The Pisces New Moon reached its maximum phase at 7:32a PST this morning, Sunday, 23rd February 2020 (4.46°). This is a more interesting New Moon than usual because it captures the essence of an ideal so expansive, it’s difficult to put into words, but I’ll try my best to explain how a new age is dawning and how we’re being called to feel our way through inevitable collective change.

Pisces is the twelfth sign of the Zodiac – the last of the cycle. On a mundane level, it represents our awareness of our interconnection with All-That-Is. We can recognize how everyone and everything can and does affect everything else, even if indirectly. Yet this mutable water sign also represents our empathy and intuition being heightened as we can feel that interconnection. In fact, it’s our empathy that makes us aware of our interconnection – our Oneness – with All-That-Is.

This sign is most positively known for its capacity for compassion and forgiveness. Because it is almost hyper-aware of the collective whole, its capacity for unconditional love and service is unparalleled. It can feel the pain and suffering of others so acutely, it strives to heal that pain on a transcendental level – motivated by service from a Higher consciousness. Whether that be an innate sense of spirituality, a religious belief, or simply a consciousness of the energy that connects us all, Pisces calls us into service that is beyond any worldly boundaries or definitions. Under its influence, we are being called to serve and heal All, and in doing so, we serve and heal ourselves. This can make us very idealistic in real-world matters, sometimes even helping us transcend or avoid reality in order to pursue a dream or ideal.

Yet this sign is most negatively known for its tendency to become (or play) victim or martyr to its service inclinations. Sometimes this is due to its expectation(s) that it receive something in return for its service; other times, it’s a matter of overextending oneself, not realizing it also needs to receive what it so generously gives in order to continue giving. That transcendence of reality I mentioned before? It can show up on the negative side, too, often manifesting as denial of reality, delusion, or straight-up fantasy.

The key with Pisces energy is to remember that it is symbiotic – it is essential that we give as much as we receive, or that we receive as much as we give. In the context of Oneness, we’re essentially giving to ourselves by giving to others; yet we’re also receiving from ourselves in receiving from others, and we’re more conscious of how we give and receive to everyone and everything – other humans, animals, the planet, the Universe… This symbiosis can bring many blessings, yet also many challenges.

The 2020 Pisces New Moon brings us into mindfulness of our emotions and intuitions in ways we may be very surprised to experience. For those of us who are usually in tune with our intuitive and emotional energies, we may feel these energies more intensely than usual, especially if we have any planets, bodies, or points in our personal astrology charts in the 1-7° range. Yet for those of us who are not often in tune with these energies within ourselves or for those who have gotten really good at denying them or shutting them down, this New Moon may prove to be quite a wild ride.

That’s because there is a powerful wave of change occurring right now. The epic Saturn + Pluto conjunction in Capricorn (Saturn-Pluto major transits often mark major historical societal changes) is still making its presence felt in a big way in our personal and collective experiences. Saturn representing our societal structures and institutions; Pluto representing the power of creation and destruction in the process of transformation. Though this 2020 Pisces New Moon conjunction does not connect with this transit directly, it does reveal a new beginning is afoot in this transformative experience.

This “new beginning” energy of the 2020 Pisces New Moon is conveniently paired up with the energy of a numerological 11 universal day. This energy reveals the power of collaboration – individuals owning their unique abilities and talents and sharing them in collaboration with other individuals to create something larger than themselves. In this case, it would be each of us contributing our abilities and energies to creating a movement of healing change larger than any of us could do alone. The healing effect is bolstered by the numerological energies of the 6 universal month –a powerful nurturing and healing energy. This is a month for healing, and the 1 universal day energy reveals that it’s time for a new phase of our healing process to begin.

In our personal lives, this could represent a significant shift in our public or professional roles. Becoming increasingly intuitively conscious of what we individually have to offer to others/Oneness, this could mark the early stages of a career or societal status change. It could also represent a shift in one’s personal goals and ambitions – you may find yourself more clear about what you’re working for, why you’re applying your energy to it, and how much energy you’re willing to put into it (or may need to put into it) to make it happen.

On a collective level, this will likely represent a significant shift in the priorities of our society(s). This may indicate a greater consciousness of the symbiotic nature of our world – both our societal systems and with nature/the environment. I often note that the only constant in life is change, and with the presence of the Saturn + Pluto conjunction, there are some big changes in progress. During this 2020 Pisces Full Moon period, we’ll get a very strong sense of what those changes are going to be.

In either case – individual or collective – what will be fascinating is experiencing and/or witnessing our degrees of emotional investment in our ideal outcomes. We will learn that we are all emotionally if not spiritually invested in our visions, ideals, and dreams. We will also learn that our egos may be just as invested, and when our humanness is involved, how does that affect our spiritual-intuitive journey? How does that shape the course of our individual evolutionary path? How does that shape the evolution of humanity?

The ego part of this comes through a conjunction of Black Moon Lilith and Chiron in Aries (3°). This transit makes semi-sextile aspect to the 2020 Pisces New Moon conjunction of the Sun and Moon, and it reveals just how much ego investment we may have in our pain and suffering. It’s a funny irony, but sometimes, we become so accustomed to being in pain that the idea of alleviating that pain becomes a change we’re not sure we want. Especially in the sign of Aries (self-identity), many of us have come to define ourselves by our pain and suffering. The idea of healing it may be too much for some of us to take, especially if we’ve built our “success” on that pain within ourselves or if we’ve built it on the pain and suffering of others.

This identification with pain will be recognized in our own personal lives as increased awareness of our self-sabotage behaviors (consciously or subconsciously creating conditions to keep the pain and suffering in place)and/or in our tendencies to manipulatively capitalize on the pain and suffering of others (taking advantage of others’ insecurities, real or imagined).

