explosion abstract-vector-background_fyG7idB__L - graphicstockOkay. This is a very long post as there’s some catching up to do. Let’s get to it!

Before the epic Aries Full Moon-Total Lunar Eclipse on 27th-28th September, we had a couple of major transits which I didn’t address, yet definitely need to be addressed now.

First, Mars entered the sign of Virgo on 24th September, ushering in a period of practical action. Virgo is mutable earth energy, and is associated with healing and problem-solving on all levels. Mars is the planet of leadership, initiative, and assertive (sometimes aggressive) action, reflecting how things are getting done. With Mars now in Virgo, we must walk our talk when it comes to implementing changes so our lives can become healthy and functional or at least more healthy and functional than before.

It’s safe to say that everyone is currently doing something in some way to solve problems, heal wounds, improve their health or well-being, and/or make things more efficient and effective in their lives & the lives of others…and they will continue to do so for the next few weeks.  This practical activity streak will be running now through 12th November, and seeks to make things function for the better for everyone involved and affected by whatever is occurrring.

It will also be a time in which actions will be taken because ‘life must go on’, and the intentions behind our actions will be to determine how our lives go on. Some of us are keenly aware of how our actions determine how our everyday lives are functioning, for better and for worse. The actions we choose to take now will affect how our everyday lives will function in the coming days, weeks, months, and years to come.

Another big transit event occurred the same day – Pluto in Capricorn turned back to direct motion on 24th September. What is profound about this one is that each of us is now in a position to seek and reclaim our own personal power in the face of the changing world around us. As the structures and institutions we’ve come to depend on for so long are undergoing change or collapsing, we each and all may be realizing just how much of our personal power and identity may be wrapped up in them. As we are forced to concede and dissolve our ego-driven agendas, we may find our True selves through surrender and humility.

You see, as things around us change, we too must change. Those changes are easier for some of us than others. In fact, some of us may find that our lives are experiencing minor adjustments while others of us are undergoing massive transformations. Under retrograde, we may have found ourselves at the mercy of those changes and needed to pay attention to recognize opportunities to claim our power in the midst of chaos. Under direct motion, we can now create opportunities to reclaim our individual and collective power to effect and influence the changes which are occurring.

Under Capricorn Pluto Direct, the questions are now …1) Who are we becoming?  2) Can we change the objectives of our societal institutions? Can we change the definitions and benchmarks of success and accomplishment in order to transform and empower ourselves?

There have been a couple of transits involving Virgo Mars and Capricorn Pluto which have occurred since their changes of sign and/or direction.

The first was Virgo Mars square Sagittarius Saturn, most exact on 25th September, which challenged you to change the daily routine of your life. You may have begun to see how the actions you take every day may be the reason why you feel either focused or stuck in your life. You may have learned (hopefully not the hard way) that you – yes, that person you see when you stand alone in front of a mirror – are the reason you are productive or stagnant in your life. If you aren’t living your everyday life the way you want to be, under this transit the question was, “What are you going to do to change that?”

This morning, Tuesday, 6th October, Pluto will be in square aspect with the Libra 9 Sun, most exact at 7:14a PDT. This influence – felt from 3rd-9th October – will likely be an eye-opener as you may have a first-hand experience facing the challenges of a changing world. You’ll start to recognize that you may not be able to interact with others the way you’ve done in the past. The long-standing institutional and authoritative realities are changing; therefore the way you relate to others must also change. Also, 9 numerological energy is about applying authoritative energy to get things done…yet Libra 9 can sometimes be a bully’s energy, playing judge and jury by making unilateral decisions in the name of equality, fairness, and justice of all parties involved in order to achieve a desired result. Under this Pluto-Sun square, you may experience how the world is changing in a way where the bullies won’t get their way anymore…or at least not without a fight. Those in the bully roles will be fully revealed and the old institutional and societal structures of the past will no longer be strong enough to support them. This now brings questions of priorities – what really needs to get done now in order for true balance, equality, and justice to be established? What needs to be addressed immediately…and what can wait?

On the same day, Virgo Mars will make exact opposition to Pisces Neptune Retrograde in Pisces, most exact at 7:52p PDT. This one (felt from 2nd-10th October) will be a curious one as it comes time to put some tangible, real-world actions behind imaginative ideas and ideals. There will be some successes as some of these ideas and ideals will find practical implementation in the day-to-day of life. However, there will be many others which are found to be a bit too lofty or delusional to be implemented – they will be the casualties of factual and practical reality.

ALL three of these reality checks occur(ed) on a 6 universal day, numerologically speaking. These are days on which finding solutions to problems, healing wounds, and making things function more effectively are a priority. These are also days on which emotional nurturing and care – compassion – will go a long way for the better. Those who hold compassion and kindness in their hearts may find themselves getting through these challenging transits with much more ease and acceptance than those who are bullying and/or throwing tantrums trying to get their way.

But the most powerful time of all involving these two bodies will be from 11th-19th October when the following series of powerful transits occur:

It starts with Virgo Jupiter trine Capricorn Pluto on the 11th, most exact at 4:51p PDT, encouraging the growth and expansion of anyone or anything which aligns with the infrastructure changes already underway. The majority positions in any societal or institutional situations will become undeniably obvious during this time, and will likely become overwhelmingly dominant. This is a 2 universal day numerologically, and this dynamic will likely bring an end to any partnerships which hold back the practical implementation of far-reaching institutional changes. New partnerships may also form – partnerships which are in alignment with the new institutions and structures of power which are just now beginning to emerge.

Next, our two focal planets meet as Virgo Mars trines Capricorn Pluto on 15th October, most exact at 8:36p PDT. This day is likely to be the zenith of proactive pushes to both instigate and accelerate institutional change. It is, yet again, a 6 universal day, so these changes are likely intended to bring healing and nurturing solutions for many through these practical acts of institutional transformation. It should be noted that Mars is also approaching conjunction with Jupiter at this time (their conjunction most exact at 3:40p PDT on the 17th), meaning that these will probably be obvious and significant actions revealing and progressing the afore-mentioned emerging power partnerships. Though most of these acts will be very clear from the get-go, some of the intentions and objectives of these bold actions may not be clear at first. However, they will become more clear as their effects play out over the coming months and years.

Pluto in Capricorn makes two more powerful transits during the 2015 Libra Sun period – a square to Libra Mercury, most exact at 2:22p PDT on 22nd October; and a trine with Virgo Venus, most exact at 12:45p PDT on 23rd October. Under the Mercury-Pluto square (felt 20th-24th October), there are likely to be very vocal challenges to institutional power – on this 4 universal day, the demand for change will likely reveal its strength. Under the Venus-Pluto trine (felt 19th-26th October), some extremely potent strategic and/or diplomatic relationships could be formed in order to strengthen or solidify institutional power and influence, for better or worse. These new relationships will very likely shake and test the old ones, dissolving those which no longer have reason to continue, and forcing balance and/or equalization upon the ones which do manage to survive. These two transits will be a testament to the powers of partnership and communication.

Many of us may already see how these shifts of power are occurring on the world stage. I’ll be following this post with a part two later today or tomorrow to address some of those shifts and how these Mars and Pluto transits are playing their parts to affect them.

However, I’m also curious to know how it’s all affecting you on a personal level – as an individual and/or as family or community. I know these transits (among others) have been challenging me to discard parts of my ego identity in order to step fully into my personal power and my True self-expression – it’s been challenging, but I’m pretty sure it’s for the better. I’d love to know if you’re going through similar or different shifts. Please comment on this post to share about what you’re experiencing during this dynamic time.

In the meantime, thanks for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers. Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,





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