Juno returned to direct motion at 10:13a PDT  on  Saturday, 26th August 2017 after being in retrograde motion since early May 2017.

Juno is a planetoid representing commitments of all kinds. Capricorn is the sign of responsibility, status, achievement, and accomplishment. It focuses on results. Together, these energies bring a renewed clarity about commitments to goals and objectives. It may be clearer than ever which goals are being pursued and what may be necessary to achieve them.

Capricorn is also known for being the marker for our institutional and societal standards for achievement and “success” – standards which are being transformed on a number of different levels at this time (due to Pluto also in Capricorn at this time), requiring more and more people to either commit to old and outdated standards which are gradually phasing out, or to define success for themselves and commit to their own unique paths while a new societal structure and standards are being formed.

That said, while Juno was retrograde in Capricorn, we were witness to the commitments of others to their goals and ambitions – commitments both fulfilled and foregone. Witnessing their honoring of their commitments and examining their paths to success, many of us were encouraged to revisit and possibly revise our own commitments to the fulfillment of our goals.

  • Were our commitments holding us back or away from our goals and ambitions, or were they keeping us on track to fulfilling them?
  • Were we honoring commitments we wanted to continue, or commitments we wanted to abandon?
  • Were we acting upon commitments aligned with and honoring our inner truths, or convincing us to compromise or forego those truths?

Many of us found that our commitments were not in alignment with our intentions and goals, or at least that we as individuals evolved enough where our commitments created in the past no longer aligned with our present experiences of ourselves and our lives or with the futures we aspire to manifest.

Now, with Juno Direct in Capricorn, we are aligned (or coming into alignment) with our true goals and ambitions… or at least we’re making adjustments so that our commitments now align with them. These adjustments will potentially bring profound shifts to the whole of our lives as our focus on following through on our commitments may become stronger than ever.

Some commitments will be powerfully renewed. Other commitments really no longer serve your life paths and purposes and will likely be cleared away at this time, some in order to make way for one or more new commitment(s).

If one commitment is preventing you from fulfilling another commitment more aligned with your goals and ambitions, you may need to consider a shift in focus. New commitments may also emerge as new opportunities to pursue your goals present themselves, and choices will likely have to be made as you won’t be able to follow through on everything. Discernment and honesty will be required as you assess and prioritize what is most important to you and how many (and how much) you can manage in pursuit of your goals.

To see how the energies of 2017 Juno Direct in Capricorn may play out, here are the upcoming transits:

  • Capricorn Juno quincunx Leo Venus, most exact on 27th August (2.73°) – Creative self-expression may be challenged or compromised as commitments to goals and ambitions may not allow for the formation or celebration of diplomatic partnerships or creative exchanges between two (or more) parties.
  • Capricorn Juno trine Virgo Mercury Retrograde, most exact on 27th August (2.73°) – There may be some friendly reminders of promises made and expected to be kept around this time. Be ready to be held accountable, or at least, do your best to take care of or catch up on anything left undone or unattended.
  • Capricorn Juno trine Virgo Mars, most exact on 10th September (3.38°) – Are you ready to do some work? If you’re going to follow through on your commitment(s), now’s a good time to take action. This transit encourages initiative and practical actions in order to move you toward the fulfillment of your goals.

Juno will remain in the sign of Capricorn now through mid-December 2017.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers. Until next post…

~ Light, Love, & Blessings,





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