We have the first Full Moon of the year and the decade coming up – the 2020 Cancer Full Moon + Penumbral Lunar Eclipse, reaching maximum phase and totality at 11:21a PST on Friday 10th January (20.00°). (Though in a little over half the world, this Full Moon Eclipse will be reaching its maximum phase and totality on Saturday 11th January.)

Yes, another eclipse.
And yes, just like the last one, this is another really big deal.
In fact, it may have an even larger impact.

Lunar eclipses occur due to the Earth’s shadow blocking the Sun’s light from being reflected by the Moon. Symbolically, think of it as the world (or “the way the world works” from a society-driven, goal-oriented point of view) blocking the Moon’s ability to reflect emotional loving, caring, and nurturing back to that world to balance the energies of ambition and compassion.

Think of it as “the world” is getting in its own way…which at this time, it’s doing very well.

But let’s look more closely at this.

First of all, in Cancer, the Moon is in its sign of rulership, which means it will be especially strong in its emotional presence and impact right now. Cancer is cardinal water energy, which means it takes initiative in expressing its emotions – it wants to nurture, care for, and protect its emotional investments, whatever those emotional investments may be. It won’t wait to give or share its love – it takes loving action. It shows its attention and affection for those it cares about. It inspires others to care as much as it does. This energy will heighten the contrast between acts of care and love, and actions in which those intentions are absent.

Secondly, this isn’t a Total Lunar Eclipse – it’s a Penumbral Eclipse, meaning that only part of the Moon will be obscured by the Earth’s shadow (though in today’s case, a shadow of almost 90% totality is significant). Translated, the ways of the world seem to be doing everything they can to block out the emotional energy reflected and projected by the Moon. Yet the call for compassion and care is strong with this Cancer Full Moon, and it may catch those trying to uphold or repeat outdated modes of operation by surprise as they realize their usual approach to matters isn’t being taken seriously or credibly by as many as it used to be. Despite the waning effectiveness of the old message, it would be wise to keep in mind just how many people are as emotionally invested in those old ways as there are people who want new ways to emerge are emotionally invested in change. The resistance and/or ignorance of the efforts to keep the status quo alive may result in those pushing for the status quo to continue pushing harder than ever before to force their will upon us all.

Third, and most significantly, this 2020 Cancer Full Moon + Penumbral Lunar Eclipse occurs only two days prior to a major astrological event – the exact conjunction of Capricorn Saturn + Pluto. Yet what makes this major event even more significant than the history-imposing conjunction occurring during a waning Full Moon + Lunar Eclipse window is the fact that the conjunction occurs as part of a 5-body Capricorn Stellium! The Capricorn 5 Sun, Mercury, and Ceres are already within 3° orb of each other and the Saturn + Pluto conjunction at the time of the Full Moon + Lunar Eclipse’s max phase, and will be coming even closer together leading up to the Saturn + Pluto conjunction on Saturday & Sunday! This is especially potent due to the Cancer Moon crossing opposite this powerful convergence as the Moon creates an emotional charge that’s desperately trying to balance whatever is happening on the Stellium end of this whole thing.

But there’s a fourth astrological detail involving this Cancer Full Moon+ Lunar Eclipse opposition that I’m noticing isn’t really being addressed.

At the time of Moon’s maximum phase and maximum totality, Juno is in Libra (19.18°), representing commitments of all kinds. In Libra, this reveals a commitment to balance, equality, fairness, and justice. It also can indicate a commitment to diplomacy and peace.

However, as lovely as Juno’s intentions may be, we find it in a rather precarious position at the time of this Full Moon + Total Lunar Eclipse’s maximum phase – acting as the point of a T-Square configuration involving the Capricorn Sun + Stellium – Cancer Moon opposition forming the Full Moon & Eclipse.

That’s right. We’re individually and collectively pivoting on choices between complex diplomatic efforts to create structures and outcomes which could benefit and encourage many, or simplistic focus on one’s agenda-driven goals which are likely to create outcomes which may benefit oneself but are likely to bring suffering and pain to others through societal imbalance.

And to toss in a fifth astrology event: Uranus in Taurus returns to direct motion at 5:48p PST, only about 6.5 hours after the Full Moon + Eclipse’s max phase – just in time for people to begin remembering and/or regaining a sense of what they value most in their personal lifestyles and livelihoods. Values will return to the conversation bolder and stronger than ever as our social and societal values are being called into question, and people are likely to begin standing up for their livelihoods. But will their stands be bold and strong enough to effect change? Will this earnestly begin a change of the status quo, tipping the scales toward a more hopeful future for humanity?

To put it all simply… this is a turning point. We are collectively at a crossroads of epic proportion.

Unfortunately, many humans rarely want to do the real internal and interpersonal work which diplomacy requires. Most of us tend to like the easy way out, seeking the “feel good” moment, seeking the avoidance of disagreement, and definitely avoiding the emotional upset or pain which may result.

But in reality, “the easy way” will not be easier by any means, especially not in the long run. Heck, this one doesn’t even look good in the short term. There is nothing good that can come out of “an eye for an eye”. Retribution is not an effective resolution…

…yet it may be the course of action that prevails (or that is chosen and staged) as the Capricorn Sun is joined by Mercury and Ceres in a 3° orb if influence.

The good news is… this T-Square leaves Saturn and Pluto out of the mix (outside of 3° orb with Juno, for now) at the time of the Full Moon + Eclipse’s max phase.

