The 2019 Aquarius Full Moon reaches its maximum phase at 5:29a PDT (22.40°). This is a powerful Full Moon for quite a few reasons, but most importantly for its ability to illuminate and/or raise our intellectual, emotional, and intuitive awareness of 1) the changes occurring within us and around us, 2) just how significant those changes are, and 3) no matter how hard we try to believe otherwise, the fact that things are truly never going to be the same again. This Full Moon marks, in many ways, the revelation of the progression of humanity we’ve been waiting for… or the progression of humanity we’ve been afraid of.

Aquarius is the 11th sign of the Zodiac, often interpreted as a collaborative energy in which multiple individuals come together to pool their unique individual talents to create something greater than any one of them could ever create alone. It requires that each individual show up with all they have to contribute – their fullest and brightest self-expression is not just expected, but in some cases, demanded. Each member of the team, group, or community needs to show up as their best self in order for the collective effort to be its strongest, brightest, and most effective.

During this Full Moon phase, the Aquarius Moon is in opposition to the Leo Sun, fully reflecting the Sun’s light. This is meant to bring attention to the emotional need for balance in expressing one’s creative self fully in the world. It’s one thing to seek ways to express yourself creatively to another individual. It’s another thing to seek ways to contribute your unique self-expression to a collective effort larger than yourself alone. This Aquarius Full Moon acts as a reminder that no matter how brilliantly we may shine, if we aren’t able to collaborate and share the spotlight with others, we may find ourselves emotionally unfulfilled as result of being driven more by our earthly ego pride than by our Higher soul calling.

Aquarius also represents innovation in technology and society. Because innovation encourages individuals to show up as their unique selves with their unique combinations of talents and skills, this can sometimes result in the focus on unusual, eccentric, or odd individuals – people who don’t fit or possibly even rebel against the generally accepted social and societal norms. Yet these odd, eccentric, unusual individuals are the ones who shake us out of our complacency, challenge our usual thoughts and beliefs, push us out of our comfort zones, and illuminate new or different paths or processes for collective (and individual) progress – they bring change and progress to their communities if not the entire world.

Mass communications also fall under this Aquarian umbrella, so it comes as no surprise to a few of us when some of these social and societal vanguards make their mark in a big way or on a large scale. However, these public displays and/or announcements may be very surprising and disturbing to those of us determined to avoid, ignore, or flat-out deny change in order to uphold an outdated status quo. Aquarius energy is fixed air energy, which can make it extremely challenging to overcome obsolete beliefs and perspectives of the world we are experiencing. Yet that is what makes this 2019 Aquarius Full Moon so profound – this is the wake-up call needed to get people to understand that the changes we are undergoing really and truly are unlike any changes we’ve experienced before in the history of humanity (to our collective knowledge, anyway).

We are moving into uncharted territory.

Yes, history repeats itself. Yet every time it repeats, there’s a new twist due to advancements of technology and society since the last time.

It’s because of those advancements and innovations that we are now in unprecedented times.

The 2019 Aquarius Moon reaches full phase on a numerological 8 universal day of power and influence (8 + 1 + 5 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 9 = 26; 2 + 6 = 8). Often, this energy is focused on using one’s personal power to make the most positive and productive impact on others’ lives that is possible. Yet when the desired impact isn’t being made or isn’t being received, this energy can become one of control, force, and manipulation. We will see both expressions of this energy during this 2019 Aquarius Full Moon phase under the influence of a 2 universal month of relationship and partnership. This Full Moon highlights the power of partnership, yet it also reveals what can go wrong when the balance of power within a partnership is not equal or balanced. All of this is occurring under a 3 universal year of learning, growth, and expansion as we each and all learn how to step into our power earnestly and with humility, recognizing the contribution we can make to something larger than ourselves while also fulfilling our need to be creative and/or self-expressed.

