The 2019 Leo New Moon arrives at 8:12p PDT this evening, Wednesday 31st July 2019/Thursday 1st August 2019 (8.62°), ushering in an energy of intense clearing and new beginnings AND of emotional support for practical life path progress.

New Moons are always a good time to set intentions that you intend to have manifest in the reality of your life experience. Yet this 2019 Leo New Moon is not only occurring in the Sun’s sign of rulership, but it’s made even more potent by the fact that its maximum phase occurs only 46 minutes before Mercury returns to direct motion in Cancer, the sign of the Moon’s rulership. And though Mercury won’t be within 3° aspect orb of the Sun + Moon conjunction, with it being the planet which affects the way we think and communicate, we won’t only be setting intentions for creation and manifestation – we’ll be setting intentions to feel a certain way about how we choose to express ourselves and what we are choosing to create only minutes before our thoughts and words start moving with forward momentum.

Add that for almost all of North America and part of South America, this Leo New Moon occurs near the end of a numerological 5 universal day of a 1 universal month, bursting with a current of changes necessary in order to reveal the next, new steps of the journey. And for the rest of the world, this Leo New Moon occurs on a numerological 6 universal day of a 2 universal month, of practical pragmatism, functionality, and health and wellness support while also providing nurturing emotional support throughout the process.

The timing couldn’t be better for clearing space for setting intentions and taking steps toward new beginnings under a New Moon, especially in North America.

Yet that presents us with a rather significant challenge as well… for not everyone is going to be setting intentions for clearing and creating with the Highest good and well-being of everyone in mind.

We will need to be very conscious of what we are intending to create at this time, as it will affect not only our own individual paths and well-being, but the paths and well-being of others as well.

This 2019 Leo New Moon reveals how some will do everything they can to take us back into the past, even in the face of so much energy being focused on the present and future.

What will it take to confront those forces of darkness determined to drag us back into a past which is outdated and no longer serves us well, collectively or individually?

It will take passion, and it will take courage.

Leo represents the essence of the Summer season.  With its fixed fire sign energy, it can powerfully creative by encouraging us to radiate our unique expressions of Light into the world, yet it be equally destructive with its heat by radiating that Light with such force, it burns away any and all inauthenticity. Despite its association with creativity and joy, the energy of this 2019 Leo New Moon is to be taken seriously. This is not the kind of creative fire you want to play around with. If it’s not used wisely, it can and will burn.

Throughout the seven days of influence of this 2019 Leo New Moon (from 28th July through 3rd August), it’s important for us to be very clear about what we want to create, why we want to create it, and how we feel about creating it. Then, it’s up to us to make sure our thoughts and actions are aligned with and focused on what we are intending to create, and that we are surrounding ourselves with people (socially and professionally) who are aligned with and supportive of our intentions. We will get the results of the ingredients we put into the pot in some way, shape, of form; so as we wield this energy of fiery alchemy, we’d best be extremely aware of what we’re putting in the pot. More than any other time this Zodiac year-to-date, we are setting ourselves up to get what we order in “the Universal Diner”.

Let’s look at the specific transits which are actively creating these dynamics as the 2019 Leo New Moon reaches its maximum phase.

The Leo Sun + Moon conjunction’s only transit with any other planets or bodies within my preferred 3° orb is a trine with Aries Chiron Retrograde (5.71°), which encourages creative self-expression as acts of individual self-healing. In other words, anything you do with creative intention today gets to be done by you for you. For many of us right now, letting our Light be seen by others is at least a first step if not a major step in the next phase of our personal journeys.

However, the Sun + Moon conjunction does make a wide conjunction with Venus in Leo (4.99°), which is 0.63 out of my preferred orb). Some of us may experience this as an awareness of the creative or spiritual passion we feel in the company of certain other individuals – this may awaken an awareness of the creative “soulmates” in our environment. The people who do feel this transit are likely to experience its energy as a call to creative partnership. If you feel a pull toward partnership at this time, recognize it as a call to ask for help or to accept help that is offered to you if it aligns with your best self-expressive interests. But it’s likely that the only people affected will be people who have personal planets positioned in the 5-8° range of any sign.

There are two other notable conjunctions on this 2018 Leo New Moon day:

The first also occurs in the sign of LeoMars conjunct Juno, which represents taking action in alignment with one’s creative commitments and/or best interests.

This particular transit is quite busy interacting with other transits at the time of maximum phase:

  • square Taurus Vesta (18°) – You may find your acts of creative self-expression challenged by a determination to establish security, stability, and structure in your life. As much as you may not want your creative efforts to be about money and stuff, you’ve got to have enough lifestyle resource to live. Are you thriving or surviving?
  • sextile Libra Pallas Athena (21°) – This is a wonderful time to pay attention to your interactions with others. You may notice certain patterns of behavior, either in your own approach and/or behaviors toward others, OR you may notice there’s a pattern in the types of people you tend to be in relationships or partnerships with. Either way, one or more patterns are likely to reveal themselves during this New Moon phase.
  • quincunx Capricorn Pluto Retrograde (21°) – Who are you allowing to have authoritative power and/or influence over your life? Are you calling the shots in your life, or are you allowing others to call them for you? This is a time to assess your connections to see where your directives are coming from. In some cases, you may realize that your creative self-expression may not be in alignment with the societal transformation that is occurring right now. In this case, you may have to make some difficult decisions about whether or not you want to align with your True self or with societal norms (which are undergoing a major transformation).
  • quincunx Pisces Neptune Retrograde (18°) – Whose dreams are you working and living into – someone else’s or your own? This is an opportunity to think about this before committing to a new course of action to make sure it’s in your best interests as well as the interests of others involved.
  • These planetary positions, of course, reveal Libra Pallas Athena and Capricorn Pluto Retrograde to be in square aspect to each other (21°), which gives us a golden opportunity to recognize how power-play patterns are repeating themselves. In this case, it will be easier to notice historical patterns repeating in how certain societal factions of our societal and institutional structures are either rising or falling. The key detail to note here is that we have seen these behaviors and practices before! What is happening now is nothing new, and we’re allowing it to repeat… unless we consciously and diligently choose to stop it.

The second conjunction is in the sign of CapricornSaturn Retrograde conjunct South Node (15-17°), which reveals a strong pull toward institutional nostalgia and a desire to keep things as they are if not regress them to be as they were in the past. The interesting thing about this conjunction is that Saturn Rx is at 15° , which places it out of orb with two other bodies/points which form an Earth Grand Trine-Kite with the South Node – Taurus Vesta (18°) and White Moon Selene (19°). This configuration reveals a powerful push to have any institutional and/or structural transformations serve the collective good with Higher-minded lifestyle and societal values.

  • This conjunction also forms a quincunx with the Mars + Juno conjunction (19°), revealing the discord between those who are embracing their creative self-expression and the institutional push to get people to join in their nostalgic institutional movement.

There is also one crucial oppositionCapricorn Pluto Retrograde opposite Cancer Mercury Retrograde (21-23°). This is a clarion call for compassion in the face of the massive institutional transformation occurring right now. People are asking whatever changes are implemented at this time to be changes which lead the greater whole toward genuine emotional care and support. The question is whether or not those in positions of power actually have any emotional investment in the people their changes affect, or if they’re only interested in making sure people are support their authoritative goals and ambitions.

These energies come together to give us some powerful creative and destructive tools which are at our disposal under the influence of this 2019 Leo New Moon. It’s up to us how we individually and collectively choose to use them. What will we destroy and clear? What will we create and blaze trails for?

It all depends on how we choose to shine our Light and let our fire be known.

Thanks for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers. Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,





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