The 2019 Libra Full Moon reaches its maximum phase at 6:43p PDT on Wednesday, 20th March 2019 (0.02°), less than four hours after the Spring Equinox. This is a beautiful blending of energies calling for balance as the Equinox marks the moment when the darkness of night and the light of day are perfectly balanced, giving each 12 hours of presence before the light regains its advantage over the next six months; and the Aries Sun and the Libra Moon balance each other in opposition during the Full Moon phase, with the light of the Sun fully illuminating the full roundness of the Moon.

For a bit over half the world, the 2019 Libra Full Moon will be reaching its maximum phase on Thursday, 21st March, which is a numerological 9 universal day of completions and endings – these regions may witness a strong desire to bring conflicts to a conclusive and decisive end in order for peace to be restored; in some cases, by any means necessary. Yet in most of the western world, this will be occurring on the 20th, which is a numerological 8 universal day of harvest, abundance, power, and influence – in these regions, there are likely to be more plays for power and influence over each other and others, and the all of the parties involved will have a better understanding of where and how those power dynamics are being wielded with the intentions of either creating or disrupting relational balances. All of this is happening under the arch of a 6 universal month focused on emotional nurturing and practical well-being (or the lack thereof) which encourages us to care for each other in the face of all of the changes occurring in our personal and collective life experiences; and that is happening under the arch of a 3 universal year which highlights learning, growth, and expansion – encouraging us to expand our personal experiences so our hearts and minds may also be expanded. This may open up pathways to better understanding of each other and forge pathways to peace rather than conflict.

Speaking of peace… peace is Libra’s rally cry. Libra seeks balance and peace in all ways in all areas of our lives. Because Libra is cardinal air energy, it can be initiative and assertive. Yet Libra only takes initiative when it wants to maintain a peaceful balance that is already in place, or when it wants to bring balance to a situation that is out of balance in order to restore peace.

Libra also tends to take an intellectual and aesthetic approach to its balancing, leading it to act upon its understanding or perception of the matters at hand. This is not normally a feeling energy, which is why having the Moon in this sign is rather interesting. Often Libra will settle for the appearance of peace, often trying to keep everything looking as if peace is the intention even if that’s not the case underneath the surface. Yet with the Moon in Libra, the emotional energy intends to actually feel balance and harmony in our interactions with others. We’ll want to be with others that we get along with as we’ll want peace (or the appearance of it) more than anything in our interactions with others.

That said, it’s wise not to underestimate Libra’s capacity for dealing with conflict or imbalance. Though Libra can have a reputation for being indecisive or wishy-washy, it’s often because they don’t want to be the ones to rock the boat and disrupt the peace. However, when the boat is already rocked and peace is already disrupted, Libra has no problem stepping in and demanding balance, equity, fairness, or justice in order for peace to be restored. This is important as we look at the impact of this 2019 Libra Full Moon as it really is all about the quest for peace in our relationships with others, and most important, peace within our individual selves.

There are a number of important transits occurring at the time of maximum phase of our lovely Libra Full Moon in March 2019.


  • The Aries Sun energy brings light to the areas of our lives where we may want to work quickly and assertively to move our individual interests forward. The Libra Moon energy wants us to feel good, maintain the peace, and make sure all people are treated fairly. With the Aries Sun opposite the Libra Moon, our individuality brings light to our roles in our one-on-one relationships of ALL kinds. Are these relationships in balance? Does each partner feel they share the energy in the relationship with the other equally and/or fairly?
  • But the Libra Moon is also opposite Aries Chiron. This can bring intense emotions which may awaken a need for self-healing to the surface. If we’re willing to work on our old emotional and spiritual wounds, we may realize we no longer need to act the way we have been acting because of them. The Sun and the Moon energies will help us take action in alignment with this awakened desire to change ourselves. It’s a very personal process, but with the Libra Moon’s assistance in managing the Chiron energies, we are able to change the mental conditioning developed by the wounds and overcome it. Once we’ve worked on our wounds and changed ourselves, we can help others do the same; the Libra energy gives us great power for that.
  • Which relationships are highlighting/bringing up our self-identity wounds to the surface in order for them to be healed now? Also, what initiative are we willing to exercise and/or actions are we willing to take in our relationships order to heal our self-identities?
  • Note that Aries Sun energy can bring a bit of impatience to matters, so notice any inclinations to take shortcuts or choose the quickest route(s) to get things done. The fastest way may not be the best way to go about healing yourself and/or your relationships with others.


Libra Pallas Athena Retrograde is the star of the show beyond the Aries Sun-Libra Moon opposition, bringing attention to relationships & partnership patterns. This is a great time to pay attention to feedback you’re getting about your 1-on-1 relationships of ALL kinds.

Also notice any situations or circumstances which seem to be repeating themselves as well as any second chances which may be presenting themselves. (Keep in mind, you don’t have to say ‘yes’ if something comes around again; you get to decide what is best for you and your relationships… but you might want to consider doingthe opposite of what you would normally do in that situation.)

