We experience the 2017 Cancer New Moon on Friday, 23rd June 2017, reaching its maximum phase at 7:31p PDT (2.78°).

New Moons bring the energy of new beginnings in their respective sign placement. In this case, the Cancer New Moon brings opportunities for emotional renewal. And this time around in 2017, we are still under the glow of the Summer Solstice energy from three days before and more inspired than usual to begin anew with the encouragement of the new season.

Numerologically, this will occur on a 3 universal day for some of the world (including North America), but for most of the world, this New Moon will be taking place on Saturday, 24th June which is a 22 universal day. We are all under the energy of a 1 universal year – an energy of new beginnings, fresh starts, and planting seeds for the future which gives ALL of the New Moons this year more fortitude than usual. We are also all under the influence of a 7 universal month which supports rest, relaxation, and intellectual reflection upon experiences had and lessons learned. For those under the influence of 3 energy for this New Moon, this will be a time for seeking and sharing information, learning, understanding, and the personal and collective growth which can ensue. For those under 22 energy, this will be a time for securing and nurturing our “inner circles” of emotional nurturing and support.

The numerological energies are important to note for this 2017 Cancer New Moon. That’s because  the sign of Cancer is associated with home, family, and other people and things which emotionally imprint upon our lives, especially our maternal archetypes or mother figures in our lives. These influences have taught us how to emotionally nurture, care for, and protect ourselves and each other, but they also tend to keep us strongly connected to our past experiences in whichever area(s) of our lives the sign of Cancer makes its presence felt (varying depending on our individual charts). As result, we may find ourselves inspired and encouraged by this New Moon to either seek new perspectives and/or to apply new approaches to current matters that have their roots in the past affecting our individual and collective abilities to move forward into our future(s).

Some powerful and productive question to ask yourself at this time:

  • Which relationships/partnerships in your life are rooted in the past? Do they still provide you with emotional nourishment and support in a positive and fulfilling way?
  • Which associations or affiliations are rooted in the past? Do they still provide you with emotional nourishment and support in a positive and fulfilling way?
  • Which emotional coping mechanisms from the past do you still employ today? Do they still serve you in positive and fulfilling ways, or are they creating a perception of emotional threat or harm that isn’t really there?

This 2017 Cancer New Moon is both an opportunity for you to recognize which elements from your past no longer serve you well AND an opportunity for you to seek (and find) new ways of emotionally nurturing and supporting yourself and those you are most emotionally invested in.

This 2017 Cancer New Moon will be strongly reflective of this emotional crossroads we are each and all experiencing in our personal lives and in our collective experience. This is a time in which our pasts are being confronted head-on with our futures, revealing the present to be a confronting ideological battleground around us and within us. With Mercury and Mars also currently traveling through the sign of Cancer, we become fully aware that this ideology thing isn’t just an intellectual battle – it’s also an emotional one, and we’re more emotionally invested in the outcomes of these battles than many of us would probably care to admit. The current energy demands that we either allow our emotions to put us into state of fear of which makes us afraid of anything new and different , therefore keeping us attached to our past(s)… or that we allow ourselves to experience a different kind of fear – the fear of moving into an uncertain future which takes us out of our familiar emotional patterns and into new experience of the world around us and within us.

This Cancer Sun-Moon conjunction does not make any major aspects with any other celestial bodies at the time of its maximum New phase. Yet there are the other powerful transits active on this 2017 Cancer New Moon day which will play a role in how we approach our emotional new beginnings – beginnings which are asking us to rethink, recommit, and stand up to protect what we choose to be emotionally invested in. For some of us, that may require us to reassess exactly what those investments are, and these other transits reflect the energies we must navigate to clarify where and how we each want (or need) to take our first steps forward.

  • Cardinal T-Square configuration: Cancer Mars opposite Capricorn Juno Rx, both square Jupiter in Libra – There’s a growing awareness of existing imbalances along with a growing desire for those balances to be established or restored. There will be resistance – quite a bit of it, in fact – to bringing matters into balance, fairness, justice, and/or parity as the powers-that-be are committed to maintaining their power while those affected by their power are emotionally driven to shift that balance at least partially if not entirely to their favor.
  • Libra Jupiter quincunx Pisces Neptune Retrograde – Imbalances and injustices surface which are not in alignment with utopian ideals or delusional beliefs. In other words, we can’t continue pretending circumstances are ideal when they are anything but. This transit will make certain of that.
  • Cancer Mars trine Pisces Neptune Retrograde – Idealistic visions empower and inspire emotion-driven, forward-moving progress… though in some cases, emotion-driven actions result in visionary ideals which encourage reality-avoiding escapist behaviors.
  • Taurus Venus trine Capricorn Pluto Retrograde – Are the authority figures in your life inspiring and encouraging you to live your personal lifestyle in alignment with YOUR values… or theirs? As long as your values are indeed in alignment with theirs, this could be a very empowering time.
  • Gemini Ceres opposite Sagittarius Saturn Retrograde – Not getting our way often reveals our true values. Pay attention to what people are really upset about when things aren’t going their way to learn what really drives their values and beliefs.
  • Sagittarius Black Moon Lilith square Pisces Neptune Retrograde – Honest desire and idealistic visions are likely out of alignment, with serious challenges emerging as result.

We will feel the effects of this 2017 Cancer New Moon from the Summer Solstice on 20th June through 26th June, and it will help us decide whether or not we will use the present moment to repeat the past or move into a new and different future.

There is a great deal of fear in the air right now. The question is which fear are you willing to experience – the fear of the unknown or the fear of the same?

Listen to your heart to know which is stronger for you as the choice of which fear to honor is up to you.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers. Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,





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