-held emotional wounds.

The key detail to remember in this case is that you are just as in need of and worthy of receiving the kind, compassionate, and loving service you strive to give to others. Are you allowing others to serve and/or heal you as much as you serve and/or heal others? Are you as good a receiver as you are a giver of loving, compassionate energy? Do you allow yourself to be loved the way you love others?

If you are coming from a place of victimization – blaming others for your predicament in life (a.k.a. – a lack of accountability or responsibility for oneself) – you may find yourself not only being afraid of change but also being afraid of genuine kindness and love. Yet victimization is born of a deep desire to be loved and/or provided for! It is a response to a fear that that one’s desire for love and provision will not be fulfilled – that one is not worthy or deserving of such loving care and kindness because you may not recognize or belief yourself to be part of Oneness. Therefore, if you perceive yourself as a victim emotionally and/or spiritually, take a moment to ask yourself why that may be the case and what purpose those feelings serve for you in your life. How does being a victim or seeing yourself as separate from Oneness serve you? How does it serve others?

Also note that victimization is also an indicator that there is likely an unfulfilled expectation or desire in play. If you’re playing victim because you believe it will get you what you want in your life, understand that being given what you want isn’t always an act of Love. Sometimes, it can be an act of manipulation or deception when fulfilled, or as a way of promising you the world while never intending to fulfill on the promise or maybe even overpromising what they can actually offer you. Playing victim may also give others the perception that you are less powerful or less effective in demonstrating your emotional and/or spiritual power than you may actually be.

Therefore, look for the blessings in NOT getting what you want! You don’t always know what is coming on the horizon, and if you keep your mind and mouth positive, you might find that what comes is better than what you wanted in the first place.  Sometimes, the Universe knows how to love you better than you do.

Remember – whether you choose to operate as a victim of life or a healer of life – it’s bigger than you. It’s bigger than all of us.

It’s also up to you. It’s really up to each and all of us.

Are you choosing to be a victim or a healer? And are you inspiring and encouraging others around you to be victims or healers? What are you choosing? What message are you sharing with the world? What are you creating in and contributing to the world? What do you have to offer in service to the Oneness of All-That-Is? How do you choose to serve Oneness, and how do you choose to be served by Oneness?

Think about those questions, figure out your answers…then share your choices with everyone you can in service to Oneness. The magic of this 2016 Mercury in Pisces is present until 21st March when Mercury enters Aries.

Upcoming 2016 Mercury in Pisces transits:

  • Pisces Mercury conjunct Neptune, most exact on 10th/11th March – You’re likely to speak to your ideals, revealing your True beliefs. Are you being guided by hope…or misguided by delusion?
  • Pisces Mercury square Sagittarius Saturn, most exact on 14th March – You’re challenged to walk your talk under this influence. Are you a healer in earnest, or a victim in healer’s clothing? The Truth may come out around this time…and it is likely to stick as the “real Truth” when it does.
  • Pisces Mercury sextile Capricorn Pluto, also most exact on 14th March – You may find yourself thinking and speaking beyond the world you’ve known in order to create the world that can be.
  • Pisces Mercury opposite Virgo Jupiter Retrograde, most exact on 15th March – How can those crazy ideas become practical solutions? Serve a dream by finding a way to make it work in reality.
  • Pisces Mercury conjunct Ceres, also most exact on 15th March – If you value your dreams and ideals, you best live by them. When you walk your talk, you may inspire others to embrace your message.
  • Pisces Mercury conjunct Chiron, most exact on 17th March – You’ll learn just how much influence your beliefs and communications can have on others…for better and worse. You may also feel the impact of others’ beliefs and words on your experience of self/Oneness.

Thanks for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers. Until next post…

~ Light, Love, & Blessings,





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