BOWL Configuration (22-24°) – (Capricorn Pluto conjunct North Node) sextile Pisces Vesta sextile Taurus Mars sextile Cancer North Node, creating a bowl configuration of these transits.

  • This bowl configuration can bring transformation, collapse, and empowerment of societal institution which maybe outdated or no longer effective… or it can empower supporting determination to connect and reunite Oneness. The supporting actions are rooted in the pursuit of things like physical, material, or financial resources that support emotional nurturing, care, and support. The more negative side of this energy is likely to show up as playing a victim or martyr for idealistic pursuits.

T-SQUARE (22-25°) –T-Square is an intense configuration that has multiple planet energies that challenge each other.

  • Libra Pallas Athena Rx square (Capricorn Pluto conjunct South Node) has to do with long-established agreements and behavior patterns that are now being challenged by the transformation of our societies. These changes are due to either the collapse or the empowerment of various societal institutions that may be outdated or no longer effective. This marks a time for changes to be implemented in society, and it may also signify that it’s time to end a personal, professional, and/or political partnership (and yes, some of these may be long-term agreements or partnerships).
  • Libra Pallas Athena Rx square Cancer North Node challenges us to move toward emotional nurturing in the face of societal transformation. It urges us to seek emotional care as a way of addressing and/or progressing in our relationship and partnership matters.
  • Blending these two square transits together with Pallas Athena as the pivot point, this T-Square configuration challenges us to recognize the intellectual strength of our relationship patterns. Are we striving for goals which are proving more destructive and damaging to our individual and collective interests, or are we seeking emotional connection enough where genuine emotional connection with one another is becoming the new goal?

YOD (23-25°) – A Yod transit is called the “Finger of God” or the “Finger of Fate”.  It brings energy to work on a special purpose – a purpose highlighted by the planet or point at the apex of the configuration.

  • Since Libra Pallas Athena is retrograde, it means our patterns in relationships & partnerships are being revealed to us by our partners. We are receiving information about ourselves and our relationship patterns through and/or from them.
    • Quincunx Pisces Vesta is about 1-on-1 partnerships or relationships which don’t align with our determination to connect and unify with everyone and everything together.
    • Quincunx Taurus Mars is about 1-on-1 partnerships or relationships which don’t align with our actions taken to acquire or secure resources.
  • Blending these two quincunx transits together, the questions which arise are:
    • Do you feel emotionally & spiritually connected with your partners?
    • Do your partners support or detract from your activities to establish your resource abundance and/or your lifestyle stability?
    • Do you feel emotionally supported in pursuing your desired resources and lifestyle?

Pallas Athena is also sextile Sagittarius Jupiter at the time of the Moon’s Full Phase, highlighting the agreements, partnerships, and relationships which lead to positive growth and expansion for all who are involved.

SEQUENCE (23-25°) –A sequence transit is when the planets are connected via semi-sextiles. The energy might not be the strongest, but it is happening and tends to happen in a progressive manner (with one energy activating the next).

  • Sagittarius Ceres semi-sextile (Capricorn Pluto conjunct South Node) semi-sextile (Aquarius Venus conjunct BM Lilith) semi-sextile Pisces Vesta:
    • Expanded (personal) values leading to the transformation (via collapse or empowerment) of societal institution which may be outdated or no longer effective/empowering.
    • Leading to a greater awareness of the networks of the Darkness and Light that operate in our world. This can lead to a determination for us to either heal or destroy Oneness (or to play victim or martyr to Oneness).


There are a number of other transits that don’t have quite as much energy as the main ones.

  • Libra Moon quincunx Taurus Uranus:
    • This is how to form genuine (intellectual) connections with our other individuals when the world and public expectation is to connect for resource security and stability.
    • Our partnerships doesn’t necessarily align with our resource and lifestyle needs.
  • (Aries Sun conjunct Chiron) quincunx Virgo WM Selene
    • Spotlight on self-healing doesn’t align with practical cosmic call to attend to practical functionality of everyone’s everyday lives.
    • How are we making sure everyone’s lives work? By starting with ourselves; we cannot heal others until we ourselves are healed
  • Libra Pallas Athena Rx trine (Aquarius Venus conjunct BM Lilith)
    • This can bring the globalization of darkness and criminality.
    • We get to see just how expansive the corruption and criminality networks are
    • We also see just how expansive the presence of the Light Bearers is as well, exposing their dark deeds for all to see (through social media/mass communication).
    • Technology can be used for both evil and good right now.

The effects of this 2019 Libra Full Moon will be felt most strongly from Sunday 17th March through Saturday 23rd March 2019. However, everything initiated and/or completed during this time will likely have far more enduring effects on how you go about creating, stabilizing, and ensuring balance in your life.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers. Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,

Grace and Renée




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