The 2017 Gemini Full Moon – opposite the Sagittarius 4 Sun – reaches its maximum phase at 7:47a PST on Sunday, 3rd December 2017 (11.67°). This is an opportunity for large amounts of information to be exchanged quickly with the intention of accelerating positive and lasting growth and expansion on both the personal and collective levels.

Yet the exchanges of information taking place right now aren’t always full of factual truth. In fact, some of the information exchanged could be blatant lies being falsely presented as “factual truth”.

Why is this happening?

For starters, the Sagittarius 4 Sun is an interesting case. Unlike most Sagittarians, Sag 4 is not really eager to share its wisdom and knowledge while being in motion – it would rather have a solid foundation from which to speak and grow. And though it’s good to have a foundation from which to grow, at some point, you must actually grow. That growth may cause you to outgrow where you are, and you may be required to move if you are to continue to survive and thrive.

The “outgrowing” is the challenge of this growth and expansion experience. Eventually – whether in actuality or proverbially – you will reach a point when you outgrow your status quo and must move on. When we are faced with this moment, some of us may choose to be in denial about our circumstances – lying to ourselves and others about our circumstances in order to avoid having to step out of and away from our comfort zones.

During this 2017 Gemini Full Moon, we’re each and all being asked to assist in the development of both the information-sharing and foundation-building sides of the Sun’s energy by getting in touch with the emotional reality behind our intellectual behaviors through the Moon’s energy.

This journey begins with the process of discerning fact from fiction. Technically speaking, the Gemini Moon itself is reflecting the Sagittarius Sun’s light –encouraging us to ask the questions we really want to ask, but rarely have the courage to ask. It takes courage to ask these questions because we know we may hear actual fact-filled, real-truth answers we don’t want to hear. There is a great deal of fear around the possibility of being forced out of our familiar realities and routines. So instead of accepting and facing the factual reality, many of us choose to remain stagnant and lie to ourselves trying to convince ourselves that we’ve done the best we can in our lives… when we haven’t.

We are reminded of our shortcoming(s) as the Sag Sun-Gemini Moon energy also encourages us to speak up in order to make our unique and creative selves known, shining Light out in the world in a big way in order to make the changes we are being called upon to make in our lives and in the world around us…

… but making ourselves known on a larger scale demands that we be honest with ourselves in all aspects of our lives. Through these exchanges with others, we are learning that there are the beliefs and stories we tell ourselves, the beliefs and stories we share with others, and then there’s the facts about why our lives are where and what they are. This leaves us asking others and ourselves – are our beliefs and stories factual or fictional? And if they prove to be fictional in any way, how could we possibly be telling the truth to those around us if we aren’t being honest with ourselves?

That makes this 2017 Gemini Full Moon a prime opportunity for us to be genuinely honest with ourselves so we can be genuinely honest with others.

It would be easy with everything going on in our communities and in the world to focus on what is true or false in the collective dialogue and experience. Yet this 2017 Gemini Full Moon will not be satisfied with an exclusively external focus. Instead, it calls upon us to look within ourselves just as much as we would look at others. In fact, looking within is part of what may generate the most fear in this process. We get some valuable help in this area, though.

Mercury, which begins its latest retrograde in Sagittarius only about eight hours before the Moon’s maximum phase (29.30°), is our first bit of assistance with that inward focus. Since retrogrades are feedback energy, this Mercury Retrograde’s presence  is an advisory message, letting us know without doubt – it’s time to face the actual, factual truths of what we are communicating and why we are communicating it. It will be just as important for us to listen as much as we speak over the next couple of weeks as we will have opportunities to receive an abundance of information and insight from others that may assist us in our progress through change.

Bringing even more inward assistance, the 2017 Gemini Full Moon is occurring on a 7 universal day – a day of rest, reflection, and analysis. The numerology of the day sets the tone for the next couple of weeks until the Sagittarius New Moon on the 17th. Under this numerological influence as well as Mercury Retrograde, we would be wise to look (observe), listen (instead of talking so much), and learn (take notice of new information) more than we usually do. The 4 universal month energy provides us with the opportunity to apply the information and insights gathered to the building of a solid foundation from which to launch the next phase of our lives. The 1 universal year energy is an energy of new beginnings and fresh starts which provides us with an opportunity to launch ourselves into a new experience of communication, information, growth, and expansion.

At the time of maximum phase, the following astrological transits are active:

  • Pisces Neptune square the Sagittarius 4 Sun – Gemini Moon opposition forms a powerful T-Square configuration (10-11°), revealing the major dilemma this 2017 Gemini Full Moon brings – which version of your dream do you choose? The comfortable past-driven lie, or the fear-inducing factual truth? Does it serve you better to create a story which supports your emotional familiarity and comfort, or does it serve you and others better to support the factual truths which are emerging, even if they are emotionally uncomfortable for you? You may also notice your staunch determination to hold onto some really fantastic and delusional ideals which may or may not be rooted in factual truth or practical life experience. These ideals do not serve humanity well on a collective level, let alone serve you well on a personal level. These ideals – both personally and professionally – will be challenged, leading us to choose between making up more stories (and lies?) in order to preserve our delusional world view(s), or to acknowledge factual truths and face whatever may come through.
  • There’s also another T-Square configurationAries Uranus Retrograde opposite Libra Mars with Capricorn Juno at the pivot of the configuration (24-26°). This one has been in place since 24th November, and will be in place for about 1-2 more days. Its energy reveals a commitment to one’s goals and ambitions that is being challenged by popular opinion on one side, and a desire to establish and maintain balance, fairness, and equality in your one-on-one relationships of all kinds on the other. The question becomes… how committed are you to your goals, especially if your goals were set from a false self-expression? If you didn’t communicate honestly before, is your goal aligned with factual truth today? Do your goals need to change?
  • Scorpio Jupiter is in trine aspect to Pisces Neptune at the time of the Full Moon’s maximum phase (11°), which brings emotional depth and intensity to your awareness of your authentic dream. The energy of this transit provides emotional-intuitive substance which supports your fact vs. fiction discernment process.
  • Ceres is conjunct the Moon’s North Node in Leo (17°), bringing the question “how much do you value your unique, creative, and individual self-expression?” Since the North Node is the karma you are here to learn and master, your answer regarding your personal value could make a lasting impression upon how you choose to move forward creatively and self-expressively in your life’s journey.
  • And Capricorn Juno is in sextile aspect to Pisces Chiron Rx at the time of the Full Moon’s max phase (24°), bringing more attention to your commitments, goals, and ambitions. Only when you are more in touch with your factual truth can your emotional healing can earnestly begin. Are your goals now aligned with your factual truth? Do you feel that by honestly exchanging ideas and sharing factual information with others, the process you are going through to achieve your goals is now supporting your emotional-spiritual healing?

This 2017 Gemini Full Moon is an opportunity to get real with ourselves and each other. By being honest with yourself and others, and by discerning fact from fiction, you will find it easier to be true to yourself.

May you find strength in your true self-expression in these next few days. Remember – the energy of a non-eclipse Moon phase can be felt for three days prior and three days after the maximum phase.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers. Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,





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