cal-0814-cl5-court13We aren’t even out of the Jupiter-Neptune Retrograde opposition mentioned in the last post, and I’m going to inform you (or remind you) of another doosy.

Welcome back, Mercury Retrograde.

This September-October 2015 episode of Mercury Retrograde is brought to you by the sign of Libra, and it begins its retrograde motion at 11:10a PDT on Thursday, 17th September 2015. Under the influence of Libra, Mercury Retrograde is going to let you know exactly what is just, fair, and equal in the eyes of logical and impartial assessment.

The funny thing with Mercury Retrogrades is that people often complain about how their communication devices, electronics, and appliances and such start having issues. They can’t send their emails or text messages. They can’t get in touch with someone for some reason. Their smartphone crashed. Their car’s dashboard freaked out. Etc, etc, etc…

The thing to remember is that retrogrades are “feedback” energies. With Mercury Retrograde in Libra, it gives us a sense of how our thoughts and communications might be shaped or affected by our one-on-one interactions with others. It also lets us know how or what people we interact with are thinking and feeling in response to our communications. But most of all, acts as a reminder that communication is only difficult during Mercury Retrograde when you’re trying to talk more than you’re trying to listen or when communication may not need to happen at all.

This means if you are trying to have a meeting with someone and it keeps getting rescheduled, you may want to either be accepting of the delays or reconsider the meeting. If you’re trying to get somewhere and your car breaks down or you get stuck in traffic, you may not be meant to go that day if at all. If you’re trying to send an email and it won’t go through, it may be a message to you to NOT send it right away if at all. Instead of trying to push your agendas or timelines, wait a bit. There’s probably a reason you are being forced to wait, and more likely than not, the delays and breakdowns are probably to your favor. It may give you time to think things through or to take a different course. Sometimes, it may even result in a better option coming along.

Of course, if you aren’t being delayed by external circumstances or technical difficulties, go ahead and say what you need or want to say, go where you need to go, and send your communications when the opportunities arise. Of course, you want to make sure you are clear about where you’re going, what you’re doing, and what you’re trying to communicate. Remember that your communications will be objectively assessed by others over the next three weeks, and if what you are saying tips the scales to favor one party over another, that favor won’t be missed or overlooked. Under this 2015 Libra Mercury Retrograde, it is more likely than not that any biases you have will be called out for what they are, no matter how diplomatically delivered or well-disguised you may try to make them.

That is especially the case as this 2015 Libra Mercury Retrograde begins under the Virgo 8 Sun and the waning influence of Virgo Jupiter-Pisces Neptune Retrograde opposition. You (or others) may not be ready to give up your ideals or delusions, and you may have some choice words for those who don’t see or do things your way. Yet you may also find that impulsive words will likely receive swift feedback from others, and you may not like the feedback you get as your ideals may be met with a harsh dose of practical reality.

Retrogrades can also carry a “do-over” energy. In this case, past matters which failed to be resolved before may need to be revisited again during this particular round of Mercury Retrograde. There’s a strong likelihood of an event or series of incidents occurring which reignites awareness of a major imbalance of power or influence, bringing forth a need for diplomatic exchanges and objective resolutions which did not occur before.

If anything, this Mercury Retrograde will teach you that others won’t always see things the way you do, and it would be wise for you to be ready to hear and genuinely consider some opposing views and beliefs. In fact, Libra is an air sign, operating in the paradigm of logic and intellect. Fairness, equality, balance, and justice are the name of the game for Libra, and it strives to find peaceful and diplomatic ways to restore balance and peace to the matters at hand.

The sign of Libra has a reputation for being indecisive or indifferent, but this is only because it doesn’t want to be the one to rock the boat. However, don’t mistake its desire to maintain the peace as a passive nature. Libra can and will rise to the occasion and take aggressive steps if necessary in order to balance the scales and bring equality and justice to situations that are not fair or just.

