The Moon reaches its maximum full phase of the 2017 Pisces Sun period at 7:54a PDT on Sunday, 12th March 2017 in the sign of Virgo (22.22°).

This time around, the 2017 Virgo Full Moon is reflecting the light of the Pisces 4 Sun. Pisces represents our dreams and aspirations- the romanticized, fantastic ones that really are rather idealistic. The 4 numeric energy is about security, stability, structure, and safety – foundation building. Put these two energies together, and you get the dreams and ideals we’ve built our lifestyles upon. These aren’t just any dreams and aspirations – these are the ones that are the cornerstones of our lives, the ones we’ve built our lives around and/or upon.

Yet for many of us, we haven’t realized them. That…or we haven’t honored them. We gave them up to seek our stability and security in more practical ways, or “life happened” and we put those dreams on the back burner in favor of other priorities. We may have sacrificed our self-expressions and our dreams to put others’ dreams ahead of our own. Yet our long-held dreams may still be in the depths of our hearts, causing us to feel as if something’s been missing within us for a long time. Under the influence of this 2017 Pisces 4 Sun-Virgo Moon opposition, what has been missing is now ready to be found.

This 2017 Virgo Full Moon helps us get in touch with how we really feel about the dreams and aspirations we put on the back burner…or maybe that we still aspire to. This Virgo Full Moon also confronts us with the question of why we haven’t pursued or realized them, getting us to the roots of the practical and emotional reasons we hold ourselves back and down from rising up to meet our dreams.

The plain and simple fact – the 2017 Virgo Full Moon helps us get to where we haven’t done the work or walked the talk to make our dreams come true.

The light from the Pisces 4 Sun is drawing more attention than usual to the emotions which come up around (or about) the practical matters of our lives. These emotions are being brought to the surface through the Virgo Moon. Under its influence, you now get to face your feelings about where you are in your life…and come to terms with where you aren’t where you want or hoped to be. You get to face where you’re feeling safe and secure in your everyday life, and where you are not feeling so solid and stable. You also have to face where your life is living up to your ideals and expectations, and where it is not.

The ideals we carry through the Pisces energy within us must now be implemented in our human lives through the pragmatic energies of Virgo…and many of us don’t feel so good having to face our real feelings about our lives. We also don’t feel so good about having to recognize where we have work to do if our dreams and aspirations are to be realized.

As those of us who spend a lot of time in the metaphysical-spiritual world will recognize, so many people (maybe even our own selves) look to “raise their vibrations”, to master higher levels of consciousness, to increase their intuitive or psychic abilities. Yet they often forget one thing – the more you move toward the Light and transcendence, the more you expose your darkness and your humanity.

Dealing with your personal demons and where you aren’t walking your talk is an inevitability when you choose to walk the spiritual path. The entire ideal of being spiritual means you are moving forward and upward with a consciousness which absolves you of your “sins”. Yet many people try to move on the spiritual path in order to avoid taking responsibility for themselves on a material, physical, or financial level. Yet this 2017 Virgo Full Moon will hold you accountable for not walking your talk, and will bring up exactly what is needed in order to live on the earthly, human plane what you aspire to on the etheric, spiritual plane.

A lot of this work will be done from the inside out. The 2017 Virgo Full Moon occurs on a 7 universal day, which brings an inclination to analyze and process information and details about your current lifestyle, especially in the context of where you currently are and what it will take to get to where you want to be. This is occurring within a 4 universal month, which again focuses on establishing a solid (resource) foundation for your life and lifestyle, and within a 1 universal year – a year of new beginnings, fresh starts, and initiative actions.

This 2017 Virgo Full Moon day is a day full of tension…which is a good thing because tension is a catalyst for change. However, it may not feel good. In fact, this day may be downright uncomfortable. Let’s look at why.

  • The Pisces 4 Sun is approaching conjunction with Chiron in Pisces at maximum phase, revealing a powerful healing component to this Sun-Moon opposition. The Sun-Chiron conjunction will bring the emotional-spiritual wounds to Light and, opposite the Virgo Moon, will trigger the emotions needed in order to inspire practical action steps toward healing those wounds.
  • Chiron is also in separating conjunction with Mercury in Pisces , and when this conjunction was exact about one day before the Full Moon’s maximum phase, it brought us into awareness of where we are (or aren’t) walking our talk.
  • Mercury in Pisces makes exact square aspect with Saturn in Sagittarius less than four hours before the maximum phase of the Full Moon. Whatever is not in alignment with truth will be called out as false or delusional. You may find you’re not able to proceed – you’ll be blocked, delayed, otherwise obstructed –with anything that is not aligned with Truth.
  • Aries Venus Retrograde square Capricorn Juno reveals which relationships are supporting you in achieving your goals and which ones are betraying or distracting you from them. You may struggle trying to choose yourself and your ambitions over your social connections. Yet, Capricorn Juno also makes trine aspect to Ceres in Taurus, and you are reminded that you’re pursuing your goals in order to manifest (or sustain) the life and lifestyle you want to have and live. This trine makes it easier to choose your goals over your friends. The friends who understand what you’re committed to will understand your absence. Those who don’t are worth letting fall away – they aren’t in the relationship for your benefit. Both Capricorn Juno and Taurus Ceres are sextile Pisces Neptune to form a Wedge configuration. With Neptune at the center, it affirms that it’s time to make your dreams the reality of your life. It’s time to take your aspirations out of fantasyland and give them some substance.

There’s also two T-Square configurations!

  • The first is a nodal T-Square with Black Moon Lilith in Sagittarius at the point. In this configuration, you are torn between staying in the past and staying with the frustration of your unfulfilled truth and waiting for the Universe to magically provide you with your dreams (Pisces South Node) …or moving into the unfamiliar future and willingly taking the practical steps to manifest your ideals (Virgo North Node).
  • The second T-Square is a wide one involving Aries Uranus opposite Libra Jupiter Retrograde with Capricorn Pluto at the point (0.60° out of 3° orb on the Pluto-Uranus leg). As more imbalances and injustices come to light, the more people are taking is upon themselves to align with others to fight back in their own self-interests. With Pluto in Capricorn at the point, the societal institutions which are at the center of these challenges will be confronted with a call to either self-correct/self-balance or be attacked or destroyed by those who are willing to fight on behalf of the community or the majority of people. This one is even more powerful because it is a cardinal T-Square, meaning the energies involved are initiative, leadership energies. Whatever is set in motion at this time will continue to make its presence known for a while. The impact may not be felt today, but it will build in its influence and power over time.

The 2017 Virgo Full Moon reminds us of the practical and emotional work to be done. Are you ready to get to work?

Because your future – and all of our futures – depend on it. You and the fulfillment of your dreams are needed in the world at this time.

So, get to work.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and  Numbers. Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,





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