The 2020 Scorpio New Moon reaches its maximum phase at 9:07p PST on Saturday, 14th November, 2020, though it will occur sometime on Sunday, 15th November across the majority of the world. The Scorpio New Moon is always a rather intense and profound occasion with Scorpio’s penchant for emotional and spiritual depth and intensity, but this time around, in 2020, it seems more intense and profound than usual.

The 2020 Scorpio New Moon conjunction of the Moon and Sun is joined by White Moon Selene in a triple conjunction , or what is better known as a stellium (23-25°). New Moons always bring opportunities for new beginnings and emotional renewal, and under this Scorpio New Moon stellium, emotional vulnerability is the door through which ultimately positive transformative energy comes into our experience. Whatever is set in motion during this Moon phase – in effect from late Wednesday 11th November through early Wednesday 18th November – will either be or will develop into events or actions which could make a powerful emotional and/or spiritual impact on you, individually and/or collectively. By getting to the bottom or things in order to release the tension of withholding how you really feel about certain things, this 2020 Scorpio New Moon allows a purge of emotionally toxic energies, lifting much of the confusion or uncertainty you may have been experiencing in these last few weeks and months. This clarity is ultimately for our Highest good, even though what’s brought to light may not seem to be so good in this moment.

This increased intensity also has to do with the influence of the ruling body of Scorpio, Pluto, traveling through the sign of Capricorn, which makes a sextile transit to the afore-mentioned Scorpio stellium. Pluto’s been bringing a transformation of our societal structures and institutions since 2008 and will continue to do so until late 2024. In simple terms, what serves society well will be empowered and/or strengthened, while what detriments society will be disempowered and/or destroyed. This Pluto position brings major shifts in ALL of our collective and personal definitions of societal success, societal strength, authority, accountability, and discipline (both as focus and as punishment). It also brings questions about what is truly the best way(s) for the societies humanity creates to structure and govern themselves. Pluto is a big deal in this 2020 Scorpio New Moon phase, and it doesn’t come alone – it comes in as part of a second stellium – this one in Capricorn involving Pluto, Jupiter, and Pallas Athena (22-23°).

Through this second stellium in Capricorn, structural transformation is fully under way, and resistance to change is now failing to uphold the status quo. In fact, that resistance is now creating the conditions for structural failures. Options for renovation are rapidly decreasingly as the toxic patterns of the status quo are now too exposed – the toxicity has grown too large and become too insidious to be ignored any longer. The bigger it becomes, the greater the efforts by those trying to keep the structures in place, but also the greater the probability of them creating the demise they’re trying to avoid.

Though sextile aspects are usually seen as nurturing and supportive energies, the Scorpio stellium actually shifts the emotional energy in a way which pushes the structural energy of the Capricorn stellium into a further destabilized state to accelerate the transformation process. We’ve been experiencing a very gradual weakening, but now, we may begin experiencing sudden and major shifts under this New Moon phase, either on the personal/individual level or the collective/group level, and possibly both. The actual, factual reality of our current circumstances is becoming clearer by the day – the way things have been can no longer be sustained. That is why this 2020 Scorpio New Moon phase marks the beginning of the end of society, and in some cases, ourselves as we’ve known them to be.

But this is only the beginning. It’ll take a while for all that no longer serves the collective well to be ended and cleared. Only then will a new societal structure will begin to emerge and it’ll be a few years before that new era truly begins to emerge (likely sometime in the 2024-2026 range – more on that in an upcoming article).