That said, Mercury Retrograde in Libra will let you know if you are operating in a fair and just way. If your thoughts and words are disrupting the balance or if they promote inequality or injustice in any way, you’ll be sure to hear about it. Mercury works quickly in both direct and retrograde motion – don’t underestimate its swift kick in between your eyes.

This feedback loop won’t only be felt on a personal level. You may also notice feedback on a larger scale. Whether in your community, in your state or province, in your country, or in the world – this will be a time during which there will be plenty of feedback for everyone in matters of their one-on-one relationships. This will not be a plea, but rather a demand like none before to balance the scales of justice and equality in our partnerships of all kinds.

To look at how this demand for justice may play out, here are 2015 Mercury Retrograde in Libra’s upcoming transits:

  • Libra Mercury Retrograde’s first transit is a square with Capricorn Pluto Retrograde at 3:27p PDT on 24th September. This means that the effects of the societal and institutional changes that are happening in the world are now going to trickle down to “the little people”. You may begin feeling the changes around you more acutely than you have before.
  • Mercury Retrograde then enters what I’m going to call “the first stellium” of the upcoming 2015 Libra Sun period – three bodies/points all conjunct each other in early Libra with Mercury making a fourth. Through this stellium, there is a good chance that from the 27th September-3rd October, you will become very clear about where balance needs to be restored in both your personal and collective matters and which diplomatic efforts may be required to restore it.
    • First, Mercury Retrograde conjuncts the Libra 8 Sun at 7:39p PDT on 30th September, on the last day of a 8 universal month energy, numerologically speaking. There will definitely be a lot of words written and spoken in order to wield power and influence. However, remember the intention of Libra – those words may come back to haunt if their power isn’t being used to restore an equal balance of power.
    • Next, Mercury Retrograde conjuncts Juno in Libra at 5:05p PDT on 1st October under the influence of a 9 universal month. There is a powerful commitment to get things done – to make progress, to get results. Together, Mercury and Juno help you figure out what needs to be said and which steps need to be taken in order to move things forward. Remember – watch and listen for feedback! The feedback you receive may prove valuable to you in navigating any diplomatic discussions which may occur. This may also push you to go back and revisit something that wasn’t previously resolved.
    • Third and definitely not least, Mercury Retrograde makes exact conjunction with Libra Black Moon Lilith at 10:26p PDT on 2nd October. This one may hurt a bit. That’s because Lilith reveals deep and long-repressed desires for equality and justice. When this transit occurs, it’s likely these desires (and their accompanying resentments) will find ways to rise to the surface and be expressed like no other time before. The proper people and the proper series of events may finally be in place for some very difficult issues to be faced and discussed. The parties involved will need to give each other turns to talk and to listen, and this won’t be an easy road to travel as these will be grievances which have gone unaddressed for a long time. And anyone who thinks they’ll be able to bulldoze the other parties by not giving them a chance to speak may find themselves being bullied by all other parties involved in turn. The one(s) who refuse to play with others will likely be the ones who are rejected by others.
  • And in its last act before going back into direct motion, Mercury Retrograde makes sextile aspect to Saturn in Sagittarius at 3:58p PDT on 6th October. This has the potential to help you focus your mental-intellectual energies on the mature and responsible expansion of your ideas. The challenge here is that if you’re not thinking things through or if you’re not thinking logically at all, you may find yourself feeling the wrath of both Mercury Retrograde and Saturn as they may work together to forcefully hold back from expressing your views or taking your desired actions. Don’t be upset if this happens to you – recognize this “force” as a strong message that you aren’t being clear enough to move forward.

This 2015 Libra Mercury Retrograde completes at 7:57a PDT on Friday, 9th October.  Even after that time, it will still be a couple of days before things feel back to normal, though if the above-mentioned details are any indication, things may never be what we’ve come to know as “normal” again.

I’m looking forward to seeing how these feedback and do-over energies shows up in the world over the next three weeks, and the balancing of the scales that is in store.

Thanks for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers. Until next post…

~ Light, Love, & Blessings,





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