Mars enters the sign of Sagittarius at 2:57p PDT today, 13th September 2014.  When it does, it moves away from extreme and decisive actions and moves into adventure.

Actions taken under the influence of Mars in Sagittarius often move you into opportunities to apply what you’ve learned and gain the wisdom that comes when you actually do something.  Theory helps you learn and know what should happen, but experience helps you learn and know what actually does happen.  Experience gives you the real truth of a matter, which is why Mars in Sagittarius is such an important presence right now.  Over the next six weeks, we are likely to take some actions which initiate some experiences that will help us learn about and understand some very important and imperative truths about what is happening in our individual lives as well as collectively in the world around us.

Mars in Sagittarius’ actions can be bold, assertive/aggressive, and are taken out of a passion and desire for Truth.  However, during this 2014 Mars in Sagittarius period, these actions won’t be able to be taken back, and their impacts won’t be able to be reversed.  It will be important for you and all of us to remember that though our actions may seem small, during this 2014 Mars in Sagittarius, even the smallest actions can make huge impressions.

Mars in Sagittarius is a very active and assertive presence, but unless it interacts directly with your own personal chart, you may not feel its presence or quite a while.  Collectively, we won’t likely feel its impact until early October 2014 as 2014 Mars in Sagittarius’ first major transit is actually its entrance into a Fire Grand Trine with Uranus Retrograde in Aries and Jupiter in Leo.  Mars enters the 3° orb on 3rd October (13°), awakening an urge to take impulsive and unpredictable actions.  The Grand Trine configuration is most exact on 6th October, yet becomes a Fire-Air Kite on 7th October when the Libra Sun enters orb at 13°, making sextiles with Jupiter and Mars and opposing Uranus Retrograde.

The Libra Sun as the point of the Kite will provide a focal point or direction for all of the energy being generated by the Mars-Uranus Rx-Jupiter Fire Grand Trine, and will likely reveal how objectivity,  logic, clear reasoning was absent as actions were taken to deal with the matters at hand.  The Libra Sun is likely to be responsible for revealing those afore-mentioned truths, which may include the exposure of situations and circumstances that are unfair, unjust, or otherwise out of balance – situations and circumstances that Mars in Sagittarius pushes out into the open through its assertive (if not, aggressive) and adventurous actions.

This Grand Trine-Kite dissolves late on the 8th October when Mars moves out of 3° orb with Uranus, but not before this Kite is super-charged by the Total Lunar Eclipse/Full Moon in Aries that occurs at 3:51a PDT.  With the Aries Moon’s conjunction to Uranus Retrograde and its opposition to the Libra Sun, there may be an emotion-driven move to independence, individual expression, and/or autonomy that comes as a shock or surprise.

By this point, Jupiter and Mars have already becomes part of another major configuration – a Nodal Fire-Air Kitewhile they are both still part of the first Grand Trine-Kite configuration!  As of 7th October, they initiated what is like a “phase two” of the Fire-Air Grand Trine-Kite energies as the South Node in Aries (19°) makes the Grand Trine with Mars and Jupiter, while the North Node in Libra (obviously also 19°) provides the focal point of the Kite.  Through this configuration, we may realize that these adventures that help us grow and expand our wisdom through experience cannot be done alone – we need partners to strengthen and focus our passionate energies in logical, reasonable, and objective ways.  The Libra Sun joins this configuration late on 10th October, again bringing its revelatory Light of reason to the matters at hand.  Since the nodes are involved in this second Kite, the events that occur during these two Grand Trine-Kites are ensured to have an extremely enduring impact.

As if this weren’t complicated enough, Mars in Sagittarius makes one other major transit that may bring some valuable insight into what instigates a lot of the action.  Mars in Sagittarius makes a square to Chiron Retrograde in Pisces at 7:16a on 4th October 2014.  This is a big deal because assertive or aggressive actions may be taken as result of deep emotional-spiritual wounds being prodded, triggered, and/or opened; or in order to prod, trigger, or open said wounds.  Victim mindsets and stances are likely to be activated, and this is where the objective bliss of adventure and experience can become a painful, subjective exercise.  Once emotional wounds are engaged, people can become irrational and actions are often reactionary.  Steps taken can be more impulsive and more aggressive than they might be otherwise.

Yet Chiron Retrograde will also become the point of a Yod configuration with Leo Jupiter and the Libra Sun starting early on 7th October while still in its square aspect with Mars.  This is an opportunity to see how any truths revealed and the energy of these Grand Trines can actually reveal the truth of the current state of humanity.  These revelations may help these deep and long-standing wounds to be healed for individual, humanity, the Earth – for the Oneness of All-That-Is.  This Yod is also in effect during the Total Lunar Eclipse on the 8th, letting us know that there is a way out of what may be seemingly impossible circumstances…if we choose to see it.

These are ALL indicators that whatever happens during this time is supposed to be happening, and is happening in order to bring healing and balance to a much bigger picture than many of us may believe.   The Nodes have a karmic, fated purpose about them and along with presence of the Total Lunar Eclipse energy of the Aries Full Moon, the actions and events of this 2014 Mars in Sagittarius period are likely to be intensely impacting and irreversible.  Early-mid October 2014 is sure to provide us with some major “be careful what you wish for” moments, as actions taken in the name of Truth will have some powerful and enduring results.

That said, these actions and events aren’t necessarily bad things.  Even if it doesn’t seem like it in the moment, the actions taken and the truths revealed during this 2014 Mars in Sagittarius are meant to move us forward – to help us grow and expand into our individual and collective wisdom and maturity.  These actions and events of this period reveal what needs to be healed in order for any and all existing conflicts to be resolved and for lasting justice, fairness, balance, and peace to truly be achieved.  This 2014 Mars in Sagittarius period is intended to help us evolve individually and collectively as a unified human race.  This evolution is only a painful process if we fight or otherwise resist the lessons and truths that are emerging.

The actions and events of the 2014 Mars in Sagittarius period provide us with a turning point for humanity, the world, and possibly even the Earth.  They also remind us that experience is a subjective thing.  We will always assess our experiences through our chosen perspective(s).  Our minds really do create our realities, and how we choose to see our actions and the results of them is a telling sign of how we see the world and what we are looking for within it.  Actions speak louder than words, and in the case of the 2014 Mars in Sagittarius, our actions will reveal what we truly believe and what we truly intend to achieve.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers.  Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,





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