Mercury Holding Caduceus Staff RetroWe’ve only just begun the 2015 Aquarius Sun period, and the first major astrological event to occur after the Sun’s transit and Aquarius New Moon earlier today is…Mercury in Aquarius shifting into retrograde motion tomorrow, 21st January 2015 at 7:54a PST!

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again this time with even greater resolve – when Mercury is retrograde, it is a time for you to look, listen and learn.  Messages, information, and important guidance and will be coming to you from the outside in.  You need to pay attention to what is happening around you as your environment and the people and activities in it will be providing you with the answers and feedback you’ve been asking for.

Mercury Retrograde isn’t about your being able to say or do what you want to say or do when you want to say or do it.  It’s about saying what you need to say and doing what you need to do when the timing is right and the opportunity is optimal.  The Universe often knows better than we do, and sometimes, the delays and “disasters” are intended to make the timing for an action or communication truly right, to redirect you to what is actually in alignment with what you truly want, or maybe even to stop you from doing something that is ultimately not in your best interests.

What makes this Mercury Retrograde especially interesting is that it occurs in the sign of Aquarius – the sign that objectively and logically rules over rules social and professional circles/networks; communities, teams, and groups; technology, innovation, mass communications…and the whole of humanity.  It also brings an element of the eccentric, unconventional, or unexpected to matters as we must step outside of our conditioned confines if we are to discover anything truly new and different.  Rebellious and rogue behaviors are also common under Aquarius’ influence as Aquarius and its ruling planet, Uranus, both champion uniqueness and full and free individual self-expression.  With the Sun also traveling through Aquarius (exact conjunction with Mercury Retrograde on 30th January), there is certain to be a spotlight on the ways we normally communicate, but even more so on the ways we receive communications that may not be as common.  It’s important that we notice how well we listen and pay attention not only to the information that comes to us but to how it is delivered to us.

That said, you may notice freak events or circumstances that cause a change or cancellation of your plans.   There may be open or public revelations that weren’t meant to be open or public.  There may be technological breakdowns or breakthroughs.  There may be social or professional breakdowns or breakthroughs.  There may be unusual or unexpected opportunities that present themselves to you.  Pay attention to it all and embrace it all because even if it doesn’t seem like it in the moment, it really is getting you closer to who and where you want to be.

So, if you find your efforts to communicate or act are hindered, delayed, rejected, or break down in any significant way during this Mercury Retrograde in Aquarius, DON’T PANIC!  Instead, stop and breathe.  Take a moment to pause and reflect.  Recognize the patterns, answers, and guidance being given to you in ways that may not be so conventional yet are just as direct.  See what the pushback may be trying to tell you.  It may be “not yet”, “not this”, “try something different”, or something else.  If you have questions – new or long-standing – there’s a good chance that your answers are already presenting themselves or will present themselves during the three weeks of Mercury’s retrograde, which will continue until 6:57a PST on 11th February 2015.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers.  Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,





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