The bad news is that Juno’s position in this T-Square challenging both the Cancer Moon and Capricorn trifecta indicates that any voices of caring and concern are likely to be drowned out or flat-out ignored by the authoritative voice(s) of those trying desperately to preserve (or uphold) some or all of the existing societal institutions, or trying to remain in positions of societal power and control, and who are willing to fight to hold onto those positions by any means necessary.

This may be a very challenging week and few months to follow.

The saving grace of this day – and what may end up being the salvation for us all – is the fact that this 2020 Cancer Full Moon + Lunar Eclipse is occurring on a 6 universal day in the half of the world experiencing this Full Moon is at its maximum full phase on 10th January. It is a 7 universal day for the rest of the world experiencing this Full Moon on 11th January, who will likely be sitting back watching the eclipse, wondering if the people and nations under the universal 6 energy will ever figure out how to stop living in and/or repeating the past.

Six is the energy of the pragmatic “mother figure” of the numbers, and under the Capricorn Sun, it’s more pragmatic than usual. That’s because under the Capricorn Sun, six takes on the energy of what I call “The Mommy Daddy” – a nurturing authority figure, eager to provide whatever emotional and practical support is needed in order to get others working toward the goals at hand. Its main focus is making things work and getting things done, but when things aren’t getting done, they do their best to figure out how to make things work more efficiently, effectively, and proficiently. This may include providing nurturing and caring emotional support in order to get things moving toward fulfillment or completion. However… this maternal 6 energy could also give the Cancer Moon’s emotional nurturing, caring, and supportive energies enough of a boost to overcome the determined authority of those in positions of power who only have their eyes on the (worldly) prizes.

The seven energy is the energy of logic, thought, and analysis. Showing up as “The Strategist” under the Capricorn Sun, this energy implies that each and all parties involved – individually and collectively – will either be trying to figure out how to get their way in the matters-at-hand, or trying to figure out new and better ways to go about resolving conflicts – ways which make the most of both our technological advances and our human intellectual and spiritual evolutions. Those under the influence of the seven energy will be experiencing a far deeper, richer, and more meaningful experience of this 2020 Cancer Full Moon + Lunar Eclipse.

Both of these day energies are occurring under the influence of a 5 universal month of change and adaptability. In this case, the Capricorn 5 energy may be “moving the goalposts” in order to create the appearance of strength or victory where there is little to none. There’s a likelihood that change is being used as a distraction from accountability and/or responsibility for failures or shortcomings. But change always has an intention. The question is… is change being employed to create chaos and distraction from ineffective old ways and failed goals now being held account, or is change being used to bring forth effective solutions and peaceful resolutions to long-standing conflicts in order to embrace an evolving interconnecting world? Pay attention to who and/or what is using which intention for their actions, and whose actions are aligning with and backing up their words as factually “walking the talk” is everything right now.

The boost the 2020 Cancer Full Moon + Lunar Eclipse gets from the numerological energies of the day may be our best hope of avoiding any completely catastrophic outcomes.

Another thing to consider is that at the time of maximum phase, Jupiter is also conjunct the South Node in Capricorn (8°). Though it’s not directly in aspect with the Stellium + Full Moon + Eclipse, this conjunction could indicate that the old ways and those determined to keep them in place could get a boost. Jupiter is the planet of learning, growth, and expansion, and the South Node is the karma we’ve already learned and mastered and need to move away from – this combination could reveal an increased awareness of the karmic nature of where we are in this moment – again, a major turning point in human evolution. Yet there’s also a chance that enough of us will realize it’s time for us to grow beyond the old ways, and this kind of boost could be one which moves us toward a brighter future that is a more positive and optimistic experience for everyone.

Two other transits to consider at the time of this 2020 Cancer Full Moon + Lunar Eclipse max phase:

Sagittarius Pallas Athena is active – in a square transit with Pisces Black Moon Lilith, implying that no matter how many facts come to light, those holding onto their old-karma agendas so hard their knuckles are popping will be playing victim and/or martyr to their causes. The most negative qualities of Pisces are likely to come out in a big way, growing in direct proportion to the amount of Truth being revealed at any given moment. Yet this could also be a challenge for those who are ready to manifest a greater more inclusive vision of Oneness in the world to answer the call to share their inner Truth with the world in an effort to break the toxic patterns of the old ways and bring the “big picture” of the new, interconnected reality of the world into full view.

Sagittarius Pallas Athena is also sextile Aquarius Venus at the time of max phase, and this indicates the partnership of others who are willing to pick up the mantle of factual Truth and run with it. These partnerships are a testament to the beauty of global technology, and the fact that many people from all over the world can come together through the touch of an icon on a screen and through camera lenses the size of a grain of rice. We’ll be counting on today’s technology to stay in communication with each other and to keep the flame and Light of hope alive during what may become a very dark time.

Those of us who have been called to step fully into our unique individual expressions of Light over these last few years – it’s time to shine. Now, while the world may be entering its darkest and coldest winter. We are the Lights in the darkness. We are the way-showers. We are the ones that we – and the rest of the world – have been waiting for.

The time is upon us with this 2020 Cancer Full Moon + Penumbral Lunar Eclipse.
It opens the door to the stage. It’s showtime. Time to shine from our hearts.

But do we walk toward the stage to shine our Light and change the world, or do we walk toward the exit door to allow it to continue toward darkness?

The choice is ours. The choice is yours.
Standing at this crossroads of epic proportion, choose wisely.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers. Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,




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