Mercury entered the sign of Cancer at 2:57a PDT on Wednesday, 21st June 2017, bringing strong emotional energies to our thoughts and words. This will be a period of emotion-driven communications, and will reveal what people are truly emotionally invested in.

Mercury is the planet which represents our manners of thinking and speaking, how we learn, and how we process information. It is also supportive of physical and intellectual dexterity as an ability to think quickly often results in a ability to act quickly – both mentally and physically

Cancer is primarily associated with home, family, and other people and things which make emotional impacts and imprints upon our lives. It is especially representative of our maternal archetypes – the mother figures in our lives. From these maternal influences, we learn how to emotionally nurture, care for, and protect ourselves and each other. We also learn how to nurture others, but usually through the perspective of what would have us feel nurtured by others. (In other words, we will often nurture others the way we ourselves want to be nurtured.)

That said, we’re in the midst of a very challenging intellectual climate right now, and the 2017 Mercury in Cancer adds emotion to the energetic weather forecast. We’ve moved beyond reason into the unreasonable – the energy of our hearts and the fulfillment or neglect of our emotional needs.

This 2017 Mercury in Cancer will likely be a time in which emotion-driven beliefs strongly influence if not overrule intellectual logic. Ideally, these two weeks will be a time in which caring and compassionate support and encouragement are communicated. However, after reviewing the transits, it’s more likely this will be a time in which our emotions challenge our thinking and speaking. Communications will be very telling about what people are feeling in their hearts, and will likely push some of us to disregard intellectual logic or reason in order to feel emotionally safe and protected.

And because Cancer energy is often related to our maternal influences, it often has a strong connection to the past. You may find your thoughts and communications being rooted in the past, either being strongly influenced by past events or relationships and/or expressed through emotional coping mechanisms that were constructed in the past to deal past (perceived or real) emotional threats. The next two weeks would be an excellent time to assess which emotional energies are still serving you well and/or which ones are no longer supportive or nurturing your emotional wellness.

It’s when our emotions are activated and we’re encouraged (or pushed) to be vocal about those emotions that we find out how we (and others) really feel about certain matters in our lives. It’s at these times like these that the words of our hearts are revealed, and those words help us recognize which emotional connections need to be nurtured in our lives and which ones need to be released.

To that point, there are two things to note during this two-week 2017 Mercury in Cancer period:

  • When your emotions are intensified, your communications may (unintentionally?) reveal your earnest feelings about the matter(s) at hand. If you find yourself feeling really good or really bad about something, do your best take time to think it through before sharing your thoughts as you probably won’t able to take your responses or reactions back later.
  • When people tell and show you who they are and how they feel about certain matters, believe them. They are showing you what is in their heart, no matter how irrational or unreasonable it may be. This isn’t to say they are correct in their views or worthy of placation. But it is to say that their words (or lack thereof) will be very revealing about who they are and how they perceive the world around them to be. And you get to decide if they still have a place in your life and dealings or not.

Here are the transits coming up in the next two weeks for this 2017 Mercury in Cancer:

Cancer Mercury square Libra Jupiter, most exact on 27th June – Emotional communications likely disturb the peace, challenging diplomatic negotiations and/or disrupting delicate balances in relationships and partnerships of all kinds.

Cancer Mercury trine Pisces Neptune Retrograde, also most exact on 27th June – Emotion-driven perceptions and ideals are likely to fuel artistic visions and/or delusional ideals. Nevertheless, the truth of one’s heart can be expressed effectively at this time, for better or worse.

Cancer Mercury conjunct Mars, most exact on 28th June – This transit is all about show-and tell. Actions are likely to result from either passionate voices of nurturing care or charged voices of anger. Actions and communications could be inspiring and compassionate or embattling and combustible for a few days before, during, and after this time.

Cancer Mercury opposite Capricorn Pluto Retrograde, most exact on 29th June – The intentions of the powers-that-be are revealed and emotionally responded to by those who are directly receiving and feeling their impact. This will likely reveal a need for balance to be forged or forced in matters where power is being abused by authorities and/or loved ones are feeling ignored or neglected.

Cancer Mercury quincunx Sagittarius Saturn Retrograde, most exact on 2nd July – Is your attachment to your past holding you back? Are your emotions getting the better of you? This is because they are out of alignment with factual truth. Make sure emotions aren’t causing a willful overlooking of facts as this could prove to have serious consequences in the long run.

Cancer Mercury square Aries Uranus, most exact on 4th July – Emotion-driven perspectives and communications may prove to be out of alignment with popular opinion… or popular opinion may challenge emotion-driven perspectives which are likely attached to the past. “Fireworks” could be caused if you’re speaking to others and ignoring their feelings, especially if one party is trying to hold onto the past while others are trying to move forward.

Mercury leaves Cancer for the sign of Leo on 5th July.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers. Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,





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