Yet some of us are tired of being in pain, inflicting or encouraging pain, or both; and we’re now willing and ready to let go of our identification with pain and suffering. We’re ready to take action to change how we experience ourselves and our lives. We’re ready to live our lives without the pain and suffering we’ve lived with for so long.

This is where a transit of Capricorn Mars conjunct the South Node (4-6°) at the time of the New Moon’s maximum phase comes into play. In sextile with the Pisces New Moon conjunction, these energies are supportive of each other; and with the Mars + South Node energy coming first in the order of things, there’s a palpable desire to take action. However, the reasons for that action may vary depending on where you are in the grand scheme of things.

Because the Moon’s South Node is involved, the past is the focal point. With Mars, action is often inspired by initiative or anger, or sometimes both. In Capricorn, ambition or the accomplishment or fulfillment of goals are often the driving factors.

In this case, some will be inspired to take action out of frustration or anger that what has worked in the past is being phased out. They will not be happy about their status quo being disrupted. In fact, they may accelerate and/or take extreme steps to ensure their status quo is upheld. Those who are rooted in past-based mindsets – who are emotionally invested in repeating the ways of the past in order to maintain their personal power or influence OR their personal sense of being disempowered and victimized – will be desperately trying to uphold the status quo, to the point of slandering, sabotaging, or attacking any indication of change.

Others will be inspired to take action out of anger that the status quo has not been working and possibly has never really worked for them. They will be realizing that conditions have been such where they are not able to fulfill their dreams or ambitions – that there are too many obstacles in their way, and changes must be made in order to make the progress they want to make and to experience the growth they want to have. These are the people who are releasing past-based mindsets, willing and ready to take steps toward a new and different experience. These are the people who are future-minded and therefore, willing not only to embrace but facilitate and accelerate change.

Those who favor change have an advantage during this 2020 Pisces New Moon. With a Sequence of Capricorn South Node, Aquarius Ceres, and Pisces Mercury Retrograde (6-9°) active at the time of the New Moon’s max phase, our individual and collective emotional investments in the status quo are likely to reveal themselves at this time. Ceres in Aquarius (9°) reveals the values of the collective, and under this influence, we will see who is determined to keep the status quo in place, and who is ready to change it. Uranus, the ruler of Aquarius, is in Taurus (3°), and is in mutual reception by sign with Ceres at this time. This is a powerful indicator that our collective values are undergoing transformation. This societal shift is a values shift, and Pisces and its attention to the interconnection of everyone and everything is proving to be our guide as we begin moving into a new age of humanity.

What do we want for our world? When we envision our ideal world, what do we see? Is it a world that works for all of us, or a world that works for just us? Is it a world that factors in the interconnection and well-being of All-That-Is (everyone and everything), or a world that only factors in how everything serves our own well-being, collectively and/or possibly individually?

The most profound way to answer those questions for yourself is to allow yourself to feel your pain. What is causing the pain?

  • Is the idea of the status quo collapsing causing you pain, and if so, why?
  • Is the idea of staying within the status quo causing you pain, and if so, why?
  • Is the idea of losing power and influence over others having you feel afraid or anxious, and if so, why?
  • Is the idea of having power and influence having you feel afraid and anxious, and if so, why?
  • Is the idea of serving others and supporting their well-being and healing upsetting to you, and if so, why?
  • Is the idea of receiving support from others that enables you to attend to your well-being and healing upsetting to you, and if so, why?
  • Is the idea of moving on from the past painful to you, and if so, why?
  • Is the idea of embracing a unknown future with vast creative potential painful to you, and if so, why?

There are a few other transits which play important roles in this 2020 Pisces New Moon experience:

Taurus Vesta trine Capricorn Pluto (21-24°) – We’ll see who is committed to upholding our societal institutions and structures and who is committed to tearing them down. However, this may not look the way you think it’s going to. Don’t be so attached to your ideas or your ideals that you miss the way these energies are actually manifesting in practical reality. There is no “right” or “wrong” here, no “good” or “bad” here. There is simply the transformation that is underway, and the roles each and all of us play in it. Take some time to recognize your role, for better and worse. Then take some time to recognize the roles of others, for better and worse.

Capricorn Jupiter sextile Pisces Neptune (17-18°) – Growing ambitions may inspire grander visions of what is possible. Yet it’s a matter of how big you’re willing to allow yourself to dream and how willing you are to pursuing that dream. Will you allow yourself to dream a bigger dream for yourself than you might normally dream? And will you allow others to have a bigger vision for you than you may have for yourself? The prospect of living into a bigger dream depends upon how willing and ready you are to allow others to walk with you and/or assist you. This is where that 11 numerological day energy comes into play – collaboration with others, whether individuals or groups. Pisces Neptune semi-sextile Aries Venus (17-18°) reveals the presence of partners who can assist you in taking the actions you want to take and making the progress you want to make. However, Capricorn Jupiter square Aries Venus (18°) acts as a warning that not everyone you collaborate or partner with will be aligned with your goals and ambitions. You want to choose your collaborations wisely, and not just because they’re available to you. Look at their track record. Look at their results. Look at their consistency. Look at their ability to keep their word. It’s not only about what does or doesn’t affect you directly – it’s about taking the big picture view & recognizing how the changes that are happening may affect you in the long run.

This 2020 Pisces New Moon is about inevitable change and the transformation of All-That-Is, and the new beginnings emerging from the spaces being cleared and opened up. It’s important to see, hear, and feel how the power-that-be are responding to it, and how those who believed they didn’t have much power are now realizing just how much power they have to affect what those changes bring…

.. and where you fit into that mix. How can you best serve others through these changes, and how can you best allow yourself to serve and be served through them as well?

This 2020 Pisces New Moon energy will be felt from 20th through 27th February 2020.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers. Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,




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