The Virgo New Moon reaches its maximum phase at 4:00a PDT on Thursday, 16th September 2020 (25.02). With both the Sun and Moon conjunct in Virgo, this is a powerful moment in which the practical realities of our everyday lives must now be addressed.

Virgo is mutable earth energy, which means it’s flexible or changeable stability – not as solid as Taurus and not as ambitious as Capricorn, but it’s not meant to be. That’s because Virgo is known as the problem-solver, the “fixer”, the healer. It’s meant to be pliable because its role is to make adjustments to the systems and structures in place in order to make them or keep them functional. Virgo energy can gently move structures and institutions which seem immovable and indestructible, yet it can also forcefully move them with a large “sudden” shift which comes after long period of gradual movement or erosion.

What we’re experiencing right now in our lives and in the world is the result of gradual changes over a long period of time revealing their progress in seemingly unexpected and shocking ways. Many of these revelations are excavating our personal and societal insecurities as well as revelations of the damage and harm we have inflicted upon others – showing up as a call for healing. But in other cases, we’re now seeing how orchestrated some of these shifts have been, making small moves and gradual progress over many years in order to position big moves now.

This 2020 Virgo New Moon encourages the understanding that what we have in the present originated in our past choices, and if we want different for the future, we get to make different choices and take different actions now. If anything, this is our “be careful what you ask for, you just may get it” moment. All of these profound changes we’re experiencing now, this is us getting what we asked for in the past, and the difficult part to accept is that many of us didn’t realize we were asking for all of this in the first place. Yes, some of us looked beyond ourselves to see the early signs of the changes happening now, and tried to tell others. But too many of us were too content, complacent, or compliant with our everyday routines to see what was coming – it all seems like such a surprise now, and now we want to do something to stop or even reverse the damage.

Yet the one hard fact in what is happening right now cannot be reversed or stopped. We cannot go back to what was. The course can only be altered from this moment here and now.

This New Moon occurs on a numerological 3 Universal day for most of the world, meaning this will be a day of expanding our awareness through learning. The information coming to Light on this day will bring more insight and information to minds which have been closed or narrowly-focused before now. Yet for many far eastern nations, this New Moon occurs on a 22 Universal day, which encourages partnerships and collaborations in order to navigate this unstable time. The combination of the 4 Universal month and 4 Universal year energies intensifies a desire for structure, stability, and security; and in the midst of what we’re experiencing now, this intensification only seem to be revealing our frustration with how unstable the world, our communities, and our personal lives are at this moment. But we may now be beginning to understand that the reason for this instability is so we can finally see what isn’t functional and/or isn’t stable, and look to what must be changed in order to create the stability, security, and solidity we crave. And though it seems like this has been going on too long already, this is actually only the beginning of these personal and societal changes.

With the emotional water energy of the Moon sharing the space with the pragmatic energy of the Virgo 4 Sun, this 2020 Virgo New Moon will likely be a tough one for most people as the current circumstances may find many of us feeling forced to reluctantly accept the unstable systemic realities of the present moment, but also in emotional upset – possibly anger – over what are everyday lives are now. Even after we face and deal with our material, physical, and financial realities, taking actions to make changes will likely be experienced like moving through mud or clay. There can be progress, but it will likely be slow and very frustrating.

This isn’t meant to encourage resignation, but rather, resilience by facing and taking on the reality we face now. It’s encouragement to release our resistance to what is and has been, and to refocus our energies to what can be done from where we are now to create a new and different future. Nostalgia doesn’t serve us in this moment. Neither does wishing we could have chosen differently before.

We need to choose and act differently now.

With all of these changes coming to Light, there’s recognition of just how much pain and suffering there is in people’s everyday lives right now. So much healing needs to be done and there are so many problems to be solved. It’s actually becoming overwhelming for many of us, almost like an amusement park ride that has us experiencing so many twists and turns, we just want the ride to stop. And if the ride ever does stop, we’ll realize we’ve been spun and turned so many ways, it’s likely we’ll barely be able to walk once we’re back on solid ground.

But the ride isn’t stopping anytime soon.
The ground won’t be solid again anytime soon.

This 2020 Virgo New Moon finally wakes us up to how our individual and collective foundations have been and continue to undergo massive changes, and how these shifts occurring now have been a long time coming – they are the outcomes of choices made and actions taken long ago. These outcomes are significant and irreversible. The landscape is altered from now forward. In some cases, the foundation has shifted so much, it will be impossible to rebuild what was there before in the same way. And in some other cases still, the complete destruction of what has been in place may need to occur.

The 2020 Virgo New Moon is a call to acknowledge the changes that have already happened and the changes that are happening now, and to understand that things will not be going back to what they were before. We must make what we have now work for us, and that means making changes to our own routines and practices in our individual and collective day-to-day. The New Moon marks a time for new beginnings, and this is a time for us to find new ways of going about our everyday lives.

There are a LOT of transits during this 2020 Virgo New Moon phase that occur within a 3° orb, and with this being a New Moon, this means these energies are being “natalized” at the time of max phase and during this New Moon window, setting the tone for not only this phase, but the entire Lunar cycle until the Libra New Moon on 16th October (13th-19th).

Let’s review these transit energies:

T-SQUARE: Virgo 4 Sun conjunct Moon square Gemini North Node opposite Sagittarius South Node (24-25°) – This is a powerful configuration! The way of the past is to “go big” based on wisdom of experience, but that keeps you in the past and encourages you to repeat the past in the future. Yet the way of the future is to “go smart”, but possibly without all the information and insight necessary to move forward successfully. The Virgo 4 Sun encourages both sides to focus on where we are right now, drawing lessons from the past and practical wisdom from the present to create a future that works for everyone… but the challenge comes in seeing how both sides of this can contribute positively to the future while making sure neither side is given all the power over the process.