Numerologically speaking, the 2020 Scorpio New Moon reaches its maximum phase near the end of an 11 numerological day in most of North America and all points west of it. Eleven energy represents the collaboration of unique individuals, coming together to create something greater than themselves. It’s like a jigsaw puzzle – everyone brings a unique talent or skill to the table in a way where everyone’s contributions fit together perfectly and productively toward a common goal. Yet for the rest of the world, the Scorpio New Moon occurs on a 3 numerological day of learning, growth, and expansion. This three energy is likely to take the form of an expanding awareness of the perilous state of our societal structures, and growing efforts to support or oppose efforts to implement more authoritarianism and/or disciplinary actions within our societal structures. There will also be plenty of learning – gathering valuable information and insights from the dynamics and exchanges happening now. These day energies are occurring within a 6 universal month of practical care and support; and a 4 universal year of stability, structure, and security. These collaborations and learning opportunities are powerful tools for understand what you and others need to feel cared for, healthy, safe, and secure both in society and in your personal lives.

The learning that happens now isn’t surface learning, though. That’s where Mercury in Scorpio comes into play. Scorpio doesn’t trust the playful, inquisitive, rapid-fire questions and dialogue Mercury usually engages in – it wants the real stuff, the deep, emotional, vulnerable stuff. Therefore, get ready for some really intimate questions expecting some really emotionally vulnerable answers. These are the transits which make this particular 2020 Scorpio New Moon phase feel more personal than others.

  • Scorpio Mercury quincunx Aries Chiron Retrograde (5°) – Making a decision may feel like it threatens your self-identity… and that may very well be the case. But that threat is actually confusion stemming from the fact that you may have never really made a decisive choice about who you truly are or who you want to be. Allow your emotional vulnerability to guide you as you weigh your options, asking which choice(s) affirm your deepest True self.
  • Taurus Black Moon Lilith opposite Scorpio Mercury (2-5°) – Ego-driven values/selfishness has become so engrained in the way many people go about their lives and lifestyles, they’ve gotten to an extreme which needs balancing. Yet this balancing will feel like an all-or-nothing proposition – a choice to either cling to what you know, or let it all go. For some, it may also feel like a personal attack. Again, it would be wise to allow your emotional truth to guide you. Honor your True feelings as you face the decisions in front of you now.

There is one more Scorpio Mercury transit, and it’s involved with Uranus.

Uranus is currently retrograde in the sign of Taurus, bringing a long-overdue evolution of our personal and social values. This may take the form of a radical change of intellectual interest with a focus on the value judgments of all humans, or it could take on the form of material, financial, and/or physical revolution, or both. These transits reveal how society may surprise you with just how stubborn its resistance to change can be, or it may make some unexpected progression-focused choices and moves, surprising you and possibly everyone involved.

  • Scorpio Mercury opposite Taurus Uranus Retrograde (5-8°) – Technology is rapidly if not exponentially advancing, which is also accelerating, and in some cases, pushing communications between individuals and entities. Information doesn’t stay hidden for long nowadays, and this transit reveals to us that the values that will hold true moving forward will be the ones in which deeply-felt exchanges of emotional truth and vulnerability can be had either through or despite technological innovation and progress. People and institutions clinging to “the way things have always been done” will face growing opposition in the coming weeks and months as the number of ways to avoid the coming changes decreases rapidly. The old ways and the new ways will need to find balance… but it won’t be equal balance. The future will require a larger wedge of the deal.
  • Virgo Vesta trine Taurus Uranus Retrograde (8°) – Regarding the current systems in place, there’s a determination to “make It work”, but what some are determined to maintain is actually determined to change/evolve. Many of the systems we work within now will not function well in the future. Technology is advancing too quickly, catching people by surprise. This transit is empowering each and all of us to keep up with the changes, or face being left behind and phased out of the evolving world. We will not only feel this on the collective level – we will feel this on a very personal level as we realize it’s time to discover and adapt to a new way to do our work – one which may put our ethics, morals, and value priorities into question.

Back to personal impacts, out next transit to address is the one involving Venus in Libra. Venus will make square aspect to all three players in the Capricorn Stellium – Pluto, Jupiter, and Pallas, and these transits will be part of the very personally transformative experiences which may occur for you and others during this 2020 Scorpio New Moon phase.

