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The early morning of Friday, 4th September 2015 brings us a conjunction of the North Node and Black Moon Lilith in Libra, most exact at 6:24a PDT (1.23°). This isn’t a commonly covered transit, yet considering what is happening in the world right now, I found it worth addressing.

The North Node in a general sense represents the karmic lesson you are supposed to learn in your current lifetime. However, when looking at the transiting North Node, this represents the karmic lesson that we as humanity get to learn at this time in history.

The North Node has been in the sign of Libra (and the South Node in Aries) since 19th February 2014, and will continue in the sign for about two more months until 11th November 2015. With the North Node in Libra, we are learning lessons of balance, fairness, justice, equality, and true partnership. This is not an easy lesson, especially as many people are fervently trying to hold onto the past. The South Node in Aries energy is assertive if not aggressive, competitive if not combative as people try to hold onto their comfort zones. The challenge here is that those comfort zones which are not balanced, equal, fair, or just are being pushed to adjust to a balanced state. For those who have benefited from the imbalance, these necessary changes may not be so welcome.

The Libra North Node is our collective destiny – it is what we are currently being called to embrace. Those who won’t heed the call are often forced into it. This isn’t a matter of personal choice – it’s a matter of Universal intent. If the human race is going to evolve, we must acknowledge our collective imbalances and make every effort to bring them into balance. This call is made clear by the number of social and societal imbalances coming to light over the last couple of years – socio-economic (elite vs. poor, decline of middle class), corporations and governments vs. citizens (oligarchy vs. democracy), theo-political terrorist organizations, religious zealotry/superiority, racial inequality, gender inequality (re: women, transgender, homosexual), etc. All of these topics are more at the fore of our consciousness thanks to the North Node in Libra bringing them forth to be addressed and dealt with diplomatically and peacefully and intellectually.

Black Moon Lilith represents the deep-seated emotional desire for this balance to occur. Lilith energy is often referred to as our soul’s deepest and darkest desires, due to the fact that these are desires which are often oppressed or suppressed. They are pushed into hiding by others who don’t want to deal with them OR they are held down by the person who fears being judged or criticized for having and expressing them. This suppression gives these desires a dark and negative connotation, even though the negative vibe is generated by the fact that these desires are perceived to be distasteful or unwelcome.

With Black Moon Lilith in Libra, this represents a deep desire for equality, fairness, and justice. There is a call for balanced partnership and genuine equality. But remember – this is a desire that has been long suppressed and repressed. This is a yearning that has been stuffed down for a long time, and as result, this desire comes forth with a dark edge. We can feel that these are matters that we haven’t wanted to face or deal with. We know this is our dark side that is rising up to be addressed. However, with Lilith moving into conjunction with the North Node, their time to be resolved has finally come.

We are learning as a world community that in order to move forward in a peaceful and positive way, competitive and combative action is not serving us well. In fact, it only perpetuates anxiety and anger. The call of North Node conjunct Lilith in Libra is to embrace earnest diplomacy and have honest conversations about the topics which divide us in order to bridge the gaps and bring us together in harmony.

However, I did mention earlier that Lilith often has an edge. It tends to be a little bitter after being held down for so long. Yet this is where the South Node in Aries claims its right to be angry. It sees Lilith’s edginess as its justification for being combative. Recognize this for the projection tactic (a.k.a. – avoidance of self-responsibility) it is – the South Node/past clingers don’t want to let go of their advantages and will hold on by any means necessary, including aggression and combat. This is still a competition to them. They don’t realize that the battle is already over.

The Universe wants what the Universe wants. Plain and simple, it knows better than us. This is not to say that we don’t have free will as part of the Universe – we do. Yet we also know that when we experience delays or obstacles, these are often intended to redirect our actions, behaviors, and most important, our hearts and minds. This is because we are co-creators with the Universe – it is a partnership. That is why this call to Libra energy is so important. We get to realize that we are in partnership with the Universe just as much as we can be in partnership with each other.

This conjunction of the North Node and Black Moon Lilith in Libra is an opportunity for humanity to redirect our efforts – to move away from combat and contentiousness and to move forward in genuine harmony. It’s time for us to come together to have the conversations and meetings of the minds which bring compromise and contentment, and peace to the world we share.

On a personal note, if you are willing to do this in the matters of your own life – have uncomfortable conversations to address and resolve long-held upsets and imbalances – you can contribute to the conversations happening and needing to happen in and for the world. It’s time for all of us to make peace with our dark sides, and the best way to make this happen in the world is to start with ourselves.

What can you bring into balance and make peace with today?

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers. Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,




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