There is a lot of talk of late about bringing people together and unifying people under common values. Those discussions are all very well-meaning as they are intended to help us awaken to the fact that we are all human and we all co-exist, and we’re all in this – whatever it is – together as the whole of human kind.

Yet in order to create a genuine sense of unity, we must acknowledge that we are, indeed, divided. And we also must recognize that these divisions that are occurring are not meant to be resolved – they are meant to expand.

This 2020 Leo Full Moon, which reaches its maximum full phase at 11:33p PST on Saturday 8th February 2020 (20.00°), is the manifestation of “The Great Divide”. Yet is also reveals the great potential for creating unity in the face of such profound division.

What we are experiencing now is the actual separation between what will prove to be two factions of humanity over an intellectual + emotional rift that cannot be bridged. It cannot be bridged because it is a fundamental values divide.

The values argument at hand is “me versus we” on the axis of expression – Leo and Aquarius.

Leo is the 5th sign of the Zodiac (fixed fire energy), focused on individual creative self-expression and the need to be acknowledged for how one chooses to express themselves out into the world. We need to be acknowledged as individuals who are one-of-a-kind, exceptional, and special. The Moon – our emotional compass – is in this sign. The Moon energy is driving an individual and collective emotional need to be seen, heard, and acknowledged for our unique individual selves as separate from others.

Yet its opposite, Aquarius, is the 11the sign of the Zodiac (fixed air energy), and is focused on individual creative self-expression and the need to understand our place and role in society. We strive to make a contribution to a collective or collaborative effort in order to understand our role in the world, needing to be acknowledged for understanding that others matter just as much as we do, and that whatever we create will not be just for themselves nor affect only ourselves. Our creative expressions get to inspire or contribute to others just as much as they inspire or contribute to ourselves. With the Sun – our core identity – in the sign of Aquarius, we experience the warmth of its rays not singled out individually for our contributions, but rather, when we are acknowledged as part of the team or group that served a greater inspirational and practical purpose for our community or for the whole of humanity. That is when we feel best acknowledged because it’s not about us as individuals.

This is why this 2020 Leo Full Moon is so important right now – it is revealing to us our individual investments in our creative intentions and pursuits, challenging us to recognize what we have to contribute to the greater whole, and where we are willing to invest it. It is also revealing our individual value to the world in ways we never imagined, and revealing how much others may be affected and inspired by what we create and/or express to the world.

Yet it also reveals and defines our great social and societal divide.

For those familiar with the dimensional-vibrational conversation happening in metaphysical circles, this 2020 Leo Full Moon represents the breaking point between 3-dimensional and 5-dimensional consciousness. This is the point of separation between those who are ready to move beyond competition, conflict, and crisis; and those who are determined to exist only within and be victim to those dynamics.

The 3D consciousness is a complex construct of intellectual and material interactions which mask its clear origins in human “survival mode”. It is a consciousness rooted in fear – in the belief that without safe and secure structures of support or sustenance, death is imminent. We’ve gotten really good at creating all sorts of intellectual and emotional narratives, designed to hide the power of creative self-expression from ourselves and instead, conditioning us to believe that physical and material expression and acquisition are all that matters. In fact, we’ve actually become masterful in hindering our own individual and collective creative power because we’ve chosen to survive in what we know and are familiar with rather than seeking and finding something that both inspires us and serves us and others beyond basic survival.

Under 3D consciousness, we are focused on the physical, material, and financial as a way of surviving. We are focused on the existing societal and social structures to sustain us, and fear what will happen if they are no longer in place, if we allow them to continue to collapse. Those of us in 3D consciousness cannot imagine a world without the existing structure as it has always been – for its best and its worst. And it doesn’t matter how bad it gets nor how close we are to repeating a devastating past. As long as we do everything we can to prevent structural societal change from happening, no matter how corrupted and weak those structures are, we will fight to uphold the status quo.

