Pisces Full Moon - 20150828_230051 - GDC

The Pisces Full Moon will reach maximum phase on Saturday 8/29 at 11:35a PDT (6.10°), reflecting the light of the Virgo Sun. The watery, dreamy, and imaginative quality of Pisces (mutable water) reflects the earthy and practical sign of Virgo (mutable earth) to bring your dreams and ideals into your “everyday view”. This means your visionary insights and emotional sensitivities will be seen for the purpose they serve in your real-world, everyday life.

Usually, the Full Moon works to bring a different perspective to the Sun. A Pisces Full Moon generally encourages you to check in with yourself and how you feel about the reality of the life you are living in an everyday, practical way. Being one of if not the most spiritual sign of the zodiac, Pisces gets to touch the ground with Virgo during this time making the experience of otherworldly realms and sensations felt on a practical level. It reminds you to remember your dreams and visions, and to honor your intuitive messages in your everyday routine.

However, this 2015 version is much more of a two-way street than usual. There is quite an abundance of Virgo energy at hand, as the Virgo Sun is still within 3° conjunction orb with Jupiter at the time of maximum Full Moon phase, and Black Moon Lilith and Juno are also both in Virgo (though not within 3° orb with the Sun). The Moon is not alone in Pisces, either – both Chiron (Virgo’s ruler) and Neptune (Pisces’ ruler) are currently retrograde in Pisces, with Neptune Retrograde within 3° conjunction orb with the Pisces Moon, intensifying the Pisces Moon’s effects. The Pisces Moon-Neptune Retrograde conjunction does its job to balance the Virgo Sun’s tendency to keep its head in the worldly and mundane, while the Virgo Sun-Jupiter conjunction brings some much-needed practical realism to the extra-idealistic and extra-fantastic Pisces energy in the air right now.

What I find beautiful about this 2015 Pisces Full Moon-Virgo Sun exchange are the opportunities being presented for your compassionate and spiritual qualities to come forth through practical service. As Pisces rules the 12th House (our subconscious mind), your senses and intuition inform your consciousness, forging a link between the mind, body and soul – allowing a space for an integrated human experience.

You may notice that you’re experiencing larger-than-usual flashes of intuitive insight throughout this period (27th-31st August). Recognize how your emotional-intuitive perceptions and responses may be affecting your day-to-day routines or activities. There may also be repetitive intuitive-emotional themes and messages coming through in your daily routine (images, numbers, words, songs, experiences, and such showing up again and again). These repetitions may give you special clarity about what you need to know and do at this time.

Full Moons always bring forth energies of fulfillment and release, and during this 2015 Pisces Full Moon, you may also recognize which activities, behaviors, beliefs, practices, and routines that have served their purpose in your life and now need to be completed and released. This dynamic is asking you to seek ways to heal yourself and others by releasing things and connections which no longer resonate in the everyday reality of your life. You’re being given a chance to release and cleanse so your whole, complete and Higher Self can shine through and be known…yet take note that you may be hesitant to seize the power of this moment out of fear your choices may make overwhelming emotional waves for others and for yourself.

You may be pushed through any fears you may have by the fact that this 2015 Pisces Full Moon reaches its maximum phase on a 9 numerological day (2 + 9 + 8 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 5 = 27; 2 + 7 = 9). Nine energy is also completing and releasing energy, so when the Full Moon and 9 energy combine, this is a definitive call to recognize the messages that are being communicated to you through your intuitive, visual, and/or emotional experiences, and acknowledge what these messages are trying to tell you. It is practically a demand by the Universe for you to surrender any emotional or spiritual attachments which are preventing you from taking the practical steps to set sail and make your dreams and visions the everyday realities of your life. If you’re not willing to step out of your emotional comfort zone and beyond your fears by your choice, you may find yourself being forced out onto the open seas against your will.

This energy dynamic may attempt to reach you by making you more observant and sensitive to other people’s everyday lifestyles and their emotion-based dreams and delusions. These observations and sensitivities help you see and experience your own everyday reality more clearly. Whether you are delusional about some of your own ambitions or clear and firm about certain visions for your life, you will get a better sense of where you actually stand right now through the reflections and projections of others in your everyday environments. You may also receive feedback from these others in more covert and tacit ways as Pisces is a changeable and often elusive sign The insights will make themselves known, but you may have to look twice (which is why the insights and messages you really need to see are repeating themselves!).

Big life questions that may arise during this 2015 Pisces Full Moon are…

1) Do you notice any forms of avoidance and escapism that are awakened or triggered by these emotional perspectives and perceptions? Do these avoidance or escapist reactions need to be released so that you can effectively live out your philanthropic ideals in your everyday life or work?

2) Which of your everyday practices and routines need to change so they better align you with the progression toward and fulfillment of your dreams and visions?

By answering those questions for yourself during this Pisces Full Moon, you may find that making emotional waves allows you to make tangible progress toward a life which fulfills you.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers. Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,
Rosey & Grace

***SPECIAL NOTE: Rosey Gonzales is my new co-blogger, and she will be taking over some of the Signs & Numbers posting duties over the next few weeks & months. We’ll be tandem-writing until she completely takes over the posts for New and Full Moons and planetary transits. Please welcome Rosey to the Life By Soul family, and enjoy the posts!…and thank you for your continued readership and support!***




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