Virgo 4 Sun conjunct Moon trine Capricorn Pluto Retrograde conjunct Saturn Retrograde (22-25°) – The desire for stable functionality is amplifying the push to uphold the authority structures in place, despite their impending implosion. Yet current events are doing just that – increasing the expectation of societal authorities to bring (or restore) functionality to our communities, societies, and the world. The question is… can these structures successfully carry this weight now? And if so, how will they do it?

Virgo 4 Sun conjunct Moon quincunx Aries Black Moon Lilith conjunct Mars (25-27°) – This may be the most important transit of the set as this reveals how the forces seeking stability and functionality are impossibly at odds with those who are in self-preservation mode. Some folks feel their self-identities are being so threatened right now, they are angry and fearful enough to literally fight to maintain them. Yet this combative energy is significantly out of alignment with the desire for a stable and functional status quo. In other words, what some people are trying to uphold is no longer practically functional. Until there is understanding that there’s no continuing what no longer works in a healthy and healing way, this energy will be present.

Aries Black Moon Lilith conjunct Mars opposite Libra Juno (26-29°) – An ego-driven opposition to balance, equality, fairness, justice drives the actions of many at this time. However, the commitment to those principles is just as strong.

Aries Black Moon Lilith conjunct Mars square Capricorn Saturn Rx (25-27°) – This transit assists those committed to fairness and justice in that there is only so much those acting upon ego can do without abusing, and therefore, compromising their societal authority. The challenge for those in positions of societal power is how to take assertive action without taking inappropriate institutional liberties.

Aries Chiron Rx semi-sextile Taurus Uranus Rx (7-10°) – When enough people feel the pain, there’s enough people to make the change. Yet that’s the thing – change only happens when the tipping point is reached, and unfortunately, too many humans only act when it’s in their own individual best interests to do so. This transit, however, may indicate that enough people will experience the (re)opening of their self-identity wounds just enough to tip the scale toward people-powered change.

Capricorn Pallas Athena trine Taurus Uranus Rx (10-12°) – Our expectations of our institutional structures are changing, and we’re realizing that we can no longer count on them to do what they’ve done in the past. It’s now time for the people to do what the powers-that-be no longer do. The outdated patterns are being disrupted in order to make room for new ways for society and/or humanity to do its thing.

Taurus Uranus Rx square Leo Venus (10-12°) – The reality that the world is changing challenges people who want to be able to do things the way they do them, especially in their 1-on-1 relationships. As the energy of this transit encourages individual self-expression, it challenges us to find partnership and community with others who support our uniqueness. This may find your community connections revealing either the presence of or lack of support in your partnerships now.

Leo Venus quincunx Capricorn Pallas Athena (12°) – Outdated societal traditions and the behavior patterns based upon them continue to be at odds with self-expression, especially within our 1-on-1 relationships. More and more of us are beginning to realize what freedom actually is as result of this incompatibility with society and possibly with our partners about which traditions are worth upholding. At the root of this discord is the question of whether it’s acceptable to have a unique partnership that works for the partners involved, even if it doesn’t work for society. Can unconventional be acceptable?

BLESSING TRIANGLE: Scorpio White Moon Selene sextile Capricorn Jupiter sextile Pisces Neptune Rx (17-19°) – Going to extremes for the Greater good supports growing optimism about the state of society in the face challenged ideals and fading delusions. Hope remains alive despite disappointments, but is it sincere hope or false hope?

Leo Vesta quincunx Capricorn Jupiter (15-17°) – The more you express your unique self in the world the more you may find yourself at odds with efforts to expand upon societal norms and standards. This may have you questioning which good is the Greater good – honoring the societal standards, or honoring your inner Truth?

Leo Vesta sextile Libra Mercury (15-17°) – Dedication to creative self-expression is supported by those who seek out those creations to beautify their world. That beauty and uniqueness is needed more than ever now. Don’t hold back in sharing your unique individuality with the world.

Libra Mercury square Capricorn Jupiter (17°) – Societal optimism is tempered by continuing calls for balance, fairness, and justice which challenge the idea that our societal structures are inherently good. They can be good, but they also need to adhere to their own rules and principles to have integrity. This transit presents a challenge to the effort to present the current collective reality as positive or ethical.

Libra Mercury quincunx Pisces Neptune Rx (17-19°) – The more imbalances are discussed, the harder it is to pretend things are all okay and normal. They’re not, and things are changing rapidly. Any delusions and distractions being upheld now will not be able to sustain themselves much longer, not only in the world around us, but also in our one-on-one relationships of all kinds.

Libra Mercury semi-sextile Scorpio White Moon Selene (17°) – The talk of balance, equality, fairness, and justice leads to awareness of the likely need to go to extremes in order to balance the scales. This won’t be the most peaceful method of bringing balance and justice to the matters-at-hand, but it may be what’s needed in order to bring peace in the long run. As everything in the Universe has an equal and opposite, the only way to balance extremes is with the opposite extreme. This process may take some time, but will likely be worth it in the end when balance is restored… and that process begins now.

We’ll be feeling the energies of this 2020 Virgo New Moon phase from 14th September through the 20th September 2020. Throughout this time, pay attention to your everyday life. What adjustments need to be made? How will you need to change your practices and routines in order to adapt to the changing world? And if you don’t like the changes that are happening, which actions can you take now to begin the gradual process of shifting things into a new direction?

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers, Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,




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