The 5D consciousness is an open construct of intellectual and emotional interactions which reveals its origins in self and collective awareness and creative expression in both arenas. However it’s rooted in the promise of community, which moves us beyond “survival mode” and into the courage to express ourselves fully and freely without fear of rejection or alienation. This isn’t to say we won’t ever feel any of those fears, but it is to say we can choose to move through the fears and see what exists on the other side of them. We somehow recognize this energy can exist in a form which transcends competition, conflict, and crisis and moves us into collaborative solution creation. We also recognize this energy can transcend time and space because the advances of technology have made time and physical presence nearly irrelevant now. What happens on one side of the world can be communicated with the other side of the world with the click of a button. It’s beyond the physical now. It’s beyond the material now.

Those of us in 5D consciousness are doing everything we can to bring about visionary change to society. We understand that the corrupted structures are collapsing and that change is inevitable. But we also have the power to consciously create what comes to replace the status quo… yet there are many people who simply cannot envision or trust in a future they cannot see or experience right now. They need reassurance. They need proof. They need to know their survival is ensured, and that they will be seen and remembered as upstanding, contributive citizens of whatever world community they’re in. Their fear keeps them in 3D consciousness.

And that’s the challenge and problem for those of us who do want to facilitate change right now. We need to understand and accept that the people who refuse to change will not change until their experiential circumstances change. They need to experience the effects of whatever is happening first-hand in order to take action to agree to change it all.

And under the effects of this 2020 Leo Full Moon, waiting for experiential “proof” may cause us to be too late to get out from under the weight of the burden of the past.

We don’t have any more time to wait.

It’s time for us to clear out more of the old in order to start creating the now and next.

In order to create, we must understand that the ideological/dimensional divide is increasing, and it has increased to the point where the separation has reached irreconcilability. It cannot be bridged. The space between 3D and 5D has grown too much, and now, standing in the chasm, each and all of us must choose which reality we’re going to live within.

This isn’t to say that if we choose to embrace 5D consciousness that we cannot exist or live in 3D. We can. In fact, to some degree, we must. We must remember that we are each and all incarnated as humans, and that we do require some fundamental resources to survive in our humanness. Therefore, we will need to conduct our personal business in the 3D world to a large degree in order to continue forward…

… but we must acknowledge that this divide exists, and that in order to move forward, we must redirect our energies to being on one side of the conflict or the other.

We either choose to be on the side resisting evolution, or on the side embracing and facilitating evolution.

And we get to find and establish unity in collaboration with others who are ready to make necessary major societal changes… or with those who are ready to stand their ground and hold onto the past.

One more perspective of the energy dynamics of this 2020 Leo Full Moon is available by looking at the numerological energy at play at the time of this 2020 Leo Full Moon’s max phase:

In the Pacific timezone and all regions west of it, this Full Moon will occur under a 5 universal day energy of change and adaptability. For the entire rest of the world, this Full Moon occurs under 6 universal day energy of nurturing, support, and healing. The latter can manifest itself in emotional and/or practical ways, and often is motivated by the desire to “fix it” and make it better as an act of service to others.

This 6 universal day energy is intensified by the fact that we are also in a 6 universal month. Yet we are also in a 4 universal year, and the call to seek and maintain stability, security, and safety is powerful and overarching. These energies combine to reveal a desire to clear out any stagnation, corruption, and denial of what is happening now; and to begin envisioning the society we want to create.

We must also realize that if we do not embrace the creative advances and creative potential of human kind, nor humanity’s consistent and persistent desire to continue growing and expanding its understanding and expression of its creative power, humanity will die.

To explain this further, let’s go into the astrological transits in effect at the time of the 2020 Leo Full Moon’s maximum phase.

The single most important transit of this 2020 Leo Full Moon is the Aquarius Sun – Leo Moon opposition being squared by Taurus Vesta (17-20°). In Taurus, Vesta is – literally – our investment into and/or our dedication to our lifestyle values. Taurus, by nature, is very wary of change – it prefers to get matters to a certain point of stability and security, then leave it as is for as long as possible. So in this case, there is a vested interest in maintaining one’s lifestyle comforts – standards and routines. With the presence of this Sun – Moon opposition (Full Moon), we’re being challenged to recognize and invest the aspects of the past which do still serve us well, yet also to recognize and divest from the aspects of the past which must be released now so we can step into our collective future, empowered and inspired by the possibilities of our creative contributions and collaborations. The thing is… some of us will still hold onto the past out of ego-driven pride, still wanting to be acknowledged for our unique individual creative expressions to the greater whole as a matter of self-identity; while others of us will not seek individual recognition but rather seek the acknowledgment of knowing our unique expressions of creative energy have made and/or will make a positive contribution to the collective whole of humanity.

