The 2017 Libra New Moon reaches maximum phase at 12:12p PDT on Thursday, 19th October 2017. The Libra 11 Sun conjoins the Libra Moon to bring both personal and large-scale emotional awareness of the balanced relationships and partnerships in our lives AND the imbalances and injustices present in some of our relationships as well.

These relationship connections are not only of the one-on-one variety. Due to the 11 universal month energy (numerologically speaking), this is also representative of our individual relationships with our communities – our neighbors, peers, and the public-at-large.  The 1 universal year energy brings a sense that something new is about to begin, and the 3 universal day indicates that whatever one-on-one or community connections begin or are revealed on or as result of this day are likely to grow and expand.

Whether you’re coming from a place of balance and beauty or of imbalance and injustice, this 2017 Libra New Moon brings opportunities for renewed relationships and renewed ways of relating to one another and to others. As we experience greater extremes and polarities within our own lives and in the world around us, we may find ourselves seeking intellectual and/or emotional refuge in our connections with others. It’s in these moments when we realize that we may not resonate as strongly with the people around us as we may have once believed. We may also now resonate more strongly with others who we never imagined we’d connect with. Some of the new connections are being made for the first time, while others are reconnections gearing up for another run.

Either way, one thing that the 2017 Libra New Moon will encourage if not demand is an objective and truthful assessment of the relationship connections we are involved in. We won’t be able to pretend some of our relationships work as we won’t be able to deny their imbalances and injustices any longer. We also won’t be able to complain about the ones which do work the more we realize how balanced, peaceful, and beautiful they actually are.

The transits for this 2017 Libra New Moon day are especially insightful in explaining the energy this moon phase brings forth.

  • The Libra 11 Sun conjunction with the Libra Moon which forms the 2017 Libra New Moon will be in exact opposition with Aries Uranus Retrograde at the time of maximum phase. This is powerful as it could be an indicator of an unexpected change of approach when it comes to matters of diplomacy and negotiation. Fairness and justice take may take on an entirely new meaning under this influence. The unexpected elements will come by individual action(s) – one person or party will do or say something to set the change(s) in motion.
  • Saturn and Black Moon Lilith are not close enough to be conjunct in Sagittarius (over 4° apart), but they both trine Aries Uranus Retrograde and both sextile the Libra Sun and Moon at the New Moon’s max phase. Saturn will keep us focused on and aligned with what is factually true, while Lilith will remind us of how determined we are to honor our true and authentic selves. Saturn will obstruct or deny anything not aligned with our truths, and anything inauthentic or out of alignment will also (and separately) be met with Lilith’s demands for change and/or justice… or at least negotiation. Consider it double the incentive to find and align with your inner truth.
  • Saturn and Lilith are also the points of a double T-Square configuration – with each of them being in square aspect to Mars in Virgo on one end of the opposition, and square to Chiron Retrograde in Pisces on the other. This is another powerful combination as Mars is eager to take pragmatic, real-world action to make things work in a practical and progressive manner, while Chiron Retrograde is demanding that emotional-spiritual wounds be acknowledged and healing be done. Again, Saturn will block the progress of anything that is not aligned with factual truth or not factoring truth into the solutions bring presented, while Lilith will be making sure factual truth is made known to all far and wide, by any means necessary and by the most expansive means possible so that alignment with truth may be ensured.
  • Juno in Capricorn has a couple of roles to play on this 2017 Libra New Moon day. In quincunx aspect to Ceres in Leo, Juno reveals a commitment to produce results which one will be acknowledged for, yet that acknowledgment will not be forthcoming… or at least not in a positive way. Juno is also sextile Neptune Retrograde in Pisces at the New Moon’s max phase, and this indicates a commitment to achieve results which support one’s visionary ideals, whether those ideals are dreams or delusions.
  • Ceres in Leo also makes sextile aspect to Venus in Libra, bringing its value of creative self-expression to matters of relationship and partnership balance, fairness, and justice. Each person’s/party’s voice and perspective will be valued in negotiations.
  • Yet one other transit bringing some powerful energy to this New Moon day is Mercury conjunct Jupiter in Scorpio! This aspect is most exact the day before the New Moon, but nevertheless still packs a punch as it separates. Even if communications aren’t meant to be disclosed or aren’t meant to have any significance, they could very well prove undeniably impactful at this time. Scorpio tends to extremes, Mercury communicates to exchange or deliver ideas and information, and Jupiter amplifies everything it touches. Therefore, this combination is bound to bring some deeply revealing thoughts and words out into the open in a big way.

The effects of this 2017 Libra New Moon will be felt for about three days prior and three days after the New Moon is at its maximum phase, completing just in time for the beginning of the 2017 Scorpio Sun period on Sunday 22nd October.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers. Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,





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