  • Libra Venus square (Capricorn Pluto conjunct Jupiter conjunct Pallas Athena) (22-23°) – One-on-one relationships of all kinds are challenged by the societal transformation happening now. The patterns of behavior and the massive efforts to break these patterns are growing larger and stronger every day. Yet these external pressures to either conform to or break from these institutions may be too much for some partnerships to handle as these pressures push you below the surface of where you might normally deal, especially if you’re inclined to “keep the peace” in your relationships with others. With this opportunity to deep dive available, it’s time to reassess the foundations and objectives of your partnerships to recognize which connections have served their purposes and/or are no longer tenable.

Neptune Retrograde in Pisces has us being rudely awakened to our own delusions of our personal or collective ideals being fulfilled someday and somehow, or it has us being impacted by those who are living in a delusional or idealistic/fantasy state – a kind of invasion of reality that may not really be welcome, yet an invasion can help us more clearly determine what is actually real and what is just fantasy.

  • Pisces Neptune Retrograde square Gemini North Node/Sagittarius South Node (18-20°) – The illusions and delusions are now being revealed. Now we can either learn from our experiences with them and apply those lessons to the future, or we can choose to remain stuck within them in an effort to hold onto and return to the past. Keep our minds open to possibilities helps us move forward, while closing our minds to anything new or different helps us move backwards. But have we come too far forward to go back now?
  • Pisces Neptune Retrograde semi-sextile Aries Chiron Retrograde (15-18°) – Delusions, illusions, and façades are finally being broken through, creating identity crisis situations for many folks, possibly including you. As you see the real state of things, you begin to reassess your self-identity. Have you been seeing yourself realistically? Have you been deceived by others? Are you so caught up in being of service to a Higher power or a Higher good that you’ve forgotten to make sure what you’re doing is truly an expression of yourself? Are you so far out of alignment with who you Truly are that you don’t recognize your life?

And then there’s another Pisces influence – Ceres, which is the ruling body of Taurus – finding itself assessing the value of All-That-Is – the Oneness.

  • This transit of Pisces Ceres sextile Taurus Black Moon Lilith (0-2°) is a rather solid one in the sense it thoroughly addresses one’s personal and societal values. This is especially the case as awareness of the interconnection of everyone and everything (the Oneness of All-That-Is) begins to influence most people’s ego-driven values. Yes, you absolutely should make sure your fundamental needs are met first and foremost. But once you have what you need, is it possible to consider supporting and/or serving the survival and well-being of others as well as yourself?

But the one last transit to examine is  White Moon Selene at 25° in the Scorpio stellium makes sextile with major planetary body that doesn’t make the cut in the Capricorn Stellium – Saturn in Capricorn at 27°. Saturn happens to be the ruling body of Capricorn, so it’s traveling in its home sign.

Saturn is known for being the father/paternal energy of the Zodiac. An authoritarian and disciplinarian, it’s often known as a restrictive or oppressive presence. Yet its positives are that without it, we wouldn’t focus as much as we should in order to achieve the successes we desire and pursue That said…

  • Scorpio White Moon Selene sextile Capricorn Saturn (25-27°) – Burgeoning new beginnings may be delayed or held back by the authoritative institutions currently in place, but these delays may not be a bad thing as they will expose the lack of consensus and focus by those who want to force change upon the status quo. This will encourage those who are seeking a change of the societal status quo to truly focus their energies on what their highest priorities are regarding their objectives for change. Rather than going for everything at once, what is the most important thing to start with? This focus will create a beacon of hope for those overwhelmed by the last gasp of the structures and institutions currently in place yet actively being phased out.

Again, this powerful 2020 Scorpio New Moon phase marks the beginning of the end – for society as we’ve known it, and in some cases, for our individual selves as we’ve known ourselves to be. The transformations are now fully underway, and it’s best to buckle up for this ride now as it’ll be a few years before we really come to the end of this structural and emotional purge to arrive at the beginning of something truly new.

Thank you so much for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers, Until next post…

~ Blessings,




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