Those driven by ego-driven pride and self-identity or definition of self from others’ responses to their individual self-expression (3D) are seeing and approaching the current events as “what does this do for me?” or “how does this define me for myself and others?”. They may (correctly) perceive this as a end of who and how they’ve believed themselves to be in and for the world.

Those driven by the desire to put their creative energies into something greater than themselves as a matter of contribution to their community or to humanity (5D) are seeing and approaching the current events and issues from a position of “what does this do for all of us?” or “how does this allow me to make a positive contribution to my community/society/humanity?”, even if it’s part of a collaborative or collective endeavor.

The key here is recognizing that the answer is not one or the other, but both. We do need to know who we are for ourselves and others close to us – it is important to know how our creative self-expression affects others who are important to us; yet we also need to know the larger role of what our creative self-expression can contribute to our social groups, our communities, and possibly to the whole of humanity. We get to learn about ourselves in both roles, and understand that the point is to balance the two extremes – no make sure we allow our unique individual selves to be expressed while also making certain we are aware of the impact of our individual self-expression on the greater whole and for the greater whole.

Vesta in Taurus also has another role in this 2020 Leo Full Moon phase – it makes sextile transit with Pisces Neptune and Capricorn Jupiter (15-17°). This combination forms a “Blessing Triangle” configuration, and reveals increasing ambitions and goals from their original scope in alignment with (visionary or fantastic) ideologies which support one’s vested lifestyle interests and values. What was once enough is no longer enough – there is a desire to expand on what was originally established as the objective, especially since certain conditions have opened up to expand upon . The danger here is that Pisces isn’t only a sign advocating for Oneness – it’s also a sign which encourages deception and illusions leading to faith in delusional beliefs. The warning here is that this misplaced faith may propagate deceptive beliefs which lead some people to feel a need to increase their investment in maintaining the societal status quo to maintain their lifestyle status quo… yet this same dynamic will lead others to recognize that the changes are inevitable and now is the time to stand for the creation of the future they want. The problem and challenge is… the current system must be cleared out before something new can replace it.

This is why the current systems are showing their corruption and failure now. The systems and structures of the past are no longer strong enough to withstand the future that is being called for. After years of gradual compromise, the structures are now weak enough to be toppled by the winds of change.

These winds of change are reflected in the Juno transits.

Just beginning a retrograde motion phase at 9:59a PST earlier today, Libra Juno makes trine aspect to the Aquarius Sun (20-21°), encouraging the revelation/exposure of the various imbalances in our society in order to increase collective awareness and instigate a popular call for change. These revelations are likely to occur in one-on-one exchanges of thoughts and ideas through which it is also revealed that the divides we’ve been led to believe we’re experiencing are not the divides actually occurring.

These are not divides of political party or even of religious faith.
These are divides due to personally-held lifestyle and societal values.

The way this is affirmed is through the other Libra Juno transit – a square with Capricorn Pluto (21-23°). In this transit, people’s commitment to maintaining the status quo is revealed in the intensity of their commitment to acknowledging or dismissing the relational imbalances in our society and social structures. We are now realizing just how much some people really don’t care about anyone else except themselves and we’re also realizing how much some people may care too much for others. The balance is sought is in-between those two extremes – where we can care about ourselves and our well-being while also being aware of the impact our self-care may have on other individuals and the environment around us. When our choices don’t allow others to be uniquely and authentically self-expressed yet also responsible for their individual behaviors, there is an imbalance. This square reveals that despite the efforts to create peaceful connections with others, when under the influence of structural collapse, there is a challenge to find common ground.

There are three more transits in effect under this 2020 Leo Full Moon which require our attention.