The most challenging part of this 2019 Aquarius Full Moon is that despite the Aquarian inclination to be innovative, eccentric, and/or rebellious, those qualities may not show up as like individuals or collective progress. In fact, matters may show up as regression more than progression. There’s a strong call to nostalgia – a longing for the past along with an almost desperate, fear-based push to bring the past into the future. Due to Aquarius’ fixed air energy (intellect and communication), this shows up as an effort to change the collective mindset. However, where we are likely to see the progression is in those who oppose this regressive effort. In fact, the more regressive the powers-that-be become, the more people are likely to begin moving the opposite way toward a future very different from the past.

For deeper insights into the energy dynamics occurring during this 2019 Aquarius Full Moon, let’s look at the transits occurring as the Full Moon reaches its maximum phase:

  • T-Square: (Leo Sun conjunct Venus) square Taurus Vesta square Aquarius Moon (22°) – There is a dedication or determination to place our lifestyle values at the fore of everything we are doing… yet this focus challenges us to choose between our creative self-expression through individuality or partnership (which may be individually fulfilling) AND making unique, emotion or intuition-driven creative contributions to something bigger than ourselves (which may be emotionally fulfilling). Yet this configuration may also call upon us to find balance between these expressions – to find something that allows you to be individually self-expressed and fulfilled while also making a contribution to a collaborative effort or community endeavor. Either or both ways, it is important to you that whatever you do aligns with your personal values.
  • (Leo Sun conjunct Venus) semi-sextile Virgo White Moon Selene (21-22°) – This is positive and soul-affirming energy, revealing efforts to progress things forward and upward after seeking and finding like-minded creative partners or at least other individuals who are supportive of your individual creative endeavors.
  • (Leo Sun conjunct Venus) quincunx Capricorn Pluto Retrograde (21-22°) – Transforming societal institutions may not be changing in ways which align with your individual creative intentions. How you choose and/or want to express yourself may be hindered or altogether blocked or denied by the societal powers-that-be, forcing you to get creative about how you get your self-expression out into the world. This may be a time to partner with others to figure out ways to create new societal structures for authentic self-expression.

Now for the transits that do not involve the Sun-Moon opposition:

  • Grand Trine: Leo Mercury trine Sagittarius Ceres trine Aries Chiron Retrograde (2-5°) – Creative self-expression is empowered by the value of freedom to grow and expand in that self-expression, which leads to a healing of self-identity which enables and empowers more individual creative self-expression. The good news here is that the more risks you’re willing to take to express yourself creatively, the more growth and expansion that’s available to you…yet you may outgrow the environments you’ve been in through this process. That outgrowth is only a bad thing if you’re desperately trying to maintain your status quo. This configuration may be the call you’ve been waiting for, giving you permission to let go of all you’ve outgrown because it’s holding you back now.
  • Grand Trine: Taurus Vesta trine Virgo White Moon Selene trine Capricorn Pluto Retrograde (21-22°) – A renewed dedication to your personal lifestyle values empowers you to answer a higher calling in taking steps toward positive and pragmatic progress which empower you to pursue your goals and ambitions in the midst of the transformation of our societal institutions and the standards they uphold.
  • (Leo Juno conjunct Mars) sextile Libra Pallas Athena (26-28°) – Our commitment to take action with the intention of honoring our creative self-expression supports our ability to be in balanced one-on-one relationships of any kind. Once we are attending to our creative needs, we are able to be present in the matters of our own lives and with others.
  • Capricorn Saturn Retrograde conjunct South Node/opposite North Node (14-17°) – Societal institutions are trying to uphold the status quo if not regress to goals and ambitions rooted in the past, even in the face of so many in society pushing toward a future that is emotionally nurturing and protective of all.
  • Taurus Uranus Retrograde square Leo Mercury (4-6) – We may find ourselves challenged to We may also find ourselves challenged to take our creative talents and communications out of our comfort zones to larger audiences.
  • Sagittarius Jupiter square Pisces Black Moon Lilith (11-14) – First-hand experience brings positive personal growth and expansion which challenges one’s belief in, idealization of, and/or practice of victimization. You can no longer blame others as your first option.

The energy of this 2019 Aquarius Full Moon will be felt from 12th through 18th August 2019.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers. Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,




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