The Capricorn South Node is conjunct Pallas Athens, and both bodies are sextile Pisces Mercury at the time of maximum phase (7-8°). The South Node is our collective “old karma” and Pallas Athena reveals patterns for the purpose of creating strategy, so combined, this conjunction reveals a repeating of the past, or in our immediate case, history repeating. This distinction is of paramount importance because for those desperately clinging to their comfort and status quo, they are more interested in preserving themselves and less interested in the well-being of the collective whole. They are seeking their tribe of others who are also supporting the status quo out of fear of a changing world which they fear invalidates their results and/or rewards, even if they still haven’t actually reaped those results or rewards yet. This is where the Pisces Mercury element of this transit comes into play – the delusional beliefs that they still have a chance to reap their great societal rewards. Yet they refuse to see that the structure they’re counting on to give them those rewards is collapsing. It is actively being destroyed. It has been corrupted from the inside-out. It is no longer viable (Capricorn Pluto). So these people are repeating a pattern, expecting the same results of the past, not understanding – or refusing to acknowledge and accept – that the past cannot bring them the future they feel entitled to.

Those clinging to the past refuse to understand that they have changed the world, in many ways for the better. Yet their need to hang on to their positions of power and influence is due to a delusional belief that they deserve more positive acknowledgment of their roles in society, and their sense of entitlement has been and continues to change the world for the worse. The old societal structures have served their purposes, and it is now time for new ideas to create new structures which reflect new values which align with the evolution of humanity… but many of those long in positions of societal power refuse to let go. They don’t want to give the reins to others who will change their “great accomplishments”.

Yet those “accomplishments” are being revealed now, and what’s coming to light is not as good as they want us to believe. We’re now at a point where the good that they have done is starting to be outweighed by the bad. And even their intentions were initially positive, we are now seeing that preserving themselves in a positive light is all that matters to them, even in the face of the revelation of their selfish and manipulative motives.

That damage is somewhat mitigated by a Stellium of Black Moon Lilith, Venus, and Chiron in Aries (1-2°). This triple conjunction reveals the ego-driven investment in seeking partners who act from their self-identity wounds (so you can heal them) and/or partners who may act to assist you in healing your own self-identity wounds. This stellium makes a sextile transit to Aquarius Ceres (3°) which reveals the support (or the seeking of support) from someone who shares your social values. Yet it also makes a semi-sextile transit with Taurus Uranus, which means the healing that occurs will lead to a greater awareness of the origins of your personal values. But it also means that your personal values may shift, resulting in the loss of other individuals’ support and encouragement.

This puts Aquarius Ceres in exact square transit with Taurus Uranus (3°), which is actually a mutual reception transit! That’s because I use Ceres as the ruler of Taurus (lifestyle values and resources as the common thread) and Uranus as the ruler of Aquarius (social dynamics, communities, humanity as the common thread). These planetary bodies are in each other’s signs of rulership. This is a potent combination of fixed energies as we are challenged to face the facts – our choices really do affect others. The question is… are we willing to take responsibility for our choices?

And finally, Jupiter in Capricorn isn’t done here, either.

Capricorn Jupiter is in square transit with Libra White Moon Selene (15-16°), revealing a challenge in honoring the Higher call to bring balance and peace to the matters at hand due to that afore-mentioned expansion of the scope of ambitions and goals. The desire to push harder and bigger toward worldly results and rewards leads to a potential abandonment of pursuing balance and peace… and frankly, that abandonment is actually what the summary of these transits calls for, even though not in the way you may think as you read that.

It’s actually an abandonment of our denial that a divide is present. It’s also an abandonment of the belief that the divide can be bridged. And it’s also the abandonment of the belief that this change of mind and heart can happen overnight.

These abandonments are necessary because their release creates the space for us to create what is possible in alignment with humanity’s greatest potential – a new way of living, a new societal structure for living as human beings.

There’s a LOT of change trying to happen right now, but at the core of it all is the question – what future are you committed to creating? What is the change you want to see in the world, and how do you plan on embodying that change in your own beliefs and actions?

The 2020 Leo Full Moon encourages us to make the choices, take the steps, move through the fear, and make change happen so we don’t have to question our value to others, and more importantly, we don’t have to question our value to ourselves.

From this awareness of our individual creative value, we begin to find others who shine their light as we shine ours. And in finding them, we begin to form two unified fronts which will help us stand and/or fight for humanity’s greatest potential to be realized.

To what end, we shall see.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers. Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,




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